Custom altered for 4K displays, with an 85% zoom being the target.

18 years ago
43 minutes ago

I've deleted your other one, for future reference you can just edit existing uploads, you don't need to create a new one each time.

18 years ago
43 minutes ago

It would be awesome if you explained what you took from each of the works, maybe other people could learn how to modify their favourite skins for personal use as well 🙂

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Footygamer 09 September 2022 - 09:11 AM UTC 

It would be awesome if you explained what you took from each of the works, maybe other people could learn how to modify their favourite skins for personal use as well 🙂


Sure, the base is from Tato skin making up most of it. Material Skin for the colour scheme, FM.Zweierkette for the Scouting Report cards and then looking at the Alex Morak skin's code when the attributes were still not fitting properly into the screen.



Also for modification, fmf skin files can be edited via extraction in the resource archiver. Then it's just a matter of copy-paste/ deleting codes to see changes, lots of trial and error.

andres escamilla
7 years ago
1 month ago

THNKYOU great skin <3<3

17 years ago
1 month ago

Hey, great skin. Just a question. How do I edit what panels show up in match between highlights? Like the Match Overview if I want to change the look?

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By biz2121 14 September 2022 - 13:49 PM UTC 

Hey, great skin. Just a question. How do I edit what panels show up in match between highlights? Like the Match Overview if I want to change the look?

honestly don't know, the match part was one of the few parts where I did no editing whatsoever. What I would do is if there is a skin that has the match stuff you like copy that one's match folder over, delete this one and reload the game skin (shift + r, if you have reload skin ticked and caching unticked) mid-match and see the differences with each edit.


Alejandro Contarde
3 years ago
7 hours ago
By Not Available 09 September 2022 - 13:45 PM UTC 

Sure, the base is from Tato skin making up most of it. Material Skin for the colour scheme, FM.Zweierkette for the Scouting Report cards and then looking at the Alex Morak skin's code when the attributes were still not fitting properly into the screen.



Also for modification, fmf skin files can be edited via extraction in the resource archiver. Then it's just a matter of copy-paste/ deleting codes to see changes, lots of trial and error.


una pregunta… en algun futuro podrias adecuar la skin para una resolucion mas baja.. ? seria de gtan ayuda porque tengo una laptop 


6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Alejandro Contarde 22 September 2022 - 20:21 PM UTC 

una pregunta… en algun futuro podrias adecuar la skin para una resolucion mas baja.. ? seria de gtan ayuda porque tengo una laptop 

usando el traductor de Google, espero que esto sea legible.

Lo siento, pero 4k es la única resolución objetivo para esta máscara, uso mi televisor como monitor y, hasta ahora, todas las máscaras en sortitoutsi y fmscout obviamente fueron diseñadas para resoluciones más bajas.

Entonces, lo siento una vez más, pero las resoluciones más bajas no son mi objetivo, recomendaría la máscara original que edité para hacer esta, la máscara Tato22.


12 years ago
4 days ago

Can I change the background and players/staff stats colors ? 

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By kaedninu 26 September 2022 - 12:13 PM UTC 

Can I change the background and players/staff statscolors ? 


by stat colours you mean attribute numbers? 1-20?, if so that's in-game (settings, preferences, top search bar → skin colours),  regarding background colours if you extract the skin archive (resource archiver in steam), go to the settings folder and open skin settings file, the background, and all other colours are using rgb so you can easily change colours and check which line of code you want to alter by trial and error.

2 years ago
1 year ago

Why is player's pictures not showing up in their profile?

12 years ago
4 days ago
By Not Available 26 September 2022 - 19:05 PM UTC 

by stat colours you mean attribute numbers? 1-20?, if so that's in-game (settings, preferences, top search bar → skin colours),  regarding background colours if you extract the skin archive (resource archiver in steam), go to the settings folder and open skin settings file, the background, and all other colours are using rgb so you can easily change colours and check which line of code you want to alter by trial and error.

I've tried to change the background color (to make it black or something darker instead of that blue) but without luck… i've messed up the entire skin 😞 

the attributes color have been changed successfully 

Thanks anyway 😀 

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By kaedninu 11 October 2022 - 12:39 PM UTC 

I've tried to change the background color (to make it black or something darker instead of that blue) but without luck… i've messed up the entire skin 😞 

the attributes color have been changed successfully 

Thanks anyway 😀 


Glad to hear attributes were a success, as for background I believe it's still the skin settings file that is key to it, you could try download another skin, which does have a different colour from the default skin, and go by deleting lines of code in their skin to identify which line of code alters it, then you could copy paste it into this one, if I recall correctly I used WHUkasin's light skin to alter my private version.

Callum Marks
2 years ago
1 month ago


How can i view  a staffs worldwide knowledge?

I cant seem to access it anywhere using this skin?


EDIT - Its because my machine is running at 150% DPI.

If I change it to 100% it shows fine.

Would be nice to be able to view it at 150% though.


6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Callum Marks 17 October 2022 - 18:48 PM UTC 


How can i view  a staffs worldwide knowledge?

I cant seem to access it anywhere using this skin?


EDIT - Its because my machine is running at 150% DPI.

If I change it to 100% it shows fine.

Would be nice to be able to view it at 150% though.



Hi, sorry to disappoint, but like with most issues here I have no clue how to resolve them, this is one of them. If you want useful help, I recommend downloading the Tato skin (which served as the base for this one) and checking if the issue is still there at 150% zoom. If it is the original creator will be more of use to you than me. All I can help with is saying look in the non-player folder (that's the staff stuff) and delete the files in there and when the screen goes to how the vanilla skin looks, you'll know you found the one to edit (delete the container lines <container> is start and </container> ends them) eventually you should find the right thing to change. Or download another skin that works as you want it and replace that ones non-player folder into this skin's.


Hope this helps.

Callum Marks
2 years ago
1 month ago
By Not Available 19 October 2022 - 19:00 PM UTC 

Hi, sorry to disappoint, but like with most issues here I have no clue how to resolve them, this is one of them. If you want useful help, I recommend downloading the Tato skin (which served as the base for this one) and checking if the issue is still there at 150% zoom. If it is the original creator will be more of use to you than me. All I can help with is saying look in the non-player folder (that's the staff stuff) and delete the files in there and when the screen goes to how the vanilla skin looks, you'll know you found the one to edit (delete the container lines <container> is start and </container> ends them) eventually you should find the right thing to change. Or download another skin that works as you want it and replace that ones non-player folder into this skin's.


Hope this helps.



Great support just by responding and trying so thanks for that!
It turned out I was able to get the info to show by having the game set to full screen and being set as 85% zoom (in game setting).
I absolutely love this skin!!!

I would have a play around with it myself but as I have the game through game pass I have no access to the Resource Archiver so cant decrypt the FMF files 😢 !

Again, thanks for responding, and I love what you did for this theme!.

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Callum Marks 20 October 2022 - 10:17 AM UTC 


Great support just by responding and trying so thanks for that!
It turned out I was able to get the info to show by having the game set to full screen and being set as 85% zoom (in game setting).
I absolutely love this skin!!!

I would have a play around with it myself but as I have the game through game pass I have no access to the Resource Archiver so cant decrypt the FMF files 😢 !

Again, thanks for responding, and I love what you did for this theme!.

Glad you like it and that the issue got resolved, in the next few days keep a look out on the downloads as I have planned on uploading a rar version instead of the FMF file, just quite busy right now so won't get around to it for a bit.


2 years ago
1 year ago
By xxxNingvk 10 October 2022 - 18:52 PM UTC 

Why is player's pictures not showing up in their profile?


Would you please help me with this? Thanks a ton!

2 years ago
1 year ago
By xxxNingvk 10 October 2022 - 18:52 PM UTC 

Why is player's pictures not showing up in their profile?


Would you please help me with this? Thanks a ton!

Jamie W
4 years ago
3 weeks ago

I've downloaded it and put it in the skin but no show in FM23 

15 years ago
2 weeks ago

Can this be used in FM23 Beta? 

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

This is a skin for FM22… so doubt it.

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By xxxNingvk 22 October 2022 - 05:32 AM UTC 

Would you please help me with this? Thanks a ton!


Sorry for the late reply, just seen your question, if the faces are not showing up then it's most likely an issue with the facepack, Check the config file at the end of your facepack. Does it work in other skins?

5 years ago
1 month ago

Hello, will you make this skin available for FM23?

6 years ago
2 weeks ago
By DeaAsu92 07 November 2022 - 11:38 AM UTC 

Hello, will you make this skin available for FM23?


Currently I'm done with the series, no worthwhile improvements in years, so I won't be buying 23, so no, feel free to use the code from the folders for editing skins in 23 though if you want.

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