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The draw will be tonight at 18:00 CET. Are there any clashes you would like to see? And what would your ‘group of death' look like?
The draw:
Bielsa is a legend
Just shows how elite the CL is now, same teams each year give or take
group C interesting, hope Barca go out
its a soulless exercise in corporate avarice and is just a festival of greed and shouldn't be allowed to be like this
modern football is a joke
Latrell yard man
i much prefer the Europa league and the conference league.
Group A is by far the best group from a neutral perspective.
Haha I hope Ajax will get through! Will be tough, we lose Antony who was amazing last year in the group stages linked with Haller. WIthout Ziyech as a replacement it will be difficult and probaby 3rd would be more realistic. But Chelsea won't let him go…
Just a shame Bodø/Glimt got knocked out while being so close to the group stage, would have been hilarious to see someone like Neymar struggle on that North Pole pitch 😀