SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Not sure if this is the type of thing you wanted, struggled with the yellow kit.
Wow superb many thanks 👍
Had a bit of a play, have made a few versions slightly outside the brief
The Flameo
Holland fantasy kits
In game look great thanks again
with them as sponsors 😀
Great work thanks
Amazing! Think you could do a couple of fantasy kits for Portugal? These are truly amazing! Love it!
The Flameo
Thank you. Here's Portugal fantasy kit
Hi when free looking for fantasy kits for a team I am bringing back into the DB Neath AFC
Home shirt Adidas Black with white ‘Adidas’ stripes on the shoulder and white collar white sleeves
Away shirt yellow with green ‘Adidas’ stripes on shoulder green collar green sleeves ,something like Brazil type design
3rd shirt light blue with red ‘Adidas’ stripes on shoulder red collar red sleeves
Sponsor Western mail [but perhaps the colour of text would be white to show on the fist team shirt]
when I say sleeve I mean this bit at the end of the short sleeve
and the club logo is this
Much appreciated for your help thank you
Ahmad Adly86
This looks great , Could you help with replacing the logo only ? from the one on the kits to this one
Anyone can make fantasy versions of this kit in SS kit plz ?
-reverse colors : red kit, red short and red socks. White logos
-and an other version : kit, short and socks with yellow as main color and blue as secondary color. red logos, execpt puma (in blue) 🙂.
Hope my english is clear.
Thanks a lot 🙂
Can anyone please make me a cromer town ss kit please? I'm looking for sponsors to be Number 1's Chip shop in Cromer and for the kit manufactor can be anyone. Can I have:
Home Kit: A Darkish Red/Black striped shirt
Away Kit: An almost Yeovil Green and White stripes
Third kit: Anything you want 🙂
I've attached a badge as well for reference 🙂
Thanks 😀
Jamie Lavin
Not sure if this got lost in the shuffle so just wanted to give it a nudge to see if anyone would be willing to do it.
Thanks in advance 😊
Hope these are ok
Perfect, I love it 😀 you're the best 🙂
Thank you 👍
Hope these are ok
Jamie Lavin
Better than ok! These are excellent. Thank you very much.
Ahmad Adly86
Apologies I had done these just forgot to post them
SS Kits dont have shorts and socks but I will work on the Shirts over the next few days
Yes absolutely. There are no shorts and socks on SS kits of course….. ^^
Sorry, i made a “copy-paste” with my post on 3D kits and forgot to edit.
Thank you 🙂
Ahmad Adly86
Thanks alot no need to apologize i only bumped it because i thought it got skipped thank you for helping and I totally love them
afternoon guys could anyone create me a logo and home and away shirt for my victor san marino save the home strip blue and white and away strip red and white thanks 🙏
Amazing work ! Thanks a lot 🙂
Real Oviedo
good evening guys could anyone help out with the victor san Marino logo and shirts please thanks 🙏
This sort of thing?