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Isaac Speke
Spot on that mate, sorry for the late response!
can someone please add frank mcparland to birmingham city Blues appoint recruitment team | Birmingham City Football Club (bcfc.com) i would be grateful thankyou
He will be added in the winter update
Johnny Mox
Hi Everyone, im new here, i Play a lot of FM21 and i notice there is no data update for the FM21 yet, will there ever be?
I Have FM21 because unhappily i can't have any other, and i would like to maintain my FM21 up to date.
Tkx in advance.
As we can't set a future retirement here, what do you guys think we should do with players like Nils Petersen? I would argue it's the most realistic to just keep them at their current club, because maybe they will play on for 2-3 more years in-game
oh eo
What's the difference? @Drafter
Nkunku, Söyüncü
same Fabrizio Romano twitter proof
but Nkunku X, Söyüncü O ????
https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/person/85140301 Nkunku
https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/person/70093800 Söyüncü
I confirmed that it has been modified
Christopher Bonsu Baah
Cant find him on FM?
oh eo
Julian Hutchence
Hi guys i am a new member here,i downloaded the DB's and now i saw how is to make it and want to join the group.
Can i please become a contributor too?I had experience with italian,brazilian,belgium and england football,and i know i can help with many new transfers.
Hi guys Vitor here, i know i made some mistakes with the Nkunku thing, but i am one of the guys with most submissions in the last months, and i help a lot too, enabling various submissions from other people.
I only made that stupid change because i want to do a new save, and i let it only for a day change, i please ask you, if the guys could reconsiderate this, because i never made any mistakes before this Nkunku thing,and i like a lot doing various changes in the DB.
Sorry again for all the mods, and please if you guys give me another chance i will not do the same thing
If you wanted to do a new save you could have just done it yourself in the editor?
I don't understand the need to make new accounts though, what's the reasoning behind that?
Is there no way to apply it?
brentford fc - ivan toney eight-month ban
I've just added 300,000 extra source links to help validate submissions here is Zlatan as an example
When making a change you will also be prompted with these same set of links.
If no link is found then you will be given a link to search on transfermarkt.com
Hi is there a DB that doesn't make the players a year older?
Just uncheck the file called “Updated Ages and Contracts by 1 year” when starting a new save.
Having some computer problems/changing system and wondering where the official 23.4.0 database can be found on my PC, or if i can download the file again, i have made my own custom fmf database file, (which i found) but think it will need the 23.4.0 database (which i can't find) to work.
Just a quick one, spotted that Ryan Kent has gone to Fenerbache, but game is showing that Rangers were paid £6.5m. It was a free transfer. Trying to figure out if the update did this or another file I am using. He left Rangers at the end of his contract and they received no fee.
A new feature has been added today. You can now upvote and downvote pending submissions.
This will help moderators clear the queue faster by seeing which submissions the community thinks are accurate.
Voting on submissions will now be a first step in the path to becoming a moderator. People who regularly take the time to vote on submissions will be invited to join the moderation team.
Thanks alot and all feedback would be very welcome!
I noticed a few people are being set as “non player” rather than set as ”retired"
@Mateee there was this one with Gareth Bale https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/person/5132312
@Matthew Salisbury this one with Bondz N'Gala is confusing because it looks like it was correct first then later set to non player but I can't see anything saying he's become non player https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/person/28006276
@Rob2312 Similar with Cesar Caneda its non player and released but not clear that he taking up a coaching role https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/person/200387
@Marc Schweiger similar with Florian Meyer https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/person/35014124
If i've misunderstood and these people are taking on coaching roles or there's some other issue with the retired setting that you're trying to work around feel free to say.
Just at a glance it looked like lots of people accidentally making the same mistake so I thought i'd post a reminder.
This is due to the fact that this was one of Drafter's rules that he used.
That's why most people, including myself, began to set such players as "non player" instead of "retired".
Ah I see. I figured it was something that had been discussed and I'd either missed or forgotten.
I guess it's a case of making an educated guess. E.g. I don't think Gareth Bale has any chance of taking a coaching role in real life.
Does the data update have player transfers only or does it include staff changes as well?
Reason being I have my own personal staff changes update file and I think it may clash with your one
Hi, thanks for the update. There is something strange happening in my game, very little transfers happening.
Is this normal, does anybody else see this?
This might be affected by whether or not you ticked first window transfer budgets when starting a new save
That one is off. But, if I would have put it on, there wouldn't be any transfers, right?
when benjamin mendy added?
Hi Guys thanks for your work one Question for what is the moving world cup fmf working?
Andy Webster joined hearts from st mirren
Ross Draper Elgin City manager/player
Why is Jota still in Celtic?
no update yesterday is there one today?