How to use the NARIGON Skin on FM23
1. Download NARIGON Skin 23 Vx.x
2. Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip file to your skins folder, which by default is located here:
> Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2023 > skins >
3. Go to preferences in-game to clear cache and then select the skin.
4. Confirm or reload skin
5. Close FM and open again (is for Physical Condition in Percentage)
6. Have fun.
For years, I have customized my skins because I like simple skins and panels of different skins.
This is the second year I publish it.
Remember, my work is totally free.
Having trouble seeing the percentages?
Follow this simple tutorial.
1) Save your game.
2) Go to preference--> clear cache---> select NATIGON Skin 23 V1.xx --> confirm or reload-
3) Close FM and open it again.
4) Have fun
Don't know how to see the percentages in squad, tactics and in the match?
Once done the passes of the first tutorial
Follow these simple steps:
Option 1:
Select in squad NARIGON1 or NARIGO2 (they are included in the skin)
Once loaded, you can configure your personal view to your liking

Option 2:
Do you want to configure your personal view and only want to add the percentages?
a) Go to custom--> Customize Current View

b) Find and add:
Overal Physical Condition/Match Sharpness

Opción 3:
a) Download my personal version
and unzip to:
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\views
or in your personal folder.
b) Import

Last update:
V1.30 Final FM23 version
Add ingame editor in pre-match
Sidebar smoothing
Previous updates:
Added new backgrounds for more customization
Minor fix in club panel
Minor fix manager profile
Added vertical browser in titlebar.
Various minor fix.
Fix knowledge human profile
Portrait adaptation for more facepacks
Add overlays background selector
Fix scorebar for Champions League, European League, Conference, Bundesliga, others.
Fix value bar squad
Fix info player
Fix continue button
Add background selector
Fix sidebar text when unemployed
Fix colors atribute panel
Fix report scouting loan players
New titlebar
Fix hidden atribute list
Fix narigon1 squad view
+ New version No Hidden atributes
Fix colors sidebar
Add colors sidebar menu
Fix negociation
Club color change in player profile
Fix colours intro
Add kits in tactics
Add kit faces in player profile selector
V1.171 Fix profile personal details
Nose faces adaptation for Wide Action Facepack
Minor corrections
Fix value thousands / millions
Fix colours inbox
Add Physical Condition in Percentage.
Update nosE faces portrait
Add new portrait support for all facepacks

Fix popup background
Fix DF11
Fix sidebar
Fix selector
Fix player instructions overlay
Correct player panels
Fix transfer int
Fix comparison panel
Manager profile add history transfer
Manager profile add graphics trophies
Fix panel report
Fix panel popup overlapping words
Fix attribute box
Add comparison player profile
Fix contract
Fix atribute panel
Fix inbox scrolling
fix player profile overlapping words
fix staff profile overlapping words
Fix transfer Interest
In extended home fixture panel
Player bar in match (faces)
Fix contract
DF11 add selector pic (profile)
Small news (faces)
add logo in menu bar
Fix squad planner missing
Clean unnecessary files
Fix score
Background selector

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Mykal Judkins
Just downloaded - everything looks great - when in the team selection screen, try to hover over the Inj / Against / PR windows and they disappear into the background and can't be read
Thanks for the warning.
I have already fixed it for the next version.
So you don't wait, you can replace the file global panels.xml
Located in:
\skins\NARIGON Skin 23 V1.24\panels
I have attached it
Mykal Judkins
I've just noticed it does this is quite a few windows, including match summary
I am not seeing any hidden attributes apart from Current ability. Tried with both 1.21 and 1.24 versions
I have already corrected it for V1.25
Thanks for the warning.
To see the full list you must have the in-game editor DLC.
No hidden attributes version does not show any value.
I have strange problem with scoreboard. I'm managing Cambridge United in EF league One. When match start it shows three letter team names. After reloading skin during the match it shows full names like it should. But after half time it reverts back to three letters. I'm also managing Liverpool and have similar problem. In all Premier League matches it show full team name but in any other competition (Champions League, FA Cup, Carabao Cup) it shows three letter names.
I've tried everything I can thing of. Clearing cache, Deleting everythin from "C:\Users…. folder but problem still exists.
Thanks for the warning.
I will try to correct it.
I have already corrected it for all European competitions:
Champions League, Europe League, and Conference League
and for the Sky One League and for Bundesliga
In next update it will be corrected.
Avatar position is wrong
thanks for reporting.
I'll fix it for the next version.
While I am correcting it you can select Nose faces which is prepared for all styles of facepacks. But keep in mind that this information will not be shown until the next version
Ok, thank you. This is an avatar pack made by our domestic players. Everyone likes your skin very much.
Very well done skin! Exactly what I was looking for and its for free. THANK YOU!
There is something wrong during Youth intake phase… Instead of asking Director to finalise contracts - the option is to deny them!
Also this is broken:
At what time does that happen?
That is after evaluating young players
In inbox when they arrive it shows you like this:
And within youth candidates:
You're correct. However at this time already it was not possible to delegate to the DOF …
Anyway, V1 of German leaguefile has just been released, so I will startover anyway … Will let you know, next time I reach the youth intake. This time I will document from Phase1, if somethihng is still weird.
To be honest, I hadn't had this issue before but in my last save it occured today. As I hadnt changed anything except the skin, I thought it would be skin related.
As said, I will check at the next intake in my new save…
Hello, can you optimize the screen for 1440x900? Some data is incomplete
How do I adjust the transparency of the background?
By default, the text is difficult to see because it is covered by images.
My Settings is 70% using the Background Selector, but every time I start the game it goes back to the default.
I have looked at this site and tried changing "client object browser.xml" but it does not work.
I don't know, but if you place the code in another sector you can copy it.
I can't test it because I only use 1080
I have not seen that someone has been able to leave it on automatic.
You always start in default and then customize it.
It doesn't take you more than a few seconds.
Allows you to play the game separately. Scale adjustment 1440x800 Font size adjustment 100%
Como faço pra colocar minha foto de treinador la no jogo? Não curto aquela foto virtual
Good evening, how can I make the hidden attributes disappear in another skin?
I did this by changing the 80 overlay with the 10 overlay in the skins graphics map.
Go to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins\NARIGON Skin 23 V1.29\graphics\boxes\overlay
Copie and paste the 80 overlay (PNG file) to your desktop, change the name to 10, and overwrite it in the overlay map 10.
Hello @leandror ,
I would like to know how to modify colors in vertical menu.
Especially the Inbox icon :
For example :
Thank you for your help ! 😉
Châu Bảo
Hello ad
Why can't I see the hidden stats of players in the latest update
Michael Coimbra
hello i can`t see the potential capacity and hidden stats? i`ve done the tutorial. downloadede the view… can someone help me?
Hello @leandror ,
Thank you for your job, your skin is great !
I have noticed that a button is missing when I play a match between 2 of my teams : during the match, I can't switch between them to give instructions, change tactics, and all other items. I can only manage one team.
My workaroud is to change the skin only for these matches, but if you can solve it, it would be great !
Thank you very much ! 😉
As this was my skin for all of FM23 season, here's hoping for some quick release on FM24, which should arrive late this or early next week 🙂