14 years ago
2 years ago
This question is for anyone who has FM13.. My question is can I get banned for using FMRTE in FM13? I just bought the game and I dont wanna lose it.. I know it was OK in the previous games, but I just saw that its not allowed anymore and I wanted to ask if its true..
Thanks (:
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
I googled this, and found the official FMRTE forums. Apparently, a lovely fella called Aaron Meadows says you can't be banned for it.
Rob 396
18 years ago
12 years ago
.. As long as you don't use it to your advantage against someone else online, i can't see any problems.
14 years ago
15 hours ago
Sure it costs around £5 to use it now though.
Rob 396
18 years ago
12 years ago
By VP. | Permalink | On 12 November 2012 - 20:14 PM
Sure it costs around £5 to use it now though.

Haha, Jesus H. ..
18 years ago
9 years ago
Yeah there is no reason why you can't use the editor for your own personal enjoyment. Why anybody would pay 5euros for a piece of software that allows you to change numbers in a game is beyond me.

People charge that much for actual mods of Half-Life games. I would sooner spend several years learning how to make a basic in game editor and then release it for free afterwards.
17 years ago
2 months ago
Yeah, there's a very nice chap on the SI forums coding a Mac one which will be free and not have adverts.

The FM community is generally an excellent place and thankfully only a minority that monetise things. It wouldn't surprise me if they get a take-down notice from SI though, like FM-Britain did when they started charging for their FM Guide...
13 years ago
2 months ago
Its a crying shame though. I used to use it when it was free to make subtle changes but fuck giving a 'donation'.
18 years ago
6 years ago
By JDave | Permalink | On 02 December 2012 - 13:02 PM
Its a crying shame though. I used to use it when it was free to make subtle changes but fuck giving a 'donation'.

Hurr Hurr....
"but fuck"
16 years ago
11 months ago
I use it,kit changes each season on some teams.Also and this is a bit of a cheat as i hate chelsea,i sometimes ad manager and then choose chelsea and use fmtre to destroy their team,I play lower league teams +greek and Cypriot ones so does not effect my play as i then resign Chelsea and enjoy watching them sink.

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