Luis G Carpio
3 years ago
1 month ago

Hi guys,


 I am having an issue with 2 data files that I have created.


 I have created fantasy database for the USA and Canada.


My issue lies when strying to start a game. Whenever I load both leagues I always get and error saying " 18 teams minimum for Canada League only 12 found, 

Yet when I test nation rules in editor evrything shows that its good. 


It also happens with the USA data base. I don't know why. If I only tick 1 database then I dont get an error. Need some help cuz I've spent alot of time on m y database and would love to finally play it,.


Thanks in advance

18 years ago
2 minutes ago

You should probably share the file if you want anyone to help, it's impossible just from text 🙂


Also you selected FM21 when creating the topic but didn't make that clear in your post, you are talking about FM21 right?

Luis G Carpio
3 years ago
1 month ago

Sorry I didnt respond but got way busy. I still haven't figured this out. I attached the 2 files. This is for FM 2020

 I don't know why they cannpt work together. 


Like I mentioned before , whenever I try using both files I always get an error for Canada, but if I only click USA file everything is fine. Please I really need help. I've put in alot of work. Thanks to anyone who replies

Luis G Carpio
3 years ago
1 month ago

… also when I just use USA file it works, but the Canadian Premier league is the regular way that it should be in game.


When I put them together I get the error on the Canadian leagues missing teams>.


if I just use the Canada file then I get the error for the U.S. leagues missing teams 

Luis G Carpio
3 years ago
1 month ago

Sorry just noticed this post is on fm 21.

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