This has 172 custom teams based in the created nation Westeros.
Qualify for the Champions League with Winterfell United or Casterly Rock FC.
This has 5 divisions named after the books by George RR Martin.
The lower three divisions are split into regional divisions.
There is an FA Cup, Super Cup, and regional cups as well.
Jon Snow is a 16 year old wonderkid, while Daenerys is the manager of Westeros (because we all know she should've ruled at the end), Bran Stark is her assistant as well as Tyrion while Cersei, Tywin and Ned Stark all manage their hometown teams. Cersei is manager of King's Landing because she runs the capital let's be honest.
This is my first database ever. It is not perfect however I felt this being a creative idea with a decent pyramid structure that people may enjoy this. Let me know if there are any bugs in the system but as of right now this should be working. I made the TV money for the premier division outrageous because Game of Thrones was such a money maker in real life. I felt the top teams should reap the benefits. However, this league is going to need to gain some reputation the first couple years so don't expect Neymar or Kieran Tierney(best LB in the world) going to Winterfell Town just yet. I always love starting at the bottom of pyramids and working my way up, but if you are a top division with major signings kind of person, this database may not be for you. However, I hope everyone enjoys this as my database creating career has just begun and I will be taking any requests.
Qualify for the Champions League with Winterfell United or Casterly Rock FC.
This has 5 divisions named after the books by George RR Martin.
The lower three divisions are split into regional divisions.
There is an FA Cup, Super Cup, and regional cups as well.
Jon Snow is a 16 year old wonderkid, while Daenerys is the manager of Westeros (because we all know she should've ruled at the end), Bran Stark is her assistant as well as Tyrion while Cersei, Tywin and Ned Stark all manage their hometown teams. Cersei is manager of King's Landing because she runs the capital let's be honest.
This is my first database ever. It is not perfect however I felt this being a creative idea with a decent pyramid structure that people may enjoy this. Let me know if there are any bugs in the system but as of right now this should be working. I made the TV money for the premier division outrageous because Game of Thrones was such a money maker in real life. I felt the top teams should reap the benefits. However, this league is going to need to gain some reputation the first couple years so don't expect Neymar or Kieran Tierney(best LB in the world) going to Winterfell Town just yet. I always love starting at the bottom of pyramids and working my way up, but if you are a top division with major signings kind of person, this database may not be for you. However, I hope everyone enjoys this as my database creating career has just begun and I will be taking any requests.
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James Sawyer Ford
Is there a version for FM22 too?