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Which is the file that contains all transfer moves?
my faul…
Bielsa is a legend
as we have arrived at the busiest day of the year, we should recognise the work the team do to keep this database “live”
alot of hard work by @Footygamer and team
well done guys, and thank you
Christian Hagen
Hi! The latest update is from 1 september. Is the 2 september update delayed because of the deadline day? I fully understand if that’s the case. Really appreciate your work!
When release today's update?
I dont see shaqueel van persie (feyenoord), Etienne Mbappe (PSG) en Yamal (Barcelona) in the new update? Also Greenwoord is now player of Getafe.
Reidar Midtgaard
Not here to ask anything but to give some praise for the exeptional work done on the summer update!
Really looking forward to the deadlineday release and further in the future the finisherd one with updated budgets and so on!
Fantastic job guys!
Need to wait for new update of database, I don't see cancelo and joao felix at barcelona either
Huge thanks for everyone's hard work on this. Looking forward to starting a new save when the update's out!
Really grateful to the sortitoutsi community for giving us this data update, however ive been searching through submissions and am yet to see any update done on greenwood. It has been confirmed he has been transferred to getafe on loan and i would have submitted the request myself but when i search he's name, he dosent come up
Moke Kokic
Anyone else having issues with game asking to choose only one league file…? I have Dave Around the Globe installed and some countries have red mark to indicate you should choose only one file. While others don't have that…
Thanks so much for the update everyone. Only I no longer see the new players in this database, such as I Shaqueel van Persie (feyenoord), Etienne Mbappe (PSG) and Yamal (Barcelona). And indeed no Mason Greenwood either.
S. van Persie was present in a previous update. So what goes wrong now?
hey, short question.
I've downloaded and extracted the newest data update file into the editor data and have choosen it correctly in game. While using my team. i've noticed that the newest transfers like Muani moving to PSG isn't included into the database. Does someone have the same issues and can help me?
I have the same problem. I think it must be any league structure of the file from Dave, which does not fit with the newest data file update. But I also do not know, which file is the reason for the error message.
Reidar Midtgaard
I see latest update was posted this morning. Do the update come out more than once per day? cant start a new save without all changes🙂
Moke Kokic
For me, Italy, Hong Kong and India league filesare flagged as duplicate.
Hong Kong and India duplicate relative to Dave's Around the Globe league files and Italy duplicate relative to Italian rules fix in Realism file pack by other Dave.
Karl Aka
I have the same issues
Marco Orsolini
hi, emanuele vignato from bologna to pisa is not loan but definitive transfer
Here I have an FMF file containing the talents Yamal, Mbappe and van Persie. Also Greenwood is in this file.
If someone wants to play with these players, they must also load this file.
By extracting the file second time the problem was solved.
Leo Gabarró
Hi i'm trying to do a safe with UE olot and they have a policy of only signing catalan speakers (a language from a region of spain), it's similar to athletic bilbao's policy.
Could we include this policy in the game, with the restriciton of only signing catalan spekaer players.
Thank you!!!
PD: if anyone could teach me how to do it with the internal editor would be superb!
PD2: I attach some spanish newspaper report.
Ben Foster is still showing in the Wrexham team. He has retired.
He isnt in the DB so cant be updted here
if you have him you are using a Mod that has added him
take a look here
Not sure where to put this, so I'll put it here: Wouldn't it make sense as part of one of the general updates / improvements, to maybe push the reputations of the Saudi Competitions up higher to reflect the perceived desirability of going there caused by activity in the transfer market since FM23 came out? E.g. Saudi Professional League: 128 >> 154 (would put it between the Eredivisie and Brazilian Top Flight); Saudi King's Cup: 91 >> 118; Saudi Super Cup: 78 >> 101; Saudi First Division League: 75 >> 97.
Bielsa is a legend
Hopefully like china, here one minute gone the next
cant get interested in these backward thinking countries
whats a forward thinking country…..England?
There is a sticky thread on league updates request it there
and there is a Mod in the editors forum on this
Bielsa is a legend
We have a terrible government, but we don’t persecute people for who they are or who they love
i hope the Saudi league collapses, and all the footballing mercenaries who are only interested in money realise what they have done