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Football Manager skins completely change the look and feel of FM with a new "theme" FM Skins
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Castiadas (Ita) ID: 43076618
Cambridge United 22/23 H/A
Lincoln City 22/23 home
Amazing stuff as always @bolid74!
Cavese (Ita) ID: 707648
Rotherham 22/23 H/A
Darlington 22/23 home
Hibs 22/23 home 💚💚💚
Hibs 22/23 home 💚💚💚Download
Brutal design by Joma bro
Beringen (Swi) ID: 5727274
Stoke away 22/23
is there any indonesian 3d kits here?
Leyton Orient home 22/23
Dro (Ita) ID: 43106661
Hi guys, I only play the FM 2015, my save is very big, so I don´t wanna change for a new game. Anyone knows a away to convert 3D kits for FM2018/2022 versions to the old style FM2015 and 2016?
Sporting CP Home 22/23
Nike was like ‘invert colors’, done!
Yup. Easy kit from last year template. It took 5 minutes to made. 😂😂
Rangers home/third 22/23
Anderlecht 22/23 home and away
Kits Gremio please!
has anyone got the belenenses 3d kits (not the SAD, the original belenenses) 4th tier, well third tier now as they got promoted ?
Does anybody have a 3D kits for Tottenham 2023 first kit? Love you guys
Mansfield Town away 22/23
Any chance for Bradford City home kit please?
22/23 Home Jersey S/S – Bradford City AFC (bantamsdirect.co.uk)
Any chance for Bradford City home kit please? 22/23 Home Jersey S/S – Bradford City AFC (bantamsdirect.co.uk) Download
Bolid is working on all English league kits and will post them as they are finished
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Castiadas (Ita) ID: 43076618
Cambridge United 22/23 H/A
Lincoln City 22/23 home
Amazing stuff as always @bolid74!
Cavese (Ita) ID: 707648
Rotherham 22/23 H/A
Darlington 22/23 home
Hibs 22/23 home 💚💚💚
Hajdučki sin
Brutal design by Joma bro
Beringen (Swi) ID: 5727274
Stoke away 22/23
is there any indonesian 3d kits here?
Leyton Orient home 22/23
Dro (Ita) ID: 43106661
Hi guys, I only play the FM 2015, my save is very big, so I don´t wanna change for a new game. Anyone knows a away to convert 3D kits for FM2018/2022 versions to the old style FM2015 and 2016?
Sporting CP Home 22/23
Nike was like ‘invert colors’, done!
Yup. Easy kit from last year template. It took 5 minutes to made. 😂😂
Rangers home/third 22/23
Anderlecht 22/23 home and away
beto jr
Kits Gremio please!
has anyone got the belenenses 3d kits (not the SAD, the original belenenses) 4th tier, well third tier now as they got promoted ?
Does anybody have a 3D kits for Tottenham 2023 first kit? Love you guys
marco talhadas
Mansfield Town away 22/23
Any chance for Bradford City home kit please?
22/23 Home Jersey S/S – Bradford City AFC (bantamsdirect.co.uk)
Bolid is working on all English league kits and will post them as they are finished