4 years ago
3 years ago

I am returning to FM advanced editing after a few years away and I cannot remember how to achieve this league structure with all of the rules that I want.

I have already created the necessary competitions in FM22 and assigned teams to each division, using Spain as the host nation. The specific hurdles that I can't yet solve and need to overcome are the following…

1. Relegated teams from Iberian Premier League 2 need to be placed in their relevant regional league. I don't want relegated Portuguese teams placed in the Spanish lower leagues and vice versa.
2. I want two cup competitions - one for Portuguese teams and the other for Spanish teams with eligibility based on geography, not divisional standings.
3. The majority of newgens for Portuguese teams should be from Portugal, not Spain.

I know there is a lot of excellent knowledge here so my fingers are crossed that SortItOutSI can help me find the solutions.

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