Hi,  😊


every time if i download, extract and put the three Files in that Path: …\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data


sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Changes.xml

sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Derby and Reading points reduction.fmf

sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Player Shirt Names.fmf


+ set Ingame the following Steps: 

Delete the Cache, Reload the Skin, Start a new Save


then: just one File is in the database Screen:

sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Changes.xml


i put Screenshot for the Proof.


Thanks for helping, because i want to start my first long Career



Greetings from Germany

18 years ago
2 weeks ago

Can you show us your editor data folder please?

Deleted Account #1359833

this my full editor data Folder at the Moment.   



Edit: i spoke in past with some User, to find the best Combination for compatible (Data or League Files) like:

  • your Data Files
  • Daveincids Increase Realism Megapack
  • Dave´s AroundTheGlobe Megapack
  • the german + japanese League File
  • some Files of Sortitoutsi Licensing and Real Name Fix File
  • Nik´s Files


18 years ago
2 weeks ago

My first suggestion is to delete the Sortitoutsi files.


Re-download the Data Update files, then start a new game and see if the files appear.

Deleted Account #1359833

i will try that - but i thought both Files are from Sortitoutsi, so i thought they are bot compatible


anyone who have those both download files packages and then all works ingame (database Step in the new game Starting Process)  ?

18 years ago
2 weeks ago

Yes, make sure you re-download the Real Name Fixes files from Sortitoutsi too.


Normally this will work when you start a new game, if not then there is a conflict with another of those files you are using.

Deleted Account #1359833

Update: (Screenshot)


Path: …\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data


sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Changes.xml

sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Derby and Reading points reduction.fmf

sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update - Player Shirt Names.fmf


when i just include these Files, ingame they are showing.

so, one of the other Files are corrupt for the compability


Edit: or i will check the files, because the other two Files did not start with “sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update -……”

= maybe that is the Issue and make little bit confused



Deleted Account #1359833

Update : Screenshot


forget it  😊😊😊

all files are fine.

the two Files, that did not start with “sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update ….." are also inside and shows up…

so, the Save can start…

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