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Leicester home 23/24
Vard (Norway) ID 1416
Can someone please make home and away kits for RFC Liege?
https://fmkitcreator.com/tools/minikit-generator/ Read a couple posts back, there is a great tool to help you out create them yourself
Read a couple posts back, there is a great tool to help you out create them yourself
Ahh thats perfect for the Standard kits. May use it going forward. Not so good for SS or FC12 though
Yeah, standart is great, others not so much
Alguém tem kit do Milan (ITA)?
Alta (Norway) ID 1291
FC’12 Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Asker (Norway) ID 101493
Stoke City home 23/24
PES conversions to the rescue hehe
Asker (Norway) ID 101493DownloadhomeDownloadaway
fantastic work! hope the pack of all of the teams will come soon! (if there is of course)
Yes there will be, I hope to conclude in the next two weeks 🙂
Baerum (Norway) ID 1298
Galatasaray please.
Lincoln City home 23/24
Is it possible to make Saint-Etienne 2023-2024 kits plz 🙂
Green is home kit
White is away kit
Thanks 🙂
Can someone upload the kits for the portuguese 4th division?
Campeonato de Portugal ? done
Link please 🙏?
You will find a link in the FM23 section if follow the pack think at the top of the page, this is where you find all completed packs
you can find all 3D kits here: https://sortitoutsi.net/forums/16/3d-kits-forum?game=14&type=download&sort=title%2Casc
Liverpool home 23/24 Download
Liverpool home 23/24
Stupid question - but how do I download this?
Right click on the image and “save as”, then rename it to “liverpool_1” or whatever it's labelled as in your 3D kit folder.
Thank you! Do you then just add into the folder? It doesn't seem to work when I do that and reverts back to the original kits
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Leicester home 23/24
Vard (Norway) ID 1416
Damon Wright
Can someone please make home and away kits for RFC Liege?
Ahh thats perfect for the Standard kits. May use it going forward. Not so good for SS or FC12 though
Yeah, standart is great, others not so much
Josue Pereira1993
Alguém tem kit do Milan (ITA)?
Alta (Norway) ID 1291
Jay Jay Max
Druga Liga 2022/23
FC “Chaika" Petropavlivska Borschagivka home/away
FC’12 Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 SS'2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Jay Jay Max
Druga Liga 2022/23
FC “Vast" Mykolaiv home/away
FC’12 Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 SS'2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Jay Jay Max
Druga Liga 2022/23
FC “Zviahel" Novohrad-Volynskyi home/away
FC’12 Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Kitspack Ukraine Level 1-3 SS'2022-23 by Jay Jay Max (Update 01/06/2023): Go to page
Asker (Norway) ID 101493
Stoke City home 23/24
PES conversions to the rescue hehe
fantastic work! hope the pack of all of the teams will come soon! (if there is of course)
Yes there will be, I hope to conclude in the next two weeks 🙂
Baerum (Norway) ID 1298
Latrell yard man
Galatasaray please.
Lincoln City home 23/24
Is it possible to make Saint-Etienne 2023-2024 kits plz 🙂
Green is home kit
White is away kit
Thanks 🙂
Can someone upload the kits for the portuguese 4th division?
Campeonato de Portugal ? done
Link please 🙏?
You will find a link in the FM23 section if follow the pack think at the top of the page, this is where you find all completed packs
you can find all 3D kits here: https://sortitoutsi.net/forums/16/3d-kits-forum?game=14&type=download&sort=title%2Casc
Stupid question - but how do I download this?
Right click on the image and “save as”, then rename it to “liverpool_1” or whatever it's labelled as in your 3D kit folder.
Thank you! Do you then just add into the folder? It doesn't seem to work when I do that and reverts back to the original kits