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Bielsa is a legend
Great news that Rabcp’s previous Pack works with 23, was worried SI would do something to block user ads
They work again? Wow that's awesome news.
Any idea where I can find them again?
Bielsa is a legend
Not sure mate, I just keep all my old downloads on a separate server
I always do the same, but because SI Games blocked these adboard packs I removed them.
Care to share your files? Please PM.
glad i kept all mine now make fm more realistic
Bielsa is a legend
Sorry mate, we have been asked not to redistribute “just for personal use officer”
@rabcp has he completely given up on the project?
Bielsa is a legend
Think so, SI got overly stroppy about ads, in case real life ones were deemed better than the dross they have in the game
glad I saved all mine, they work just fine in 23
They've always worked, it was merely the threats from Si that killed the project. I have been using the static and video boards since always. Here's a static board I've made, now that ITV have the rights to EPL football highlights for this season. Just rename it and place it in any teams folder. If not overwriting a board in the same folder you will of course have to modify the xml file for it to show.
I'm using last years adboard pack and it is working 100% fine, iv not had one issue yet
I've created a few ad boards for Cardiff City but have no idea how to get them in game. So how do you write an xml folder?
Do you have the adboard pack ?
Yes last years. I can get all the previous ad boards working but not the new ones I created.
hariz zakwan
Do the new boards have unique ID's ? If so you need to modify the xml file. Are you saving them as PNG ? If replacing old boards just use the same ID as old ones and overwrite. Failing that I'd need to see the new boards and your xml file.
Hi guys,
i try to have some helps because my adboards statics and Videos don’t work in my FM2023 Game..
however, i just transferred what was needed from FM2020 ( because i don’t have FM2021 and FM 2022 ) to my new FM2023, and when i play, my Adboards Videos and Statics are all black.
Does anyone have the same problem or have a solution ?
Thank you in advance.
Lasse Thor
Same. It worked for my FM22 but it doesn't work for FM23. All my ad boards are black
Bielsa is a legend
have you updated the steam file as thats where videos go
The las FM i played was FM2020, but it worked well.
i don’t know what can be the problem. Graphic problem maybe? Of i use a lower graphic quality, the quality of the matches will really be much lower ?
For my case, everything is in the same place than you…could my graphics car be the problem? It will be weird because for the statics adboards you don’t need to have a very high graphic quality.. and especially my video adboards worked very well on FM2020
Bielsa is a legend
Not sure then mate, mine work with that structure
have you checked config
The config XML ? If you talk about that, i checked in the detail… i did a test, i played with Brighton, and i checked the config from this club, and everything was okay… but my Abdoards didn’t work and my 3D game was a little jerky
Bielsa is a legend
Put your files structure up?
I didn’t understand.. wich files structure ?
Bielsa is a legend
Like I did a few posts up
Oh okay, i’ll send you that this afternoon. But i can confirm you that my structure are in the same place than you…
Bielsa is a legend
If they are, I have no idea-what I do know is the PC version is fine, my mate uses mac and he can’t make it work-so it’s maybe a Mac issue
little update on my problem.
i finally got the static and video adboards to work by uploading a new xml file… but now i have a new problem🙃.
When my video adboards start during a match, the game become jerky and my video adboards are replaced by a video adboard that shouldn’t be there.
And it’s always the same video adboard. I don’t understand why. Is this a graphical issue ?
if it’s the case, if i lower the graphics level of the game, will that solve the problem ?
thank’s in advance for your help…
Robert Lovell
yeah, I made sure it would work for FM23 as I was in touch with the graphical team. but I can't seem to get my Japan adboards to work unfortunately. talking with them, It's fine to create adboards for non included leagues in FM (i.e Japan), but they will crack down on adboards that interfere with licenced leagues etc
Bielsa is a legend
how can they crack down, down raids to our houses?
SI are so up there own ass