Standard Kits Megapacks
Our Football Manager Standard Kits Megapack matches the same design as the Default Kits in Football Manager but includes all the real Kit Designs that Football Manager doesn't come with by default.
- 1,798
- 2024.04 - Released on 06 Jan 2024

wfm18 Standard Kits Megapack for FM2023
Improve your FM experience with additional kits made in the default style of SI!
Some of the clubs/leagues the megapack includes in version 2023.01:
We'll be launching multiple updates during the year to bring you more kits.
Hello, link seems to keep returning to update section.
@Footygamer is aware and trying to find a solution as this was reported to us a couple of times now. Thanks for your understanding.
You're welcome wfm18.
Should be fixed now 🙂
Antonio La Magna
@wfm18 Napoli’s third kit is wrong. It isn’t that but this attached
I've created their European kit, which is this one:
Sorry to be a pain, but how do I add the updated kits to the megapack? The megapack is in all different folders for leagues and countries, but the update is all in one folder.
Maliki Bachri
Just replace the old format (using folder etc) with the new one, it works for me
when i download it its not in packs its all singles so i have to add them individually anyway for it to be placed as packs please
That worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
Sorry guys but I can't find the right folder to add these kits, I play with Gamepass PC
documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > graphics > kits
Maliki Bachri
Is there any way to install the graphic on the FM Touch version on iOS?
I could install it on Touch for macOS, but couldn't find a way for the iOS version
I don't have the graphics folder so I've created it but still not working…
And where should I put the config.xml file?
Żółte Pudełeczko
I believe Complete Pack link is redirecting to update pack again 😢
Hello, I installed the pack and did the tutorial but my kits are the same and dont load up in game , can someone help?
Unfortunately there is no way for who is playing FM 23 by Gamepass to load the kits, even if I've created the Graphics and kits folder the game simply don't see it
I'm playing the Gamepass version and just installed the kits and all the other graphics mods without any problem, just make sure you don't install the game in the default “Program Files” folder, create another location like C:/Games or install in another drive.
FM22 format was better broken down by country. It is easier to replace Kits for leagues/nations you want to replace. I'm just going to stick with the fm22 pack. I like to have all my kits sorted by nation/league.
But great work and thanks
Our long term plan is to release a tool that makes viewing your kit folder and replacing kits easier 🙂
Thank you for your reply, the game is already installed in C:/XboxGames, I changed it but doesn't work so I can't figure out what's the problem
very nice 🙂
Mike Lowe
Add me to the list of those who cannot get kits to load in-game. I keep checking LaLiga, and none of the actual kits are showing up after clearing the cache in settings, etc.
I have a \graphics\kits folder and have just dropped the contents of these kits and the config file into that folder. I've tried even starting a new save, but they won't show up.
Mike Lowe
Small update: I tried having the files located in \graphics\sortitoutsi Standard Kits Megapack 2023.01
This was instead of \graphics\kits
I can see the correct jersey now on the game's home screen where it shows the manager standing in the locker room, but they are still not showing up on the team details screen where it shows the 3 jerseys next to each other.
Can someone please help me out? It must be something really simple. As a reminder, I've been resetting the cache each time I try and load a game.
Mike Lowe
Nevermind, got it sorted. I had a folder inside of one too many folders.
Jaroslaw Szczurek
Elliott Balding
Is it right that the complete pack is the same size as the update pacK? Both are the same for me.
is there a reason why no man city kits in this pack