2 years ago
2 weeks ago

CRIMEA is the country for the custom start date

12 years ago
4 days ago

It says that the version is not compatible with 24.0 and in the editor when I check the error in fifa world

12 years ago
2 weeks ago

Getting this error.


6 years ago
2 months ago

Or, you can just add the Iceland league and start the game on 8th may 2023.

No extra files needed 🙂 

adam Narfeldt
4 years ago
1 month ago
By ScheveStek 10 April 2023 - 21:21 PM UTC 

Or, you can just add the Iceland league and start the game on 8th may 2023.

No extra files needed 🙂 


Will it come with new transfer budgets etc?

6 years ago
2 months ago
By adam Narfeldt 06 June 2023 - 18:23 PM UTC 

Will it come with new transfer budgets etc?


Yes, once the season is finished you will get renewed transfer budgets.

My apologies for the very late reply.

BTW, it still works in FM24, select Iceland (or Finland) and you can pick 01/04/2024 as starting date.
However, you will not get regens untill the next intake date (march 2025).


Pro-tip: You can get an overload on newgens if you add a lower league right before the new season starts.


When setting up your game tick the box: "add players to playable teams".

This usually works with low reputation leagues/countries.


Belgium for example; I pick all the leagues I want to use but for Belgium I only pick the top division.

Then you start your game in 01/04/2024.

Once it's loaded you go to “add/remove leagues” and you add (in this case) the lower Belgian leagues.
The leagues will be added on the 29/06 and voila… An overload on Belgian newgens.

Most will be in the lowest division since the game adds players to playable teams.
The quality of the newgens depends on the youth rating of the country, the reputation of the clubs and the rating of your facilities.


i've tested a few leagues and they all get newgens only England does not.


Pretty fun if you are fed up with getting bad youth players 🙂

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