This was a project for personal use that I started on FM22 a few months ago. However, given the dedication and effort that I have put into it, I have decided that it is worth it for the FM community in English and Spanish to try it, since it is for me and my country COLOMBIA, a dream to be able to have a THIRD PROFESSIONAL league in intermediate and large cities.
First, I want to clarify that the FIRST and SECOND divisions were subtly modified in terms of television rights, participation, among other things, but their format remains the same as the real one. In the SECOND division a team was added, TURBO FC, as last year's champion. (This last is true, in the amateur league)
Second, the cup was modified by adding all the teams from the THIRD division, so more rounds of direct elimination were also added. Additionally, the television and participation rights, among other things, were modified.
Third, and most importantly, remember that the third division is completely fictitious and made at my discretion. The teams were arbitrarily selected by me and modified accordingly. I chose to locate them in those cities where there are currently no teams.
Thus, the third division is composed as follows:
- 60 teams divided into 3 groups, by geographical order, of which 4 qualify by group for the next round. (Along with images of uniforms, shields, stadiums and cities)
- In the second round, 4 groups of 3 teams are formed, also in geographical order, in which 1 classifies per group.
- In the third round, semifinals and finals are played to determine the champion. The two teams that qualify for the final are promoted to the second division.
- There are historical teams such as Real Sincelejo, Sucre, Centauros, Lanceros (Falcao's debut club), Uniautonoma, Estudiantil, Sarmiento Lora, Compensar, Girardot, Popayán, Fiorentina, Churta among others, along with universities such as Los Andes, Javeriana, Univalle, Sergio Arboleda, who have served as a seedbed for our football.
- Each 3rd division team starts with 500,000 euros of balance to carry out their investments, and the vast majority of teams without players to create a fictitious dispute between them for the free players.
Fourth, the following additional changes were made:
- Adjusted the value of the currency to reflect real salaries of the players, and the value in the market.
- Adjusted TV rights and cash prizes to enhance revenue
- Increased the potential of some players.
- Historical records have been kept when real competition existed.
- 22 fictional derbies, along with fictional rivalries, mainly between teams from nearby cities and regions.
- Fixed nicknames and names for all teams.
- Created a fictitious U-20 league for each division.
- Uniforms and colors for each team
- Other minor personnel changes.
- Other small modifications.
Fifth, home, away, and third (for some) uniforms were added for all teams in all three divisions.
Sixth, images of cities or places of interest were added for all the teams of the three divisions.
Seventh, stadium images were added for all the teams in the three divisions.
Eighth, normal and small size shields were created and modified for all the teams in the three divisions.
The files for shields, uniforms, cities and stadiums can be found in the graphics folder within the download file.
Finally, I suggest if you are Colombian, change the currency to Colombian pesos in the game for greater realism and immersion.
I have done this work with a lot of effort and dedication, so if you want you can...
Support me on Patreon
To install the files, simply copy the editor data folder and the graphics folder into Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023
Send me any questions or suggestions.
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ZOuL is BaCk
¡Hola! ¿Como estás? Realmente no tengo un tutorial. Todo lo que aprendí fue a punta de prueba y error. Empecé copiando ligas de otros países, sobretodo hechas por Sudamakers, un portal donde hacen ligas sudamericanas con formato real. Te recomiendo les escribas a ellos para que te puedan guiar mejor o incluso solicitarles que hagan la liga peruana (si es que no la han hecho ya). ¡Saludos!
ZOuL is BaCk
justamente estoy en el mismo camino que tu, aunque recién iniciando, ya que aun no me sale al 100% las ligas, pero se que con perseverancia lo podre lograr, de igual manera te agradezco y me pondré en contacto con los mencionados sudamakers, de igual manera también espero poder aprender a editar ligas y copas, a ver si así intercambiamos datos, muchas gracias por la atención estimado.
Update 1:
Adjusted salaries
Adjusted super league date
Adjusted some employees
Adjusted betplay cup pairings
Other minor changes
Update version 2.0:
Fixed calendars of the three divisions, the cup and the super cup
Adjusted TV values and participation
Adjusted Colombian peso currency
Changes in potential of players and employees
Jacobo 1226
Hola! GRAN parche, tengo una duda/sugerencia, es sobre si podrias hacer una pequeña variacion en el parche, la cual es que despues del todos contra todos, se disputen Play Offs, y no los Cuadrangulares, lo cual a mi modo de ver hace la Liga mas entretenida, ojala lo puedas hacer, porque desde que cambiaron el formato a los Cuadrangulares, no he tenido muchas ganas de jugar en Colombia (Por los mismos Cuadrangulares).
Espero que “cumplas mi deseo” (JAJAJA)
Hola amigo! Es una gran sugerencia… Lo pensé desde un principio pero me oriente mas por mantener el formato real. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que ya añadi la primera C a la copa colombia podria hacer esa modificacion…!
Jacobo 1226
No sabes lo feliz que me haria; desde el FM21 llevo buscando parches en donde se jueguen Play Offs y no cuadrangulares y no he podido encontrar ninguno.
Me encantaria que lo hicieras!!
Update 2.0 Hotfix:
Fixed cup history
Jacobo 1226
Parce hola, perdon la insistencia, pero si seria posible la modoficacion de agregar los play offs y eliminar los cudrangulares??
Amigo, ¿Cómo estas?. Debo confesarte que ese cambio es mas dificil y demorado de lo que parece, por lo que no creo hacerlo. En el momento me encuentro realizando los kits y posterior a eso me dedicaré a ampliar la base de datos. Esto lo hago en mi tiempo libre y tengo la prioridad en esas actividades. Sin embargo, ¡te agradezco inmensamente el interes que tienes por el parche!
Jacobo 1226
Na, tranquilo, no hay problema, lo menos que quiero es presionarte o incomodarte, segui haciendo lo tuyo (Que vas bien) Y si en algun momento llegas a sacar lo anteriormente mencionado te lo agradeceria demasiado.
Te agradezco la comprensión. De verdad que el editor tiene muchos problemas y cambiar una cosa aparentemente tan sencilla requiere de muchos pequeños cambios que tomarian demasiado tiempo, incluso mas que lo que ya le he dedicado (en serio). Igualmente te invito a que pruebes la ultima actualizacion que incluyes uniformes para todos los equipos, imagenes de ciudades para todos los equipos e imagenes de estadios tambien para todos los equipos.
Big visual UPDATE
Added uniforms for ALL teams in all three divisions
Added images of CITIES or SITES of INTEREST for ALL the teams of the three divisions
Added images of STADIUMS for ALL the teams of the three divisions
It supports saved games after the 2.0 hotfix.