18 years ago
9 hours ago

This year we're once again running our Prediction League and our Fantasy Football League and we're pleased to say we're going to be offering some great prizes for both monthly and overall winners.


Overall Cash Prizes

The overall winner of our Prediction League will win £150 cash


The overall winner of our Fantasy League will win £150 cash


Monthly Prizes

Each month the person with the most points in either competition will win either a code for FM23 or a Surprise Football Shirt delivered straight to their door, their choice.


The competitions run completely separately that means there's two chances to win each month, the top point scorer in the Prediction League will win 1 prize and the top point scorer in our Fantasy League will win 1 prize.


Fantasy League

To join our Fantasy League simply use this special auto join link from the official Premier League website: 


You can read the rules on how to play FPL here: 


The official FPL app doesn't let you view points by month, so we will create a page on our website showing monthly points from the league. We are waiting for the first round of fixtures before releasing this.


We will apply points based on the date the match occurred meaning matches from the same gameweek may apply to different months.

  • Points scored in a match are considered part of the month in which the match takes place. This may seem obvious, but because FPL is split up into Gameweeks we want to make clear, most of the matches in GW5 will apply to August, but because Leicester vs Man Utd is on September 1st it will apply to September.


Prediction League

Joining our prediction league is simple. You just need to visit this url every week and make your predictions: 


The rules are very simple:

  • You get 3 points for every match where you predict the exact score e.g. if the match finishes 3-2 and you predicted 3-2
  • You get 1 point for every match where you failed to predict the exact score but still got the correct result e.g. if the match finishes 3-0 and you predicted 3-1
  • If two people have the same points then the person with the most exact scores is ahead in the table.
  • If two people have the same points and same number of exact scores then whoever has made the least predictions is ahead in the table.
  • You can change your predictions as many times as you like up until the kick off of the match. If the kick off, of the match is delayed for any reason, you may be restricted from predicting based on the original kick off time. This is the same for everyone.


Last Year's Winner

This years prizes are a massive improvement on last years where we only offered one surprise shirt to the winner. Congratulations to SASH07 who was very happy with his 2017/2018 UD Las Palmas shirt.


3 years ago
1 day ago

Thank you!

Good luck for everyone!

14 years ago
15 hours ago

What do you think about adding an Archive with Standings from the previous Prediction League seasons? May be at least Global Standing (the final standing) if it's hard to import the Monthly Rankings too. Or something like Hall of Fame where are listed all previous winners and runner-ups (eventually with their winning prizes, points and number of participants).


15 years ago
55 minutes ago

@t.marinov  cheers 

I have deleted your post now in the other thread😉

18 years ago
9 hours ago

Yep that should be possible 🙂

6 years ago
2 years ago

Harika bir aktivite 🙂 Great Activitea 🙂

8 years ago
8 months ago

Will you guys get in contact about the prizes once the new FM is out?

18 years ago
9 hours ago

Yep we'll announce the August winners very shortly. Just been insanely busy this week 😬

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