SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
This is SS Kit section od the forum. These are PR Kits, you have separate thread for this.
Good morning
I would like to request a kit
Club: GDRC Ponterrolense (Portugal Lower Divisions)
Brand: Umbro
Sponsor: Honda
Home Kit: Main color: Yellow Secondary Colors: Blue and White
Away Kit: Main Color: Blue Secondary Colors: Yellow and White
Third Kit: Main Color: White Secondary Colors: Blue and Yellow
Thank you very much in advance. Keep up the amazing work
Apologies, honest mistake, i will post in there.
Hi Guys,
Could I please request some options for a fantasy Galatasaray third kit please?
Shirt and sleeve sponsors the same as current kits however I'd like the main colour of the kit to be white or silver and based on some more recent Nike templates.
Hope you like these!
Those are great thank you very much! Love them! Again thank you very much! 🙂
These are great mate!!!
Any chance the ‘Home’ colours could be a little lighter, and also the ‘Away’ altered as per picture attached? Also add the ‘Third’ if you get chance ;-)
Images arent the best quality as they were taken from a recently released popular football game that rhymes with "bleeper plenty tea"….but you get the gist!!
Blackburn Rovers
Oh my! Better than I imagined! Plus multiple version. You sir are a gentleman and an artist. Wow.
My biggest problem is that they are all too good! Gonna get a LOT of use out of these rotating them. I figured only a few would look as good as I hoped…nope, they all look as good, better than I hoped.
A very good problem to have.
Thank you, you've made my life a little bit better.
Unbeknown to me I came across the online FM Kit Creator Tool - had a play around as a first timer and for any NFL - Philadelphia Eagles fans like me I created these fantasy kits. Feel free to use
Hi to all brilliant kit makers!
I tried it myself but I'm a bit shit so I will ask for a few kits, if someone manages it in the future it will be greatly appreciated, if not, no worries, I know how much this is hard and time consuming.
So my request is a few kits for Croatian National Team.
Home - standard red/white checkers ( blue can be for outlines, logo)
Away - Blue
Manufacturer - NIKE
Can anyone help with these Cardiff shirts ahead of an upcoming save on FM23
Home Shirt
Make - Castore
Badge - Full Colour
Sponsor - Berjaya in white colour / Ricoh in full red colour(Logos attached). Can a version also be done with Ricoh logo in white as well as unsure whether the Red logo will look good.
Template - Bayer Leverkusen Castore White Third Shirt 22/23 (Picture Attached)
Details - Primary colour to be blue. Black detail on the Bayer Leverkusen shirt to be changed to white and please leave the red detail the same as the Bayer shirt.
Away Shirt
Make - Castore
Badge - Full Colour
Sponsor - Berjaya in full colours as per logo attached / Ricoh in full red colour. (Logos attached)
Template - Newcastle Castore White Third Shirt 22/23 (Picture Attached)
Details - Primary colour to be white as per Newcastle kit. Green detail on the shirt to be changed to blue.
Third Shirt
Make - Castore
Badge - All White Outline
Sponsor - Berjaya in all white colour / Ricoh in all white colour. (Logos attached)
Template - Rangers Castore Orange Third Shirt 22/23 (Picture Attached)
Details - Primary colour to be black. Blue detail on the shirt to be changed to Yellow. All white colour details to remain the same as per Rangers shirt.
Thanks in advance
The Flameo
i tried my best and here we go
Fantastic mate, thank you! <3
Hi, can I get DT Long An kits please
Home - Red and white, stipes or halves, you choose
Away - Black and White any style
Sponsor -
Badge -
Perfect thank you!
Bundesliga Kit Request
Club 1 - Hertha Berlin
Club 2 - Eintracht Frankfurt
Club 3 - Borussia Dortmund
Club 1 - Hertha Berlin
Kit Maker - Nike
Sponsor - Berlin Bear/Bear BLN (from Hertha's 20-21 4th Kit posted below)
Hertha Berlin 20-21 4th Kit with Berlin Bear/BLN Bear logo. Please try to match orientation and size of BLN Bear for all kits.
Home kit - Hertha's 20-21 home kit as is (or as close as possible with addition of Berlin Bear/BLN Bear logo
Berlin Bear/BLN in white with matching blue from kit outline (or black if that makes it stand out more, but I think blue will work)
Away - Hertha's 21-22 Away Kit as is, or as close as possible except replacing AUTOHERO logo with Berlin Bear/BLN in white.
Third Hertha 12-13 away/13-14 3rd Kit - replace DB logo with Berlin Bear/BLN in White and Hyundai sleeve sponsor in White
Club 2 - Eintracht Frankfurt
Kit Maker - Nike
Sponsor - Indeed (indeed Jobs finden logo from kit below. Please try to match orientation and size of indeed Jobs finden logo for all kits. I don't know what that sleeve sponsor Cube thing is. Ideally I'd like it on all the Frankfurt kits so I can mix and match them…but it's fine with or without it.
Home Kit - Frankfurt 14-15 home, replace Alfa Romeo with indeed Jobs finden. standard white and red club badge. Please use Red (224 0 0) and Black (8 8 8) for kit
Away - Frankfurt 14-15 home kit. Replace Alfa Romeo with indeed Jobs findem. Red trim for whole collar. Please use Black (32 32 32) and Red (224 0 0)
Third - Frankfurt 13-14 away. Replace Janko with Nike in white (OR red to match badge if using red for indeed logo). Replace Alfa Romeo with indeed Jobs finden. indeed logo could be done in with similar half white, half black, white with black outline, or red to match Frankfurt badge. If using red for indeed logo, please also use red for Nike logo so indeed, nike and frankfurt badge all match.
Sleeves colors do NOT have to be in same style. I think they're REALLY cool, but I don't know how difficult it is for kit ARTISTS to replicate it. I'm fine with solid color sleeves. If using solid color sleeves black sleeves on white panel side and white sleeves on black panel side is prefered.
Black trim on collar. If using solid colors for sleeve, please use white trim on black sleeve and black trim on white sleeve.
Please use White (232 232 232) and Black (24 24 24)
Club 3 - Borussia Dortmund
Ok, this one is tricky… I LOVE Dortmund's 22-23 home kit. I mean I LOVE it. Problem is the 1&1 logo is oriented slightly lower than previous seasons 1&1 sponsored kits….and I'm super obsessive about uniformity in orientation and size of logos on kits. What I'm hoping for is something matching the STYLE of the 22-23 kit with the 1&1 logo brought slightly up to match the orientation of previous seasons 1&1 kits. Simply raising the logo while keeping the plain yellow center would look wrong. I dont know its best to also raise the yellow “gap” in the stripes or make it solid stripes with the 1&1 logo superimposed on top of it.
Yellow (248 224 0) Black (8 8 8)
Please try to match the 1&1 logo placement with previous seasons 1&1 kits. Dortmund 21-22 away posted as example
Away kit - Based on Dortmund 15-16 away kit. Replace Evonik with 1&1. No puma sleeve sponsors, preferably Opel on right sleeve (white and black to match with above kits), no sleeve sponsor also ok. Yellow trim for collar and sleeves.
Black (40 40 40), Yellow (248 224 0)
Third - in the style of The Flameo's beautiful Dortmund fantasy kit (page 160, 22nd January, 2022)
It doesn't have to match The Flameo's design, although I do LOVE it. IF you go with a similar side panel, please use Black for panel. Please use standard Dortmund logo (yellow background, black BVB 09 and outline). Please use yellow puma logo. No puma logo on sleeves. Either Opel logo on right sleeve (preferred) or no sleeve logo (either white and black to match previous kits OR yellow and black).
Yellow and black trim for collar and sleeves.
Gray can be same as The Flameo's OR a little lighter (like the little patch on the lower side panel), your choice. I have been unable to find color code to match The Flameo's gray (and after endless tinkering and tweaking it just hit me “hey, why didn't you ASK him, dumb-dumb?”) - PLEASE include color codes for the gray shade you use. Thank you.
Please use (248 224 0) for yellows and (8 8 8) for blacks.
There is no rush on my end for these kits. My last request was submitted a month ago, but DCarozzi87 finished it only 2 weeks ago (thanks again DCarozzi87,they are SPECTACULAR). I hope that I'm within not just the letter of, but the spirit of the request rules by submitting request now. I broke my internal “should I/shouldn't I ask yet?” dilemma with “ya know, things are gonna get BUSY in here with requests REAL soon!”
Please ask me any questions. My two top priorities are uniformity with logo placements and sizes and being able to match the kit colors in game. Thanks to all the kit makers and other graphics makers for the extraordinary work you do. Your work makes this game feel so much more ALIVE. Thank you all for making my life a little bit better.
I've freeloaded on this site for too long. Just signed up for premium membership. About damn time, huh?
Is there any chance of someone making these but sponsored by Netflix please? Thanks in advance for any help. I can wait to get the plain 3D kits that FM23 will have. Thank you so much, if anyone can.
Edit to add: Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong thread. Wasn't sure whether it went here or the Real Kits Request thread.
I haven't got skillset and would like this Arsenal kit please but with new logos etc for this season. So same design and shirt colours as original but as Adidas with New Emirates Fly better and Visit Rwanda sponsors. Would this be possible please? It was one of my favourites.
P.s. Posted on Real Kit forum and got told to ask here, thanks.
Wow that was fast thank you so much love it.
Made Third Kit to go with it.
Really fast and great kit, thanks, wanted Adidas style but still use this thank you.
Some Algeria fantasy kits.
…and Costa Rica
The Flameo
Persib Bandung (Indonesia Team) fantasy kits
Is it possible when someone has the time, if someone could add Netflix or even better, somehow, this, to the current derby kits, I have no idea how you manage to do such amazing work.
I can't even crop that big picture, sorry for the mess. Thank you so much
Arsenal FC fantasy Kit Pack (H/A/T) ID: 602