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Hi all!
Help me please. Need to make these logos for normal and small size game
Thank you very much in advance!
Here you go
uefa enjoyer
Hello, could I please have this done in all sizes?
uefa enjoyer
mint, thank you so much mate🤝🏻
uefa enjoyer
Hello again - I'm in need of a few more logos (redoing the italian leagues as of right now and I'd love to add some better logos in my opinion to some teams). There are quite a few but they are all quality, I hope there aren't too many.
Here you go 🙂
uefa enjoyer
you are an absolute legend mate, thanks so much
Can someone make this logo metallic please?
Thanks in advance!
uefa enjoyer
man i'm dumb, just realized I posted the Hellas logo twice earlier and forgot to add Sampdoria, please make this metallic too
Sure, no problem
uefa enjoyer
love it man, thank you so much
We are doing a mod where will be all lower leagues teams in Finland. Now they are missing from the default database.
From that link (down) can be downloaded all stuff like folders with pics, FM ID numbers aso.,
and there is also a text file with lists with teams that can “inherit” their logos from their “parent” club.
A few teams are still missing from this file - but I'm waiting some emails.
There's a lot of stuff there, I know. No hurry.
But these are all real Finnish clubs and teams, and some day they might be in the default database…
If there is anything to ask, contact me.
Here your logos copied from 'parent' clubs.
As for the rest, would you like me to send you the logos in small packs when I have time to do them, or in one big pack when I've finished them all (this could take up to a month, maybe longer)?
I think that the best way is that you keep only one folder.
When you have finished some logos and added them into that folder, you could give me the new link. How often - I don't know…
That way there won't be any duplicates, when updating that folder.
And, thanks!
BTW, did you forget those config -files, or is that for me to do?
Can I please?
You can easily create configs yourself using this app 🙂
Here you go 🙂
Thanks for advice.
URGENT! I sent you that SUOMI (Finland) Mod stuff. You should / can have a pause with that.
I'm not the person making the league file, but this is what I know.
For some reason the Editor keeps changing those team ID numbers - like it's always creating a new file, while it should be updating a file.
And, of course, if those ID numbers change with every update, it's hopeless…
BTW, I try to help you with those new ‘default’ database Finnish teams' logos.
For instance, you can find that FC Germania Helsinki folder from the pack I sent.
Has anyone made this version of the premier league logo in metallic?
Thank you
Could someone also make this into a metallic logo for me please in the necessary sizes
uefa enjoyer
Hello, back again in need of some more metallic logos, now I've gone off to the lower leagues (and some leftover higher league teams), if you could please do them too it would be amazing. This time I added the ID for each team as well
can someone please make this logo metallic for me ?