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So after the new data update I can't seem to get a manager picture in the game, when starting a new save.
Would you not be able to look at your new profile, then use the ID number attributed to that profile?
Whatever pic you use rename that with your ID number and add your picture to the graphics folder open the config using notepad and add in your profile number into the file and save. Also drop your profile pic in the graphics folder too.
Go back into the game and reload the skin to see what happens.
I just tried it and didnt work π’
I think it's an issue SI will need to address. Can't fathom what they've done for it not to work. Clearly something has happened, as with all updates there's always something that goes tits up that worked before.
The issue has been posted at SI Forum
Plz use the link below and lets bombart SIgames with this issue
It was the same problem last year
Yeah i concur with this annoying issue. I hate the whole regen look and like to put real faces (where I can), on players and staff.
SI are aware of the issue. It's under review with the Arts and Animations team, I suspect it should be an easy fix. I hope the release a minor update in the next day or two
Well that didn't happen!
Such a small issue, but so annoying at the same time. I wouldn't expect them to make a patch with only that fix though.
It's a pain in the ass. SI have said that a number of people have raised this issue. Last year's 2nd part of the winter update was out on the 15th March. So hopefully this year's will be out around the same time.
I can't understand why nobody at SI tested this out before the release. They should have a checklist of things to tick off before releasing the update.
I can't even fathom how a data update can****up manager pictures π
Yeah I would agree with you, it's very strange. Maybe someone who's more clued up in building games or coding might know. My advice would be use the link below and report the error.
So basically it's gonna be fixed when they do another update. Which will be like at the end of the month at the earliest. hell.
Yeah it seems that way. We can only hope that it's fixed
The generic manager pic is just sooo unattractive to me. Such a turn off. I'd rather have an option to disable it completely.
do not use language like that on the forums again I have edited your post/s as there were a few
I have had to remove a few posts from the thread now, please do not post like this again on the forums, users of all ages use them, and there is no need to post in that manner anyway.
there is also another thread on this exact same topic https://sortitoutsi.net/content/60024/manager-profile-pic-after-latest-update
Okay, Stalin.
Bielsa is a legend
rather bad taste given the current circumstances
closing thread users please post in this thread https://sortitoutsi.net/content/60024/manager-profile-pic-after-latest-update
and keep posts on topic and within the rules