8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 80: Picking up the pieces

When Hartlepool United's Brad Young sprung to his right to deny Luke Coulson, it was the end of the road for the 2020-21 season for Bromley. Basil had taken them from relegation candidates to within touching distance of making League Two for the first time ever and all done in six months. It had been a remarkable turn around in fortunes for the side, and Basil felt justified that he had made the right choice in swapping the warm climes of Melbourne for wet nights in Morecambe.

As Hartlepool skipper Michael Raynes lifted the National League Play-Off Final trophy high, surrounded by jubilant team-mates, Basil and his squad watched on from the centre circle. They had been that close. Tears flowed down the former Werribee manager's cheeks, it was heartbreaking. But as he applauded the 12000 or so Bromley supporters, Basil knew that this was not the end.

Jerry put a comforting arm around Basil's despondent shoulders. He was proud of his manager.

"Basil, please don't feel like a failure. You have done wonders for us in that short space of time."
"Have I? I really wanted promotion Jerry, I wanted it so much."
"I know you did, you exceeded what I asked from you when I appointed you last December. We go again next season."
"We do?"
"We do. And like last season, I'll be more than happy if you get us into a mid-table finish. Anything higher will be a bonus."
"OK Jerry. Appreciate it."

That night, the team and staff set in the hotel bar for one last night together. The following morning, the players would be on holiday mode but for Basil there was no respite for a few more days before he jetted out to Cancun for that break. There was some decisions to make, some harsh decisions.

Jerry had set next season's wage budget at a shade under £27,000 a week. Five players were still at the Club on non-contract terms, and out of those five only Ben Allen had impressed Basil of sorts so the manager drafted up a new one year deal worth £475 a week for the winger. The rest could depart. Basil then looked at the players out of contract in the summer, three of them (Chris Bush, Robbie Simpson and Michael Chambers) were on a shade over £2,000 a week between them. More savings there. Simpson had already announced he was to retire from playing but Brush saw no value in keeping Bush and Chambers. Of the others, it was up to them with fourth choice keeper Liam Towner also being set for release.

Then it was time to assess the loanees, all five of them. They were costing Bromley £3,000 a week in wages as all had been signed with Bromley taking on the players wages. Whilst each had done Bromley a huge favour, Basil knew he wouldn't want to retain them all for the new season. Of the five, he would like to have Joey Jones back but was undecided over Faysal Bettache, Ryan Galvin and Jack Diamond whilst Henry Woods just had not featured. Jones had been that rock at centre half that the squad needed, a presence in both boxes so if a deal could be struck with Salford then that would be one target for sure. The three that Basil wasn't sure over had played alright but not brilliantly. Bettache had a good central midfield partnership with Billy Bingham but flitted in and out of games as did Galvin and Diamond hence the uncertainty.

Basil ran the ideas past Jon McCarthy, his trusted assistant. McCarthy was in agreement. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, and a rebuild was to be done. The new season would see new faces, but first that holiday in Cancun and a chance to unwind those body batteries.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 81: Back to work

That holiday in Cancun was just what Basil needed, a break away from it all. Switch off the rat race and football business for a while, and soak up those rays. Except for a couple of days, it poured with rain constantly. There was only one possible solution when that happened, yeah sit at the bar and drink beer. What else could you do?

The female talent was also impressive to Basil. However, none were interested even when Basil told them he was a football manager. Basil reckoned as soon as he mentioned Bromley and not Manchester United, that was it. Who the heck are Bromley was the usual riposte although not in so many polite words. Still maybe the one would come along eventually, right?

Basil arrived back in the UK, bronzed and tanned and then back to work. It was time to plan for the 2021-22 season with Bromley, and although Jerry wanted another mid-table finish: Basil wanted to be promoted. His Bromley contract up was up at the end of the season, and depending where Bromley finished would make Basil's decision. Promotion, he would sign a new deal without hesitation but not and Basil would be weighing up options elsewhere. After all, it was definitely a "Have Coaching Badges, Will Travel" scenario for the Bromley gaffer. A club such as Bromley weren't massive, after all the stadium only held 5000 so you could only take them as far as you could. That's why he left Werribee.

On his first day back, Basil was greeted with some good news. Michael Cheek, who else, had won yet more awards. The striker who had bagged 31 goals in 2020-21, had only nabbed both the Vanarama National League's Golden Boot (his nearest rivals was 12 goals adrift) and the Player of the Year. Basil texted Cheek his congratulations, and the striker acknowledged back from his family break in Cyprus. Happy days all around, eh? Then it was down to squad planning. Although he had told Bush, Simpson and Chambers he wasn't renewing their respective deals, Basil officially let go of both Jordan Higgs and Jack Holland with immediate effect.

First to arrive, the re-signing of young winger Ben Allen on a 12 month deal. The former Gillingham youngster had shown glimpses of form under Brush, and the manager was keen to see what he could do further. The kid would either make it or not. Then as Basil started to go to work in his player search, it became apparent that Joey Jones wasn't going to be kept on by Salford and the manager's ears start to prick up in excitement. He picked up the phone eagerly.

"Jonesy, Jonesy."
"Alright Gaffer, can you make this quick? I've got to run to the gate for me flight to Tenerife."
"Yeah sure. Little bird tells me Salford aren't offering you a new contract."
"How about you join us here at Bromley permanently? £1200 a week, two year contract."
"Sounds good, I'll let you know in a few days if I want to accept it."
"Sure, enjoy your holiday Jonesy."

That was one deal in the pipeline sorted, and it wasn't to be the last. Basil noticed that Celtic had released ten players at the end of the season. The biggest name of them all was Scott Brown, but as much as he would love to sign such an illustrious player for Bromley, Basil knew the signing of "Broony" was a simple no-goer. No way would "Broony" drop into the National League, and anyway the wages would be astronomical. Jerry certainly would probably collapse at the demands.

He looked again at the list. There was some young talent available, maybe some of them could be tempted. He made offers for Armstrong Oko-Flex, a winger that had eight caps for the Republic of Ireland Under-21 side, and central midfielder Mark Hill. Both players were wanting more than Basil was willing to pay and that ended those interests there and then. Maybe once the wage budget had been adjusted after the impending departures then Brush might decide to go back in for each providing they were still available.

Two more names perked Basil's interest, teenage centre half Chris McQueen and midfielder Scott Cusick. The lads would fit into Basil's philosophy of attracting youngsters to make them first teamers and the wages wanted were bargain basement, each wanted less than £300 a week. Ruben Sammut, whom Basil had tried to bring in on deadline day, was still available but Sutton United were also interested. Basil faxed a deal to the players agent. and tapped his fingers together in hope. That first day back had been rather hectic.

It didn't stop there. The following day, another free agent's name cropped up. Dylan Duncan had been released by QPR and would add more quality to the midfield. Prior to joining QPR, Duncan had spent six seasons in the Tottenham academy system which further illustrated his potential. Brush offered him a no contract deal; with the hope that if he impressed enough in pre-season then it would lead to a permanent one. As soon as that had been done, Basil was advised that an audacious season long loan for Celtic's Barry Hepburn had failed as the Bhoys weren't keen to release him. Still he remained on the Bromley's boss radar.

Suddenly, Basil's mobile bleeped. It was a message from Joey Jones, the centre half had said yes. He had got the man he wanted, his first choice defensive target. The Salford defender would join Bromley permanently on 1 July 2021 on the expiry of his deal at the 'Ammies. Basil screeched in delight so loud that his PA came into his office all a flap and concerned.

17 days to go to the start of pre-season. Still time to wheel and deal more, oh the joys of being a football manager eh?
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 82: Building blocks

Since arriving back from Cancun, Basil had been hard at work. He was sometimes doing 14-16 hour days, 7 days a week, in his pursuit for preparing for the new season ahead. Since he had nobody to cosy up to at home, he saw nothing wrong with what he was doing. That said, he was always straight to bed as soon as he walked through the door.

Pleased to have gotten Joey Jones on board again, this time on a permanent deal rather than a loan, Basil anxiously awaited news of the rest of his bids. It was the middle of June when he got the first piece of good news and it marked the signing of not just one but THREE players in the space of 24 manic hours! First to arrive was central defender Chris McQueen. Although not tall, McQueen had the ability to become a potential sweeper should Basil decide to with a back three as opposed to a back four which he conventionally adopted. It gave the manager options.

The following saw a couple of new faces arrive at Hayes Lane. First to sign on the dotted was a former reserve team colleague of the afore mentioned McQueen, midfielder Scott Cusick. Both Scots were under 20 years of age, which fitted in with the philosophy that both Basil and Jerry had. Cusick was soon joined by Dylan Duncan, yet another midfielder. With these signings especially, Basil felt he had filled the void that was going to be left by the end of Faysal Bettache's loan from QPR. That said, Bettache had just signed a new two year contract with the West London outfit but Basil would be keeping a close eye on the Algerian's progress in case he became available for either a long or short term loan contract.

There was more transfer news to follow the day after too. However, this time it proved to be a snub rather good news. Snubbing Basil and Bromley was Republic of Ireland Under-21 internationalist Armstrong Oko-Flex who had turned down the chance to move back down South and instead deciding stay in Scotland. Oko-Flex, seen by Basil as the answer to his winger dilemma, chose to move to Motherwell who immediately put him in their reserves and on the loan list. So much for progression, eh? Basil brushed off the snub in typical Basil style: "What will be, will be." he muttered to himself when the rejection news came through.

Then followed a rare period where nothing really much happened apart from the entire backroom staff pledging their support for another campaign. At least I don't have to fill those positions Basil said to himself, it just smacked of continuity and stability which for any manager was important at whatever level they were at. Basil's fifth signing of pre-season wasn't too far away though, as Ruben Sammut finally agreed terms to end a protracted transfer saga but Bromley having to pay a nominal fee and gain international clearance for the 20 times capped Maltese internationalist. With three midfielders bagged, Basil was sure he now had more than enough depth in that area of the pitch. All that remained from his "shopping list" was a new left back since he deemed Anthony Wise still raw and green, maybe a back up central defender and a left winger.

The date of 25 June was to prove significant on the planner as that was the date the Vanarama National League released the fixtures for the new season, and Bromley themselves announced their pre-season schedule. As regards the league, the computer handed Basil and his charges a home opener with Stevenage coming to Hayes Lane. In the dugout for the 'Boro would be former Chelsea Women manager Emma Hayes, who had been sacked by Scunthorpe United after just less than nine months in the role. The first away game would be three days later and a trip North to Mill Farm to face AFC Fylde who inflicted a 5-3 loss on Bromley before that incredible sequence of win after win began.

Boxing Day would see Bromley be on their travels, a 240 mile round trip to Yeovil. As the season begins with a home game, naturally it ends with one too as Harrogate Town come to Hayes Lane. Maybe champagne corks will be a popping? That was the hope but Basil wasn't getting too carried away with it all. As soon as those fixtures were announced, the pre-season schedule was next. Six games were diarised with a trip to Kingstonian starting proceedings on the first Saturday in July. Four home fixtures were next with Mansfield first, and Lincoln last but sandwiching those were games against Bromley's senior affiliate clubs: Crystal Palace and Gillingham. The schedule would end with a trip to Bedfordshire and Dunstable Town who had George Best playing for them in the latter stages of his career back in the seventies.

The players returned back to training three days later, including the players that Basil had marked for release. Whilst each of them put in good shifts, Basil was not about to change his mind and as the calendar ticked over into July: no less than ten players left Bromley to seek pastures new elsewhere. Obviously Basil was hoping that none of them would come back to haunt him and Bromley this forthcoming season but this was the cut and thrust of football management. There was no room for sentiment as far as Basil was concerned. As he looked on with a watching brief, Basil looked at the figures. Bromley were almost £3,000 under Jerry's wage budget for the season.

Plenty of scope for a few more new arrivals then? Why not. Let's get back to work and root out some freebies, Basil said to himself as he retreated back to his office.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 83: That's all folks!

Having brought in four newcomers to Bromley since the transfer dealings came into earnest, Basil was keen to add more and more so he had more competition for places in his squad. "If I can have two players for each position then that creates decisions and decisions are needed to make the dream work." Basil said to himself as he flipped over his desk calendar to read Thursday 1 July 2021. The team were in their fourth day of pre-season training with the first friendly just a matter of 48 hours away.

Joining that group for the first time as a permanent Bromley player was central defender Joey Jones whose signing from Salford City was now complete. Thus it came as no surprise to many in the squad to see the Northern Irishman line up in the training games alongside Harrison Holgate since the two had developed a good understanding on that unbeaten run. But with a bit of wriggle room available, the signing of Jones was not to be the only signing made by Brush in July. That was a given.

The opening friendly came around on that first Saturday. Basil had decided for all friendlies, he wanted a watching brief and to place the team control duties to assistant manager Jon McCarthy. So when that first friendly kicked off on King George's Field in Tolworth, the home of Corinthian Casuals, Basil sat in the main stand with notepad in hand. The game was hardly a classic though bar the incessant signing for 90 minutes non-stop by the 217 away fans in a crowd of 312. They left with something to cheer too thanks to skipper Billy Bingham. Bingham scored the only goal of the contest, a thumping 30 yarder that rocketed into the roof of the net after TQ Addy had set him up.

A sixth new face had come in the day before as Brush once again raided a Scottish team. Arriving at Bromley was 24 year old left back Blair Malcolm. Malcolm had joined on a season long loan from Alloa Athletic in the Scottish Championship. He would fill the void created by Ryan Galvin's return to Hillsborough, and a huge plus was that he could also fill in at central midfield should the need arise. That came in useful soon as Brush would experience a blow to his pre-season plans when Bingham twisted his knee innocuously in training, resulting in a week on the sidelines. Yet as the skipper limped away from training, Brush was welcoming his seventh newcomer to Hayes Lane in the shape of central defender Joe Gubbins who had been released by QPR.

Still Basil was not done yet with his transfer dealings as the days ticked towards that first home friendly against Mansfield Town. Another central defender would arrive 48 hours before the game, Harry Ransom making the short trip from The New Den to Hayes Lane with a season long loan from Millwall. The 21 year old would add more competition to those two places in the heart of the Bromley defence. Then he brought in his ninth new face of what had been a whirlwind transfer month, Portsmouth's Northern Irish academy winger Eoin Teggart also joined on a season long loan deal. Ballynahinch born Teggart, 19, had been part of the Pompey Under 23 side last season and again would fill another void: this time the one left by Jack Diamond's return to Sunderland.

Teggart's signing would be the last one for now. If any more new faces were to come in, then someone would have to leave the Club to allow that to happen. There was no money left on the wage bill now. Well you can't get someone for a wage contribution of £2 unless the loaning out club would pay for the wages and that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
10 years ago
1 week ago
8 years ago
1 year ago
By bigmattb28 30 December 2021 - 09:26 AM UTC


Thank you, and for continuing to follow this story. It's very much appreciated.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 84: Not exactly what the doctor ordered

After completing the loan signing of Eoin Teggart, Basil's attentions switched to prepping the team ready for the first home friendly of the new season. Once more the team management on the day would be under the auspices of Jon McCarthy with Basil sat in the stands making notes on what was impressing him and what was annoying him.

That second friendly proved to be pretty forgettable for Basil and Bromley. The positive was that they didn't lose the game but there was more than negative to irk the boss' unhappiness. Bromley managed just a single shot in the ninety minutes, and even that was off target without troubling the Mansfield goalkeeper. Then if that wasn't annoying enough, new signing Ruben Sammut hobbled off with twenty minutes left. The diagnosis? A groin strain that would sideline the Maltese internationalist for 4-5 weeks. That was basically his pre-season finished with whether Basil liked it or not. The challenge was to try and get him fit enough for the opening game of the season against Stevenage on the first Saturday in August.

Then it just got that bit worse 48 hours before the second home friendly, this time parent club Gillingham would be in opposition. The latest addition to Sean Wickenden's treatment room would be the man that Basil saw as the perfect foil to the poacher that is Michael Cheek; Vadaine Oliver. The target man twisted his ankle in the final few minutes of the morning training session, and the manager knew immediately that the big fella was in trouble. Wickenden confirmed the gaffer's fears, another one with a 4-5 week absence and no more pre-season.

The performance against Gillingham was far better as Basil saw Bromley show their battling qualities to come from behind and eventually shake hands on 3-3 draw. Back from his injury, skipper Billy Bingham opened the scoring in the 19th minute when he smashed a volley in from the edge of the penalty area giving Jack Bonham in the Gills goal no chance at all. The lead lasted just six minutes though as left winger Gevaro Nepomuceno levelled for the League One visitors. The Gills then appeared to take control of the friendly with two goals either side of half time from central defender Connor Ogilvie and striker Benny Ashley-Seal.

But inspired by their talismanic goalscorer Cheek, Bromley showed their quality and in the end were unlucky not to take the win. In the 55th minute Cheek scored his first of the game with a thumping finish from a Ben Allen cross. Then four minutes after that strike, Cheek scored his second to tie up the game. A teasing ball forward from Mohammed Sangaré saw Cheek loop a header over Bonham and trickle into the vacant net.

Next up, the glamour home friendly against Rafa Benitez's Crystal Palace. All Basil was wanting two things: a decent performance from the team and most importantly NO MORE INJURIES!
8 years ago
1 year ago

Domestic Managerial Jobs: Werribee City: 1 July 2019 - 19 December 2020 Bromley: 19 December 2020 - present

International Managerial Jobs: Cook Islands: 27 September 2020 - present

Awards Won:
2019-2020: National Premier Leagues Victoria 2 (with Werribee City)
2020-date: Vanarama National League Manager of the Month x3 (with Bromley)
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 85: Cards on the table

The big pre-season friendly was just 24 hours away when Premier League Crystal Palace would make the short journey to Hayes Lane. Nobody knew what sort of side that Palace Head Coach Rafael Benitez would name. Would it be a full strength side; or would it be a team of youngsters? Or would it be a mix of everything? Palace had recently come back from a three game tour of the Netherlands, and this would be their fourth friendly (similar to Bromley) but with their own prestigious home friendly against Eintracht Frankfurt on the Saturday at Selhurst...nobody had a scooby! It would be a case of wait and see.

With preparation going rather well, save for the absences for Ruben Sammut and Vadaine Oliver, Basil called in assistant manager Jon McCarthy and club captain Billy Bingham to his office for a wee leadership group chat after training. The guys sat down, and Basil spelled out his thoughts. McCarthy and Bingham looked on intently.

"Thanks for popping in lads."
"No problem gaffer. What's a matter?" Billy Bingham replied.
"Something amiss?" Jon McCarthy added.
"No, nothing wrong lads. Just thought I'd tell you both of my plans for the season ahead."
"OK, fair play." Bingham said.

The tension was palpable.

"Right lads, as you know I've told the team we're aiming for a mid-table finish as per the expectations from those above."
"Yeah, seems realistic that." the guys responded.
"Well, I've not made this clear to anyone else but you two. I want promotion."
"Wow!" Bingham reacted with surprise.
"It's the final year of my contract here, and I want to see it end with promotion. Nothing less."
"Aren't you going to sign a new deal?"
"Between us, no. Unless we get promoted. If we don't, I'm away."
"This club deserves a shot of the Football League, especially for players like you Bings and Cheeky (Michael Cheek). It's promotion or bust guys for me."
"Fair do. When will you walk, that's if you do." McCarthy asked.
"When it's beyond reaching that objective, so any time. Not a word to anyone mind, I'm entrusting you with this."
"Sure. Guess you have your plans and ideals?"
"I do. Now let's get those final preps for Palace complete. They're expecting a 5000 sell out for the game."
"Yeah, Jerry told me before training this morning. Let's give them something to be very happy about it. That concludes the meeting."

With that Bingham rose from his chair and left the room. McCarthy sat there as Basil dug a couple of pens from his desk drawer and prepared to outline his Palace thoughts on the tactics board. Game prep time.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 86: Pre-season means nothing, nothing

The final three pre-season games gave Basil proverbial food for thought. Thoughts of where he saw his team ahead of the big kick off on 7 August against Stevenage. And by the end of July, Basil knew that the squad was good enough to achieve its objective from Jerry but should they achieve Basil's personal one then they would need upgrading.

Game number four of the schedule would be a midweek visit from Premier League Crystal Palace. The game had attracted so much attention locally that the sold out signs were up at Hayes Lane. A capacity crowd of 5000 were in residence with half of them bedecked in the red and blue of the visitors, and Eagles chief Rafael Benitez didn't disappoint with his team. Whilst there was good sprinkling of young promising talents on show, established pros such as Patrick Van Aanholt, Oriol Romeu, James McCarthy, James McArthur and Connor Wickham supplemented them.

Predictably Palace dominated the game and three goals in an eight minute spell put them in control and swat away any chances of Bromley recording a famous triumph. The opener came on the half hour when left winger Sean Robertson bulleted home a far post header from a Jude Russell cross. Robertson turned provider in the 36th minute, crossing for Wickham to guide home in a header of his own. Then two minutes after that, it became 3-0 to the away side when Van Aanholt's inswinging free kick was met by yet another header from Robertson. The scoring was complete three minutes after half time with an unerring finish from just inside the box by McArthur that gave Mark Cousins no chance in the home goal.

So with that game in mind, Basil studied the game tape like a student revising for an all important exam. Whatever he dissected from it, the team could take any positives from it and use them hopefully in the final home friendly on the Saturday afternoon against Lincoln City. However, before that game, Bromley would release their squad numbers for the season ahead and unsurprisingly enough there were a few changes. The main changes were as follows: Ryan HUDDART, change from 23 to 1. Mark COUSINS who wore 1 last season, now wears 13. Jordan LAWRENCE-GABRIEL, change from 13 to 2. Billy BINGHAM, change from 10 to 8. Michael CHEEK, change from 12 to 10. Harrison HOLGATE, change from 34 to 14.

Of the principal new signings, Blair Malcolm was allocated 3 and Joey Jones 5. Ruben Sammut has been handed shirt number 16.

The final home friendly against Lincoln saw Bromley share the spoils on a 1-1 draw with both the goals coming in the final two minutes. In fact it was Malcolm, playing in central midfield, who gave Bromley the lead when he cut inside to blast in a long range effort that gave Imps substitute keeper Charlie Andrew no chance whatsoever. Then as we entered the last minute of time added on, Lincoln levelled matters when Matt Rush gave the ball away in the centre circle. Mark Harris sped forwards before releasing Alex Jakubiak who finished into the exposed empty net. Earlier in the game Lincoln had had the ball in the net six minutes before half time through Dan Scarr but it had been disallowed for an infringement by Rollin Meyanese in front of the home keeper.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 87: Preparations complete, now time for the real thing

Basil reflected in the home dressing room after the home friendly draw with Lincoln that his reshaped Bromley side still had a lot to improve on. Last season had ended in a disappointing conclusion and it would be a much changed line up that would start the new campaign. The team would still play to Basil's footballing principles but the question that Basil was asking himself: Did we overachieve last season?

As the days ticked closer to the final pre-season friendly at Dunstable, the media intensity increased. The Non-League Paper did their regular pre-season preview, and Basil was amazed at what he read:


Last Season Position: 2nd

Last season was an incredible season for fans of the Ravens. The team looked liked relegation candidates going into the all important Christmas period but that's when their fortunes changed. They brought in former Celtic midfielder Basil Brush from a managerial sojourn in Australia, and from 30 January: went on a 16 match unbeaten run which is a National League record. That run propelled the Ravens into a second placed finish, just a point behind eventual champions Aldershot.

Bromley have brought in a series of new faces this summer, former Chelsea trainee Ruben Sammut being the stand out signing. They will still be heavily reliant on the midfield creativity of skipper Billy Bingham and the goals from hotshot Michael Cheek; both who have signed new deals with the Ravens amid interest from League Two sides. The question remains: can they go one better this time and erase that Play-Off Final heartache?

Prediction: 6th
Key Player: Michael Cheek

So that's what the media think, eh? Basil said to himself as he put the newspaper down on his desk. Time to show them a thing or two. Michael Cheek was also being predicted to top the goalscoring charts for a second successive season by the same pundits. Cheek had hit 31 last season, and 44 in just 80 games since arriving at Hayes Lane in the summer of 2019. The bookies had him as 4/5 favourite to win it. No pressure then. Young striker Ollie Tanner had been impressing Basil in training so much that he was pushing for a start against Dunstable when he went down in pain three days before said game under a heavy but fair challenge from Harrison Holgate. The youngster's anguish was plain to see, and Basil knew it was a bad one indeed. Tanner had broken his lower left leg which would almost end his season, a seven month absence specialists advised.

Basil then got annoyed which was a rarity in itself. Armstrong Oko-Flex, whom the Bromley gaffer had tried to sign on a free from Celtic in the summer, had left his new employers Motherwell for Arbroath on a half season loan. The Irish Under-21 internationalist would have been a possible first team candidate should he have swapped the Hoops for Hayes Lane but he had chosen The Steelmen because he said he was confident of breaking into the first team there. But now he was out on loan, and this irked Basil no end. Would Basil consider signing if he became available again? He wasn't sure, perhaps that ship had started to sail away.

The final friendly saw a much changed line up take on Dunstable FC at Creasey Park. Of the starting eleven, only Ryan Huddart, Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel, Joey Jones and TQ Addy could consider themselves possible first teamers. The part timers took the lead in the 19th minute when midfielder Kelvin Nunn cracked home a superb half volley that Huddart had no chance whatsoever of saving. And the home side looked set for a surprise win until the introduction of Bromley skipper Billy Bingham with 14 minutes left. The arrival of Bingham in that short piece changed the impact of the game and as Dunstable visibly tired, Bromley hit them three times in as many minutes.

In the 85th minute, young winger Andrew Reay crossed from the right for Ben Allen to head in at the far post. Two minutes later, Bingham put Bromley with a low finish into the bottom corner from the edge of the area. Then as Dunstable pushed for an equaliser, Bromley hit them with a sucker punch third. Reay played the ball over the top and Vadaine Oliver took a couple of touches before blasting the ball into the net. The perfect way to finish the pre-season preparations off.

Any hope that Basil and Bromley would have a final week without any issues were dashed on the Monday after that Dunstable game. New signing and central defender Jones was the latest to enter the treatment room, with a twisted ankle. that would sideline him for a period of seven weeks. However that bad news was tempered with an ounce of good later in the week when Ruben Sammut returned to full training after his own injury absence. With Jones definitely out, the question Basil was asking himself was: is it worth risking Sammut in the league opener against Stevenage despite his lack of match fitness? With no other recognised defensive midfielder available, Basil's options were limited.

All Basil wanted was to make a good start to the season and build on the 16 game unbeaten run of last. No pressure then, right?
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 88: Decision making exercises

With the season just 48 hours away, Basil sat down with Jerry in the boardroom at Hayes Lane to discuss what were going to be club's priorities for the new campaign. Compared to last season, the Club was in four competitions instead of three. The extra competition had come about after Bromley's second placed finish last season. That new competition was the Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Challenge Cup, a competition to the Papa John's Trophy in England. Bromley would enter at the Third Round stage, the final 32.

So what was Jerry expecting his manager in 2021-22? Basil was keen to find out.

"Right Basil, you know why you're here don't you?"
"Yep, sure do Jerry. To discuss the Club's expectations for the new season."
"Bang on. Let's start with the National League since that's the bread and butter so to speak. I will be happy, as Club Chairman, to finish top half of the table. Granted we finished second last season, which was phenomenal, but we need to be realistic here Basil. This squad, with all the new additions we've made, is capable of a top half finish. What's your take Basil?"
"Spot on Jerry, we have the quality to finish in the top half here. The media have us to finish 6th and that will do me actually, it would put us in the Play-Offs and as you know: anything can happen with those. So we're in agreement here."

Jerry noted the thoughts down.

"Next, the FA Cup. Obviously we aren't going to win it, I mean it'll be probably be the biggest surprise ever if we did but we aren't going to see the FA Cup here anytime soon. Well, unless the nationwide tour of the trophy stops here. What do round we enter in, remind me."
"Fourth Qualifying Round, round before the First Round Proper Jerry."
"Well if we make the First Round Proper, that'll do. Basil?"
"I'd like to go a bit further Jerry but that's down to getting decent draws. Imagine getting someone like Manchester City, United, Liverpool, Chelsea or Arsenal here Jerry. We'd make a fair bit from that."
"I'd like West Ham myself Basil haha."
"Whatever Jerry, I'd like the Second Round to be a realistic aim. But if you're happy with making First Round Proper Jerry then who am I to think otherwise?"

Jerry noted again.

"FA Trophy next Basil. We underachieved last season in this but that's not down to you Basil, you arrived after the exit. I'd like us to do better and better as in the last eight. It's not beyond us."
"I like your optimism Jerry. Yes, note that one down."

And the Chairman duly did.

"Last one, the most least important one in my eyes. Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Challenge Cup; what the heck? Just give a decent showing and try not to get embarrassed results wise. Let's give them a game, whoever we get!"
"Yeah. Anything else to discuss?"
"No that covers it well, let's have a season to remember. Good luck."
"Thanks Jerry, and no contract talks until I feel it's the right time. End of."
"I'll remember that, and you can tell me to shut up if I do start talking about contracts at any time."
"Oh, I will. Believe you me Jerry, I will."

So that was the annual pre-season chat done with. Now time to focus on Saturday and a first ever female opposing manager in the other dugout in the shape of Emma Hayes. Whilst Basil was all for equality in football, there would be no favours Saturday, none at all. Football management is a dog eat dog world, especially in the men's game, and Basil wanted to be a perennial winner. If that meant taking three points off Ms. Hayes and her Stevenage side on Saturday then so be it. Period.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 89: Under starters orders

This was it, the start of the new 2021-22 National League campaign for Bromley and Basil Brush. After the disappointment of the Play-Off Final in May, it was time to reset and go again. Could the Ravens take that next step forward and move into League Two for the first time ever? That was the question that was buzzing around Hayes Lane as the fans gathered for that first game.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 1: Bromley 0 - 0 Stevenage (0 - 0)

Basil gave five of his new faces a starting berth as the Ravens took on Stevenage in the new season's opening day. Making the first starts were Harry Ransom, Blair Malcolm, Ruben Sammut , Dylan Duncan and Eoin Teggart with a fellow new face in Joe Gubbins on the bench. Unfortunately there was little for the fans to cheer over as the teams shook hands on a goalless draw. Stevenage had had the best of the chances but a point apiece was the end result.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Malcolm (Wise); Sammut (Gubbins); Duncan, Bingham ©; Addy, Teggart (Coulson); Cheek
Booked: Holgate, Bingham (1)
Man of the Match: Harrison Holgate (Bromley)
Attendance: 1,936
Position After Game: 13th

After sharing a glass of Merlot with Emma Hayes, Basil's attentions focused onto midweek. Midweek would see Bromley make the long trip north to Mill Farm to take on AFC Fylde. The Coasters, who had been predicted to win last season's title but fell away as Bromley, had inflicted the last league loss on Basil's side: 5-3 at Mill Farm in January. Therefore Basil was keen as mustard to put that particular record straight and extend Bromley's National League unbeaten record to an astonishing 20 games. Could they make it happen?

Vanarama National League
Matchday 2: AFC Fylde 1 - 2 Bromley (0 - 1)

After a goalless draw in their opening game, Bromley went a result better in their first away game of the season at Mill Farm and as a result avenged their 5-3 loss at the same venue last season. Last season's National League top scorer Michael Cheek was the matchwinner for Basil Brush's Ravens with his first goals of the season. For this game, Brush made a sole change from the side that had drawn with Stevenage: Young full back Anthony Wise came into the starting eleven at the expense of Dylan Duncan allowing Malcolm to move into a central midfield three.

Bromley opened the scoring in the 19th minute when Cheek directed home a header after Billy Bingham had swung in a cross from a corner routine. That corner had come about when Fylde keeper James Montgomery, a distant relative of Sunderland FA Cup winner Jimmy, had pushed a penalty from Cheek around the post: the penalty given for a reckless challenge on TQ Addy by Luke Burke. The away side were under pressure constantly and were thankful to Ryan Huddart for a series of saves to deny the homesters. That said, Bromley thought they had had a second in the 33rd when Bingham played a perfect pass through the home defence and Cheek finished with aplomb but the celebrations were cut short with a linesman's flag against the Bromley number 10.

They did get their second seven minutes into the second half though. The architect was young full back Wise who made an attacking run down the left before measuring a cross that Cheek nodded into the bottom corner from six yards out. That was the cue for Fylde to unleash an attacking onslaught but Bromley were resilient in defence. The home side did break through eventually and that came in the fifth minute of five minutes added on when John O'Sullivan produced a delightful solo finish past Huddart. Yet that was as good as it was for the home team and they slipped to their second defeat of the season whilst Bromley moved into the top echelons of the table.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom (Gubbins), Wise; Malcolm, Sammut (Oliver), Bingham ©; Teggart (Coulson), Addy; Cheek
Booked: Ransom (1)
Man of the Match: Billy Bingham (Bromley)
Attendance: 1,455
Position After Game: 8th

Friday saw Bromley find their opponents out in the Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Challenge Cup Third Round. Visiting Hayes Lane were the Blue Brazil themselves, Cowdenbeath. The draw went down well with one of the team, Blair Malcolm, when the news broke at training. The Scot, a new arrival at Hayes Lane this season, had two seasons at Central Park before joining Alloa for whom he is on loan to Bromley from. The same draw saw fierce Northern Irish rivals Glentoran and Linfield also drawn together and as a former Glens player, Basil's interest piqued no end.

That game would be played on Saturday 4 September meaning that the home league game against Gloucester City, originally planned for that date, was to be moved. The new date for that game, Tuesday 7 September. Next game mind, Stockport County at Hayes Lane. Build on that win in midweek was the mantra Basil left the players with as they headed down the tunnel to face the Hatters.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 90: 22 and counting...

Winning at Mill Farm in midweek exorcised the ghost of losing there last season, and Basil was a very happy manager when he boarded the bus home that night. It was also a bit of a statement as well. AFC Fylde were again one of the team expected to do well so to take maximum points off them on their patch, well it was a sign already that Bromley weren't going to be dubbed one season wonders. Or should that read half season wonders since Basil had taken over halfway through the campaign last season? Either way, the mood was certainly buoyant as the coach meandered its way down the M1 back to the South East.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 3: Bromley 3 - 1 Stockport County (3 - 1)

Bromley came back from the shock of conceding an early goal to see off Stockport County at Hayes Lane and continue their incredible unbeaten streak. After their midweek victory at title rivals AFC Fylde, Basil named an unchanged line up for Stockport's visit. This meant that young full back Anthony Wise kept his place after an impressive outing at Mill Farm. However, Stockport made the better start and took the lead after just four minutes. A patient build up by the visitors saw the ball land at the feet of Elliot Osborne fully 30 yards out and he drilled a low shot into the bottom corner giving Ryan Huddart in the home goal no chance whatsoever.

Bromley drew level eight minutes later. A run into the box from full back Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel was halted by Mazeed Ogungbo and referee Stephen Ross had no hesitation in pointing to the spot. Michael Cheek stepped up and produced the perfect penalty into the bottom corner for his third goal of the season. In the 15th minute, Bromley took the lead. A goalmouth scramble ended with Ruben Sammut poking in his first ever goal for the Ravens from inside the six yard box. Not the prettiest goal Sammut will ever score but important all the same. A third arrived on the half hour, Billy Bingham with the dangerous inswinging free kick and central defender Harry Ransom powered home a close range header.

Despite the promptings of Osborne, Stockport couldn't breach the home back line again and Bromley continued to extend their impressive unbeaten streak.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Wise; Malcolm, Sammut (Gubbins), Bingham ©; Teggart (Coulson), Addy; Cheek (Oliver)
Man of the Match: Elliot Osborne (Stockport County)
Attendance: 1,935
Position After Game: 5th

The busy opening month would continue three days later as Bromley were on their travels again. Once more, it would be a long trek north.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 4: Morecambe 1 - 1 Bromley (1 - 1)

Bromley dominated their away game at the Globe Arena but in the end had to settle for a point which extends their unbeaten run to an astonishing 22 games and counting. The Ravens showed a single change from the side that defeated Stockport 3-1 at the weekend. Out went on loan Portsmouth winger Eoin Teggart to be replaced by youngster Andrew Reay who was making his full debut for the Club.

The away side made the best possible start with a goal after just 50 seconds on the clock. A corner from Bingham was powered home at the far post by Cheek for the striker's fourth of the season, all in the last three games. Yet Morecambe were level in the ninth minute when Cole Stockton weighted a pass behind the Bromley defence and former West Ham trainee Sean Adarkwa angled a shot into the far corner. Chances were spurned after that and the teams eventually shook hands on a draw.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Wise; Malcolm (Duncan), Sammut (Gubbins), Bingham ©; Reay, Addy (Coulson); Cheek
Booked: Cheek (1)
Man of the Match: Jordan Cranston (Morecambe)
Attendance: 1,428
Position After Game: 7th
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 91: Steps in the right direction

Three games remained in the opening month for Basil and his Bromley side. It had been a tough month but the philosophy was to try and remain unbeaten from it. If the team could do that then Basil would be very much content indeed. Make a solid start was the latest mantra Basil preached at training, because it could easily define how the season would turn. Last season Bromley had had an unpredictable opening month which then spiralled out of control until Basil arrived on the scene.

With just one automatic promotion spot, Bromley needed to make that strong beginning their manager demanded from them.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 5: Wrexham 0 - 0 Bromley (0 - 0)

The fifth game of the season saw Bromley travel to North East Wales to take on their toughest assignment of the season so far. Their opponents? Wrexham. The Red Dragons were in their 13th season of National League football since being relegated at the end of 2007-08 season, but Bromley were keen to make a statement.

For the game, Basil opted to name an unchanged side from the side that started the 1-1 draw with Morecambe in midweek. The away side dominated the game from start to finish but it was their profligacy in front of goal that meant that they would end up going back to the South East with one point instead of three. The nearest any side got to scoring came in the opening minute of the second half, Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel with an angled shot on goal that thudded against Jake Eastwood's far post.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom (Gubbins), Wise, Reay, Malcolm (Duncan), Sammut (Coulson), Bingham ©, Addy, Cheek
Booked: Malcolm (1)
Man of the Match: Harrison Holgate
Attendance: 5,815
Position After Game: 9th

Vanarama National League
Matchday 6: Bromley 3 - 1 Boreham Wood (2 - 1)

The days between the visit to Wrexham and Boreham Wood's visit to Hayes Lane had been quiet. Apart from Anthony Wise picking up a slight knock in training to his knee which caused him to rest up for three days, the only news was that Ruben Sammut had been named in the Maltese international squad for their games against Georgia and Northern Ireland. It would mean the midfielder would miss the Cowdenbeath game and also the rescheduled home match against Gloucester City.

Boreham Wood's visit saw Brush name an unchanged side again and the team get off to a flying start with two goals in the first seven minutes! In the second minute, a corner from Billy Bingham was weakly headed out to TQ Addy ten yards out and the winger lashed in an unstoppable shot into the roof of the net. Five minutes later, Basil was doing his Mourinho jig down the touchline again as the Ravens doubled their lead. Picking up a pass from Lawrence-Gabriel 25 yards out, skipper Bingham lashed one of his trademark exocet missile shot that just flew into the goal. The fact Bingham hit it first time without taking a touch to steady himself made it all that more special, not a bad way to open your goalscoring account for the new season.

The Wood halved the deficit in the 20th minute when Michael Sparkes headed home a Ryan Alebiosu cross past Ryan Huddart. Yet they were second best on the day, and the points were wrapped with nine minutes to go. A lofted in free kick by Bingham was met by a towering header from centre back Harrison Holgate that clipped the inside of the far post and then in. Another case of job done well.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Wise, Reay (Coulson), Malcolm (Duncan), Sammut, Bingham ©, Addy, Cheek (Oliver)
Man of the Match: Billy Bingham
Attendance: 1,293
Position After Game: 4th

With no game scheduled for the Saturday, Basil decided to undertake a light training session but like anything: it didn't go with any problems coming out of it. Experienced number two goalkeeper Mark Cousins left in a bit of discomfort, and was rushed to the local hospital for a quick assessment. Doctors confirmed Basil's worst fears, Cousins was diagnosed with tendonitis in his knee through eventual wear and tear and a spell on the sidelines for up to nine weeks but a minimum of seven. With no funds available to sanction a short term loan deal, unless the loaning club would pay the full amount of the wages (which was highly doubtful), youth team prospect Will Todd would have to step up to become Ryan Huddart's deputy.

Basil just hoped that Huddart wouldn't get injured himself, then he would have a real goalkeeping crisis on his hands. And he didn't want that at all cost.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 7: Dagenham and Redbridge 0 - 2 Bromley (0 - 2)

That hectic first month would end up with the short trip to Dagenham and Redbridge. Basil, being the joker that he's always been, quipped that Bromley would be playing twice on August Bank Holiday Monday: first half against Dagenham and second half against Redbridge! But seriously, this was a chance to finish the opening month with another win. For this game, the side showed two changes from the side that won so well against Boreham Wood. Wise's knee had flared up again so Blair Malcolm reverted to left back from central midfield. With the team moving to 4-4-2, it meant a start for Vadaine Oliver up front alongside Michael Cheek. The other change saw Luke Coulson replace Andrew Reay in a like for like change on the right wing.

Once more the Ravens made a flying start, two goals in the first six minutes. The opener came in the fourth minute when a hanging corner from Bingham found its way through to Cheek at the far post and the striker finished confidently for his fifth of the season. However, the second one was another highlight reel goal. After playing a quick give and go with Cheek, Addy strode forward before hitting an effort from over 30 yards that Elliot Justham in the home goal never saw until it had whizzed past him and hit the back of the net. A really special effort.

It was a rather even game with both teams creating chances. Yet Bromley held on for yet another win and extend that streak which now stands at a remarkable 25 matches, just five behind Crawley's National League record of 30 set in the 2010-11 season. The game also saw the Bromley debut for Scott Cusick, a midfielder Basil had signed from Celtic in the summer.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom (Gubbins), Malcolm; Coulson (Allen), Sammut (Cusick), Bingham ©, Addy; Oliver, Cheek
Booked: Lawrence-Gabriel (1), Malcolm (2)
Man of the Match: Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel
Attendance: 1,545
Position After Game: 3rd
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 92: You gotta lose sometime, right?

September arrived and with it, another batch of fixtures for Basil and Bromley. The least important trophy of the four would start off proceedings before five more Vanarama National League fixtures: taking the total to twelve all ready by the time the month was out. Obviously Basil wanted to win them all, what manager wouldn't but equally he was sure there would be a bump in the road sometime. The media attention was whether Bromley could break Crawley's record, which would be nice, but as Basil prepared his squad: that was just a media statistic and if it happened, well it happened.

Third Round: Bromley 2 - 1 Cowdenbeath (1 - 1)

Bromley's first experience of the Scottish equivalent of the Papa John's Trophy ended up being a winning one as a late winner propelled them into the last 16. Basil had originally planned to give some of his fringe players a go, but the international call up for Ruben Sammut and the injury to Mark Cousins changed that thought. He would now treat it seriously and name a strong line up instead. That line up showed a couple of changes from the side that won at Dagenham and Redbridge. Mohammed Sangaré replaced the unavailable Sammut in central midfield whilst Harry Ransom was rested to allow Joey Jones to make his first start of the season after an injury absence.

The Blue Brazil took the lead in the 24th minute with a thumping shot from distance by Fionn McLeod-Kay scorched into the net, and sent the 8 away fans dancing with delight. Bromley levelled nine minutes before half time, a cross to the back post from Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel evaded all bar TQ Addy who half volleyed his effort across Jordan Millar and into the far bottom corner for his third in as many games. Both teams went for it after that as the fans were treated to an end to end encounter. There would be drama though.

As the game entered time added on, and the possibility of penalties, Cowdenbeath's Harvey Swann curled a free kick against the crossbar with Ryan Huddart beaten all ends up. Ben Allen hooked his clearance out to Michael Cheek out on the left wing and suddenly the counter was on. Cheek bombed down the wing then measured a cross onto the head of the supporting Scott Cusick who sent the home fans, and his manager, into delirium with his late, late winner. Cusick had only been on the pitch since the 78th minute but what an impact!

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Jones, Malcolm; Coulson (Allen), Sangaré (Cusick), Bingham ©, Addy; Oliver (Boorn), Cheek
Man of the Match: Fionn McLeod-Kay (Cowdenbeath)
Attendance: 1,222
Referee: Lloyd Wood (Dagenham)

The following day, the draw for the last 16 as well as the quarter-finals was made. Bromley's reward? A long bus ride to Arbroath, whose ground is the closest to the sea as the North Sea regularly batters the stadium on windy days. Should they succeed in that, then a quarter-final home tie against either Airdrie or Morton would be Bromley's next opponents. Basil looked at the Arbroath squad, and one name stood out and that was of loanee from St Mirren: Oan Djorkaeff. Surely no relation Basil thought. But it was, it was the son of former French internationalist and Bolton Wanderers legend Youri. He would need some special attention if he played.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 8: Bromley 3 - 1 Gloucester City (1 - 1)

No respite for Basil and his team as midweek would bring the rearranged game against National League newcomers Gloucester City at Hayes Lane. Bromley showed three changes from the side that started against Cowdenbeath. Matchwinner Cusick replaced Sangaré in central midfield, Ransom came back into central defence whilst Ben Allen made his first start in place of Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel who was injured in the closing stages of the Cowdenbeath victory. Allen's inclusion on the right wing saw Luke Coulson drop back to right back. In the Gloucester side was former Bromley midfielder David Boateng, on loan from Bolton Wanderers.

The game didn't begin well as Gloucester took the lead inside five minutes. A free kick from Joe Hanks was met by the head of Josh Olatubosun and the header was precise enough to beat Huddart in the home goal. Hanks though would see his evening end nine minutes further on when he received a straight red from referee Paul Rees for a late challenge on Addy. Five minutes after being given the numerical advantage, Bromley levelled matters when a cross from Addy was volleyed superbly into the far corner by the returning Allen.

It was a physical encounter with the referee being kept busy, and cards being produced at regular intervals. Eight minutes after the restart, Bromley edged ahead when a cross from Cheek was headed in by Allen for his second goal of the game. The points were sealed with a third goal in the 76th minute. Billy Bingham curled in a free kick, and Ransom's header had enough power to beat Lewis Clayton despite the stopper getting a hand to it. It was the Millwall loanee's second goal of the season.

Team: Huddart; Coulson, Holgate (Gubbins), Ransom, Malcolm; Allen, Cusick (Sangaré ), Bingham ©, Addy; Oliver (Boorn), Cheek
Booked: Cheek (2), Allen (1)
Man of the Match: Ben Allen
Attendance: 1,428
Position After Game: 3rd

Vanarama National League
Matchday 9: Chesterfield 2 - 1 Bromley (0 - 0)

The third game in seven days saw Bromley head north again and this time arrive in the town that has a crooked spire. It was destination Chesterfield and a visit to the Proact Stadium, and a chance once more for Basil to show the Spireites board what they were missing out when they didn't appoint him a year ago. For the game, Bromley showed a couple of changes from midweek. Lawrence-Gabriel had been passed fit to return at right back whilst Sammut was back from his international duties and replaced Vadaine Oliver as Bromley went back to a 4-5-1 formation.

Bromley thought they had taken the lead in the 10th minute. Allen clipped in a free kick which was headed into the net by Cheek for what he thought was his sixth goal of the season. However the prolific striker's celebration were muted almost immediately when a linesman's flag was in the air. And so the teams traded chances but ended the first half scoreless. Bromley took the lead in the 58th minute when a Lawrence-Gabriel cross was headed out by John Johnson as far as Addy who teed up Bingham who smashed in a long range bullet past the helpless Luke Coddington.

Chesterfield weren't behind for long though as they equalised almost immediately with a long range strike of their own, Charlie Wakefield scoring a 25 yard thunderbolt that Huddart was nowhere near. The winner came six minutes later, Wakefield with the free kick and Joe Rowley got there before Huddart to head into the net. So a first league loss in 26 for Bromley, how will they respond to it?

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Malcolm; Allen, Cusick (Coulson), Sammut (Gubbins), Bingham ©, Addy (Oliver); Cheek
Booked: Malcolm (3), Cusick (1), Addy (1), Lawrence-Gabriel (2), Coulson (1)
Man of the Match: Charlie Wakefield (Chesterfield)
Attendance: 4,054
Position After Game: 4th
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 93: Losing happens, but it's how to bounce back that matters

As Basil waved the Lads back to Bromley after that Chesterfield loss, he pondered. He was going to have a few days just up the A61 in Sheffield, seeing people he hadn't seen in a long time. It would also release a bit of tension he could sense, and give him that bit of time away from the pressures of football management. Granted Bromley were in a nice position, fourth, but as the coach pulled away Basil realised that there was still plenty of football to be played. We were only in the middle of September after all.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 10: Bromley 4 - 2 Solihull Moors (2 - 2)

Bromley's next game after that Chesterfield loss was the first of back to back home games. Visiting Hayes Lane in midweek would be table toppers Solihull Moors, a team that had made an unbeaten start to the season. Basil made a couple of changes to the side, and both were midfield related. Out went Ben Allen and Scott Cusick, and replacing them were Dylan Duncan and Luke Coulson in like for like swaps. The team remained in a 4-5-1 formation for the second successive fixture.

The loss at Chesterfield seemed to have hurt Bromley as they made the worst possible start, Moors scoring the game's opening goal after just six minutes play. Charlie Kinsella's free-kick saw Harrison Holgate and Mark McManus tussle with the latter going to ground under the former's challenge. Penalty Solihull. Up stepped Adam George to make no mistake from twelve yards. Nine minutes later, Bromley were level when a superb slide rule pass from top scorer Michael Cheek found Duncan breaking from midfield and the former QPR man kept his composure to slot the ball past the advancing Shaun Rowley for his maiden Bromley goal.

Just after the half hour, Moors hit the front yet again. Some neat interchange passes saw the ball land at the feet of James Ball 25 yards out and the former Bolton trainee drilled a low shot into the bottom corner. The lead lasted just five minutes, Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel sending Duncan rampaging down the right and he returned the favour for Cheek to prod home a shot that crept under Rowley into the net. There were no goals after that so the teams went into the half time break level in an already absorbing contest.

The game ebbed and flow in the second half too, and it took an inspired substitution to break the tie. Portsmouth loanee Eoin Teggart had struggled to adapt to his new surroundings but his introduction in the 64th minute changed the game. Four minutes after coming on, the boy from Ballynahinch put the Ravens into a lead they would never relinquish. It was a beautiful solo effort by the winger that saw him skip away from three Moors challenges before placing a shot under Rowley and into the far corner. Then he sealed the points in injury time, finding the top corner to cap a counter attack when Moors pushed for an equaliser in a bid to preserve their unbeaten record.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom (Wise), Malcolm; Coulson, Duncan, Sammut (Jones), Bingham ©, Addy (Teggart); Cheek
Booked: Addy, Ransom (2)
Man of the Match: Eoin Teggart
Attendance: 1,454
Position After Game: 4th

"It was a mini blip", that's what Basil was saying to the media when questioned about the resilience of Bromley post-game. Could they make it two from two on the Saturday?

Vanarama National League
Matchday 11: Bromley 1 - 1 Yeovil Town (0 - 0)

After their midweek win against the then leaders of the National League, Bromley went into Saturday's game with renewed optimism that they could rise back up the table. Basil made one change from the 4-2 victory over Solihull, Moors match winner Teggart was rewarded with a start in place of TQ Addy. Otherwise Bromley fielded the same team and in the same formation for a third game in succession.

Like the midweek game, this game was full of entertainment and chances. Yet the real drama happened in the final four minutes. With 86 minutes on the clock, Bromley skipper Billy Bingham curled a free-kick into the top corner to give his side the lead. Then as the home fans bayed for the final whistle, the game had one final twist. Alex John lofted one last ball forward into the path of Lawson D'Ath, and the attacking midfielder took one touch before thumping an unstoppable shot from outside the box that whizzed past Ryan Huddart and silence the home crowd.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Malcolm; Coulson, Duncan, Sammut (Rush), Bingham ©, Teggart (Addy); Cheek
Booked: Sammut (1), Cheek (3)
Man of the Match: Billy Bingham
Attendance: 1,693
Position After Game: 6th
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 94: Wake me up when September ends, oh it has....

Just one game remained in September 2021 for Basil and Bromley, and that was with rivals Sutton United at Gander Green Lane. Sutton were still probably smarting from the fact that the Ravens had knocked them out of last season's play-offs, and had brought in seven new faces in the summer. Despite their mid-table position, Basil was not underestimating the home side as he prepared for his team's latest test.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 12: Sutton United 0 - 2 Bromley (0 - 0)

Bromley made the short hop across to Gander Green Lane for a lunchtime kick off with hosts Sutton United. The game was live on BT Sport as part of their continued backing of the National League, so Basil saw this as a good opportunity for his team to showcase their talents nationwide. The Ravens manager chose to name an unchanged side from the side that had drawn at home to Yeovil seven days earlier. This was despite winger Luke Coulson not being fully fit after picking a muscle injury in training in the days before the game.

The first half ended goalless with Bromley firmly on the back foot. The nearest either side came to breaking the deadlock was three minutes from half time when Sutton winger Will Randall curled in a free-kick that Ryan Huddart in the Ravens goal did well to push out to safety before a home player could pounce. However, the deadlock was broken in the 58th minute. A wonderful through ball from Billy Bingham found Eoin Teggart in space and the Portsmouth loanee put in a low teasing cross which Michael Cheek poached home before Marcel Wusiewicz could claim. It was the striker's seventh of the season and 50th league goal for the Ravens since joining in May 2019.

That opener gave Bromley confidence, and they sealed the points with a second goal 17 minutes from time. Substitute TQ Addy weighted a pass through the heart of the Sutton defence, looking for the run of Cheek. However as the striker looked to latch onto it, Sutton defender Ben Goodliffe got a foot in to attempt to intercept but diverted the ball wide of Wusiewicz and watched it roll agonisingly and slowly into his own net.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Malcolm; Coulson (Addy), Duncan (Jones), Sammut, Bingham ©, Teggart; Cheek
Man of the Match: Harry Ransom
Attendance: 2,717
Position After Game: 3rd

Midweek saw the team receive a couple of nice boosts in the way of players signing new contracts. First up on Tuesday was skipper Bingham who signed a one year extension to his deal which expires in the summer. The fan reaction was nothing short of delight, and Basil was equally delighted as the skipper is an integral part of the overall masterplan. 24 hours later, young Scottish midfielder Scott Cusick signed a similar deal which was also equally well received by the Ravens fanbase.

However, on the eve of Saturday's home game against Altrincham Blair Malcolm suffered a tightness in his hamstring. Thankfully it was not as bad as it could have been, although Basil had the contingency plan of Anthony Wise being available. It would be a game time decision for the defender.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 95: Inconsistency isn't the answer, it's the problem!

October arrived and with it, the latest announcement of the National League awards. Basil knew in his own heart he personally would win absolutely nada, but if a player could win something then it would be a lift to everyone around. Thus it came to knowing who the National League Player of the Month for September 2021 was going to be, and a broad smile beamed across Basil's face when it was announced that Bingham had won it. As it was also game day against lowly Altrincham at Hayes Lane, Basil was preparing what he was going to say when Jon (McCarthy) wandered into the office.

"How do gaffer, seen the latest monthly league award winners?" Jon said.
"Yeah, great isn't it?"
"Billy, player of the month. Deserves it. I'm going to congratulate him when he gets here."
"I wouldn't if I was you gaffer."
"Why? Is he not into these awards of something? Likes to keep a low profile?"
"No, it's not that. Look carefully."

Basil looked Jon's phone, it definitely showed Bingham as the winner. But the winner was Cheltenham striker Rakish Bingham and not the Bromley skipper. Although the captain had recorded higher match ratings, the former Hartlepool United front man had banged in seven goals in five games and thus was the panel's choice. Basil's head thudded against his desk in frustration. Still the skip had finished in the top three, surely that wasn't that bad was it? And with that Basil went back to his pre-match planning and tactics board.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 13: Bromley 3 - 2 Altrincham (0 - 0)

After an impressive away win at Gander Green Lane last time out, Basil made just one change to the starting eleven with TQ Addy replacing Luke Coulson which meant Eoin Teggart switched to the right wing. Blair Malcolm had been declared fit to play despite his hamstring being tender so as a precaution Anthony Wise was on the substitutes bench in case the Scot suffered a re-occurrence of the injury. Better to be safe than sorry.

The game itself saw Bromley dominate from the first whistle yet the biggest surprise was the teams were goalless at the break, Altrincham's rearguard action proving very frustrating for the Bromley support and manager alike. However, four minutes after the restart, that resistance was broken when referee Simon Barrow pointed to the spot after Peter Clarke upended Jordan Lawrence-Gabriel. As always, Michael Cheek assumed responsibility from twelve yards and sent Jordan Amissah the wrong way for his eighth of the season. Two minutes later, Bromley went two up thanks to a second goal from Cheek. A corner from Billy Bingham was flicked in by the striker from the edge of the six yard box for 2-0.

A third goal in a ten minute spell duly arrived in the 59th minute, and Bromley were cruising on easy street. Instead of crossing the ball into the danger area, Teggart pulled the ball back to the edge of the box where Bingham produced another trademark thunderbolt into the top corner for his fourth of the season. Little had been seen in terms of an attacking threat by the visitors but they pulled one back with their first effort in the entire match. A cross from the right by Andy White was volleyed home by Dan Mooney and gave the 76 away fans something to believe in.

They believed more four minutes from time when their side scored a second. Another cross from the right, this time from Tyler Morton, and Josh Hancock directed his header into the far corner of Ryan Huddart's net. It set up a thrilling finish, but the Ravens held on for three more points.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Malcolm (Wise); Teggart, Duncan (Rush), Sammut, Bingham ©, Addy; Cheek
Booked: Teggart (1), Ransom (3)
Man of the Match: Billy Bingham
Attendance: 1,581
Position After Game: 3rd

48 hours later, Bromley discovered their opponents in the fourth qualifying round of this season's Emirates FA Cup. The Ravens were given an away tie at Herne Bay, just an hour's drive away from Hayes Lane. With a place in the First Round Proper awaiting the winners, Basil saw this as a ticking off exercise as the Board were expecting the team to make it to this stage. That aside, another league game was looming large on the horizon as Bromley aimed to haul in leaders Barnet.

Vanarama National League
Matchday 14: Harrogate Town 2 - 1 Bromley (0 - 0)

The games were coming thick and fast, as the midweek encounter with Harrogate Town was to be Bromley's 14th game of the season and we had only started in October. For the game at Wetherby Road, Basil chose to name an unchanged line up despite the team squeaking home just 72 hours ago. That meant Teggart and Addy remained on the wings supporting lone striker Cheek who was looking to add yet more goals to his account.

The first half finished goalless but the visitors had had one chalked in the 22nd minute when Addy headed in from close range after Dylan Duncan had headed Bingham's free kick back into the danger area. The Ravens left winger had been adjudged to be in an offside position as he connected. Nine minutes after the restart, the visiting fans were celebrating as Bromley took the lead. Teggart had his run into the area baulked by Stephen Mallon leaving referee Dean Treleaven in no doubt but to award the penalty. Cheek, as designated penalty taker, stepped up and drilled the kick into the bottom corner for his 10th of the season.

Harrogate equalised in the 63rd minute. Lawrence-Gabriel lost possession on the right hand side of the penalty area to the home side's Freddie Hinds. Hinds still had a lot to do but proceeded to run into the vacant space before curling an effort away from Huddart to make it 1-1 on the night. Then with 14 minutes to go, the home team scored their winner. Mallon, who had been at fault for Bromley's goal, turned from villain to hero with a quickly taken free kick into the path of Ged Garner who beat Huddart with a rising effort at the keeper's near post.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Malcolm; Teggart (Coulson), Duncan,, Sammut, Bingham ©, Addy (Rush); Cheek
Booked: Teggart, Sammut (2)
Man of the Match: Billy Bingham
Attendance: 1,533
Position After Game: 4th
8 years ago
1 year ago
More to come soon folks, just been mega busy.

Can Bromley make the move into League Two or will Basil seek a new challenge at the end of the season? Watch this space.
8 years ago
1 year ago

Chapter 95: Clocking up the miles on the road

After losing in midweek to Harrogate Town, Bromley took a break from league action on the Saturday. And it was one heck of a long bus trip for sure, so much so that the team travelled up on the Friday. Their destination, Gayfield Park in Arbroath: a distance of 511 miles and that was just one way! 85 hardy souls also made the journey too to cheer the team on, some dedication that. The potential reward for overcoming their Scottish hosts? A place in the last eight.

Fourth Round: Arbroath 0 - 1 Bromley (0 - 0)

One goal was all it needed to separate Arbroath and Bromley in the Fourth Round stage of this season's Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Challenge Cup. The visitors who had qualified after finishing second in the National League last season, had already disposed of one Scottish League side in Cowdenbeath and were keen to add another. For the game, Bromley manager Basil Brush went with a bold 4-4-2 formation with three changes from the side that lost at Harrogate Town in midweek. Anthony Wise replaced Blair Malcolm, Joey Jones was in for Ruben Sammut who was on international duty with Malta whilst Vadaine Oliver came into a front two with Dylan Duncan dropped.

The visitors dominated the game from the first whistle to the last with the home side reduced to playing second best. However, they thought they had taken the lead in first half added on time. A well flighted free-kick from Christy Mazinga was headed home off the post by left winger Cameron Salkeld but the home celebrations were cut short with a linesman's flag for an offside offence by the goalscorer. Midway through the second half, Bromley scored what turned out to be the winner. Some good interplay between substitute Scott Cusick and Oliver saw the former Celtic trainee weight a wonderful slide rule pass back to the striker who managed to get goal side of Alex Petkov and drill a low shot across the stranded Darren Jamieson and into the far corner of the net.

Despite a late flurry of activity, Bromley held on to secure that last eight berth.

Team: Huddart; Lawrence-Gabriel, Holgate, Ransom, Wise (Malcolm); Teggart, Jones (Cusick), Bingham ©, Addy (Coulson); Oliver, Cheek
Booked: Lawrence-Gabriel (2)
Man of the Match: Vadaine Oliver
Referee: Mike Roncone (Dundee)

After the game it was confirmed that Bromley would be at home in the quarter-finals. Their opponents were as declared as:

That quarter-final will be played on Sunday 14 November 2022 at Hayes Lane. The home game against York City which had been scheduled that weekend has been re-arranged for Tuesday 8 November 2022.
8 years ago
1 year ago
This story is on a hiatus as I'm on a retro trip with Championship Manager 2001/02.

It will return at some point though.

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