FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 13 Mar 2025
- 108,726 Changes
- 610 Contributors
- FM24.3
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This page is here as a historical reference only.

On the other hand, there are 5 players from Charleroi who do not exist in the FM23 database, I put them in: Can you tell me if someone takes this into account?
It depends on their bith dates. Probably they will be added on FM24 🙂
Me from Belgium and I do exactly the same as you 🙂
On the other hand, there are 5 players from Charleroi who do not exist in the FM23 database, I put them in: Can you tell me if someone takes this into account?
I'm from Spain and I use google translator most of the times lol
Me from Belgium and I do exactly the same as you 🙂

Yes I understand, but hey, I don't really understand English, so it's not easy for me to express myself 😉
I'm from Spain and I use google translator most of the times lol
Yes, I understand, but I just pointed I didn'd did nothing. There's a lot of moderators in the site, could be another one 😀
Yes I understand, but hey, I don't really understand English, so it's not easy for me to express myself 😉
Yes, the article speaks well of the player's recruitment: The young attacking player born in 2004 was recruited by Michel Delph this summer. and it dates from 09/24/2022 😉 When I say refused, I mean not accepted, nothing too bad. I'm just trying to help at club level, because it's the club I've supported since I was a kid, so I know a lot about the team and all that I'm reporting to you as a change is concrete.
Yes, I understand, but I just pointed I didn'd did nothing. There's a lot of moderators in the site, could be another one 😀
Yes, the article speaks well of the player's recruitment: The young attacking player born in 2004 was recruited by Michel Delph this summer. and it dates from 09/24/2022 😉 When I say refused, I mean not accepted, nothing too bad. I'm just trying to help at club level, because it's the club I've supported since I was a kid, so I know a lot about the team and all that I'm reporting to you as a change is concrete.
The problem of his player Lucas Verhulst and also of Yaya Bayo and Taner Durmusali is that they don't exist on transfermarkt, so apart from Belgian newspaper links, I don't know sent anything else as proof. That's why I'm sure of myself for Verhulst at Ganshoren, Yaya Bayo at Suryoyes Bruxellois (He's in the team composition of the match) and Taner Durmusali I know he's without a club, but the problem is that I can't find any articles.
That link says Lucas is training with the team, but didn't say anything about he's signed. Also I didn't refused anything.
Yes, the article speaks well of the player's recruitment: The young attacking player born in 2004 was recruited by Michel Delph this summer. and it dates from 09/24/2022 😉 When I say refused, I mean not accepted, nothing too bad. I'm just trying to help at club level, because it's the club I've supported since I was a kid, so I know a lot about the team and all that I'm reporting to you as a change is concrete.
I sent you a reliable link the first time: The article is explicit on the fact that the player was signed by the Ganshoren club, but you refused saying that the transfer was not confirmed.
That link says Lucas is training with the team, but didn't say anything about he's signed. Also I didn't refused anything.
sorry for my English
It's like for Franck Defays, he is a coach of the Zebra Elites and still assistant coach of the first team, I asked you for the change with the proof: Behind we accept an end of contract when this is not the case, the proof: and Updated today. This is the club's official website 😉
I sent you a reliable link the first time: The article is explicit on the fact that the player was signed by the Ganshoren club, but you refused saying that the transfer was not confirmed.
sorry for my English
@jimmycliff1 Please note that not appearing on club's profile on Transfermarkt isn't a reliable source.
I sent you a reliable link the first time: The article is explicit on the fact that the player was signed by the Ganshoren club, but you refused saying that the transfer was not confirmed.
@jimmycliff1 Please note that not appearing on club's profile on Transfermarkt isn't a reliable source.

Thanks for all the info buddy. Have a nice day to you 😉