For years, I have customized my skins because I like simple skins and panels of different skins.

Remember, my work is totally free.

Hidden attributes will remain undisplayed until the official release of Football Manager 2024.
Only the recommended potential is visible 

Last update V1.00
* Released
* + No Hidden attribute version 


* timeline bar in match
* scoreboard of friendly matches, league matches, European Cups, Championship, Bundesliga
* Fix goal box in the match.
* Match Embellishment.
* Fix Scouting Center
* Fix Actions in Scouting Center

* New graphics in player and club panel

* Score bar competitions from England, Germany, and European Cups

* Team names formation in match

* add match statistics button


*) New match panel

*) Fix white color error in pre-match bar

Having trouble seeing the percentages?
Follow this simple tutorial.

1) Save your game.

2) Go to preference--> clear cache---> select NATIGON Skin 23 V1.xx --> confirm or reload-

3) Close FM and open it again.

4) Have fun

Don't know how to see the percentages in squad, tactics and in the match?

Once done the passes of the first tutorial

Follow these simple steps:

Option 1:

Select in squad NARIGON1 or NARIGO2 (they are included in the skin)

Once loaded, you can configure your personal view to your liking

Option 2:

Do you want to configure your personal view and only want to add the percentages?

a) Go to custom--> Customize Current View

b) Find and add:

Overal Physical Condition/Match Sharpness

Opción 3:

a) Download my personal version “NARIGON+View++Hidden+Attributes.rar”

and unzip to:

\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\views

or in your personal folder.

b) Import

Backgroun selector:




Hidden attributes will be visible when in-game editor is available.
For now only CA.


How to use the NARIGON Skin on FM24

1. Download NARIGON Skin 24 Vx.x

2. Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip file to your skins folder, which by default is located here:

> Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2024 > skins >

3. Go to preferences in-game to clear cache and then select the skin.

4. Confirm or reload skin

5. Close FM and open again (is for Physical Condition in Percentage)

6. Have fun.

NARIGON Skin - Credits and Thanks:

Base23 Skin  by bluestillidie00

OPZ Elite Skin by OPZ

TangFu Skin byTracisloo

Heffem Skin byKrysler76

MichaelMurrayUK (mods & widgets)

Support received SI Forum bybluestillidie00



2 years ago
4 months ago

Windows & Chrome are saying this a virus. This seems to be happening to a lot of skins being posted right now

12 years ago
4 months ago
By Gefahrlich24 20 October 2023 - 00:24 AM UTC 

Windows & Chrome are saying this a virus. This seems to be happening to a lot of skins being posted right now


yes exactly i deleted it already m8.. cheers

16 years ago
1 week ago
By Gefahrlich24 20 October 2023 - 00:24 AM UTC 

Windows & Chrome are saying this a virus. This seems to be happening to a lot of skins being posted right now


By Gefahrlich24 20 October 2023 - 00:24 AM UTC 

Windows & Chrome are saying this a virus. This seems to be happening to a lot of skins being posted right now

Yes, that has been said about many Skins, but it is false information. 
Skins do not have executable or dll files.
I have also been told privately on another page that there is a campaign by a user who creates skins and sells their products that the rumor has installed. If this is true, it is sad. 
As for my skin, I attest that there is nothing wrong with it at all. 
Either it is a false positive or just an antivirus error.

2 years ago
4 months ago
By leandror 20 October 2023 - 20:09 PM UTC 

Yes, that has been said about many Skins, but it is false information. 
Skins do not have executable or dll files.
I have also been told privately on another page that there is a campaign by a user who creates skins and sells their products that the rumor has installed. If this is true, it is sad. 
As for my skin, I attest that there is nothing wrong with it at all. 
Either it is a false positive or just an antivirus error.


Yeah I don’t doubt that its an error, my computer just auto deletes the file before I can unzip

16 years ago
1 week ago
By Gefahrlich24 20 October 2023 - 20:27 PM UTC 

Yeah I don’t doubt that its an error, my computer just auto deletes the file before I can unzip


Make sure to suspend your antivirus for a few minutes. 
And this way you will be able to unzip the .rar file 
Since you don't have to install anything, just leave it in the skin folder, there is no risk. 
Then don't forget to activate the antivirus
Try it and tell me.

2 years ago
26 minutes ago

The skin looks very cool, unfortunately the game crashes when I select the instant result in the game. You then end up in the game's menu at the messages and you can't go any further, you can't save or load anything anymore...

Will this still be corrected?


And one more question: Where do I have to move/install the fmf file with the hidden attributes, i.e. in which folder exactly? Only in skins or in the Nargion Skins Order? 

16 years ago
1 week ago
By Frank Thies 21 October 2023 - 00:27 AM UTC 

The skin looks very cool, unfortunately the game crashes when I select the instant result in the game. You then end up in the game's menu at the messages and you can't go any further, you can't save or load anything anymore...

Will this still be corrected?


And one more question: Where do I have to move/install the fmf file with the hidden attributes, i.e. in which folder exactly? Only in skins or in the Nargion Skins Order? 


I just tested it and it works correctly before the game and during the game.

2 years ago
26 minutes ago
By leandror 21 October 2023 - 00:42 AM UTC 

I just tested it and it works correctly before the game and during the game.

Thanks for the quick answer, I'll have to test it again, strange...

16 years ago
1 week ago
By Frank Thies 21 October 2023 - 00:54 AM UTC 

Thanks for the quick answer, I'll have to test it again, strange...


You are welcome. I was testing and I found an error in the colors of the bar on the pre-match screen. I have already corrected it for the next version. It doesn't give me an error, but it looks bad. Thanks for reporting it.

2 years ago
26 minutes ago

Hello, to which folder exactly does the Hidden Attributes file have to be copied? Do you already see the potential of the players? And thanks for this great skin!!!

16 years ago
1 week ago
By Frank Thies 22 October 2023 - 21:17 PM UTC 

Hello, to which folder exactly does the Hidden Attributes file have to be copied? Do you already see the potential of the players? And thanks for this great skin!!!


The hidden attributes are configured, but we have to wait for the in-game editor to be released on November 6th.

2 years ago
26 minutes ago
By leandror 22 October 2023 - 21:53 PM UTC 

The hidden attributes are configured, but we have to wait for the in-game editor to be released on November 6th.


ok, thank you! And one last question… Is it possible that you also included in the player attributes an overall current and potential ability like in the flutskindark (slightly larger and bolder). Overall strength and potenzial as a number ist the only thing I'm missing here… That would be so perfect :-)   

7 years ago
2 weeks ago

The GOAT Skin for FM22,23&24! I couldn't wait anymore to use it in FM2025 and future!

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