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Hey guys, used to be hooked on this game until FM16 and not played since so been a while. Have just purchased FM23 and looking to get back into it!
I was always a bit of a stickler when it comes to graphics and wanted everything to be perfect, I have looked around for getting the best logos/kits etc. but it seems like a complete minefield, could anyone link me to the best single file megapack out there for each please?
PS, I like the most standard version of logos/kits that are available in the most leagues possible if that makes sense.
Also, are there any other essential files to download other than the 'real names fix' this year?
I've seen there is an ‘increased realism megapack' is that worthwhile?
Bielsa is a legend
Personal choices;
my go tos are;
cut out face packs
susie real names fix
metallic logos
ss kits
background packs
robs history files
3d kits
flut skin
daves realism pack
Susie live database
all available on this site
in addition, metzfm sound pack is amazing, brings the 3D game to life, as a Leeds fan it’s great to hear Marching on Together in the game
you don’t need much more, I run all leagues to full detail, with 300,000 plus players, no issues
Ray Silver
Apologies for piggybacking here, but i found your reply (thank you Bielsa) very helpful(you are solely responsible for me buying the premium membership on here lol), I'm in a similar situation as Ross, but probably with a lot less tech knowhow.
I'm slowly trying to follow the guides to update FM23 with some of your suggestions before i start a proper career(previously my most recent was FM12 or 13). If i may ask, i've come across an issue whilst trying these new skins and logo's etc - I have a temp experimental league(english premier as advised in the you tube guide on soriitout) but when i look at other leagues for example La Liga or Italy, i can only see winners/runners up and no actual league table? have i done something wrong or is there a very simple and probably obvious answer?
Thnx very much, sorry to Ross 🙂
Bielsa is a legend
Morning, that sounds like you don’t have the other leagues as playable
you need to add these when you start the game in advanced set up
this brings up a list of leagues you can then tick to include
hopefully the images below will solve your issue
Ray Silver
Ohhhh, got it. Thank you for this, I think I rushed in a bit whilst setting up, luckily I haven't started yet, still getting it “just right”. It's definitely changed so much since I last played, really enjoying looking through the info on the club/player screens, especially loving the Flut skin and the layout.
Bielsa is a legend
That combination of files I find the best mate
i spend as much time getting the game right than I do playing it
i can send my editor data files if you like
Ray Silver
Thanks for the kind offer, at the moment I've set up a practise game in Bundesliga 2, just to try out all these new toys - for me the amount of information, numerous add ons and downloads are incredible from when I last played. I haven't even started a proper playthrough yet, and already feeling that “grab” the game used to give me lol So far - flut skin, logos, faces and background/stadium pack - I've spent the last 2 evenings just looking through these in game, wonderful 😀
I must give a big shout out to the video guy(No idea what his name is, but he has ginger hair and beard - his guide videos are great) Steadily working my way through them. Big respect to you Sir if you ever read this.
quick edit - I'm not entirely sure what the editor files are, but thank you for the offer of them
quick edit 2 - ok, just noticed there is a whole forum on these, off to investigate - via specsavers lol