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Hi, do you have a photo of a player and don't know how to add it to the game? write to me and I will do it for you
(text translated by google translator)
Have you seen the contribution section of our cut-out facepack here? https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/1
If you're interested in editing faces, you can upload them there and they will be added to the pack that is used by thousands of people 👍
If there is a thread like this, I'm sorry. I mean that someone has a photo of a player who is not in some facepack and does not know how to add it. I want to help these people and then share it with the rest 😁
Yes that's what it is. People can request source images there, and then you are free to convert those into edited faces that can go into the game and upload them, as long as you make them in line with the guidelines that are set up here: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/360/guide-to-cutting-and-assorted-hints-tips-and-assistance
If you click here you can see all pending requests