Start a new game from any month and any year from 2019 to 2029

This custom file is a modified version of the original one done from sortitoutsi

With this file, you will be able to start a new game from any month (January – December) and from a list of 10 years (2019- 2029). So basically, you can directly go to the future to start a new game.

Notes : -
  • The later the starting year that you choose, the longer it takes to load a new game
Credit to sortitoutsi for the excellent work done on the original custom file.

Enjoy the custom files and your feedbacks are much appreciated.

2 years ago
3 months ago

has anyone ever figured out how to make this work with MLS (aside from selecting the next year)


i am playing FM21 and i have updated transfer packs etc, and every single other league works with this. 


i just spent wayyyyyyyyyy too long in the editor trying everything i could think of. changed the required amount of teams, edited the registered teams / teams next season. it never works when selecting any date in 2022, though. trying to do a journeyman save only to find my home country's league is defunct!

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