I'm happy to present you my skin, which I'm creating in collaboration with the biggest German FM-Streamer and Blogger FM.Zweierkette. 😀



The skin is a dark version and characterised by its small improvements, paired with the colours and features of FM.Zweierkette, without being far away from the original FM user interface.


It is important to us not to change the FM user interface too drastically, but to expand it in a meaningful way.


Please note, however, that with this skin I am leaving my usual environment of pure graphics editing (e.g. my Norseman's Logopack) and entering new territory with skinning. Therefore, not everything will run smoothly right away and there will still be some minor bugs here and there. But I'm having a lot of fun with it and I'm trying to acquire the knowledge quickly in order to get better at it.


That's why I'd like to thank the skin creators, who have been doing a great job for years, inspiring me to create my own skin and from whose work I can learn and understand a lot.



Credits and Thanks:


- Flut Skin

- MichaelMurrayUK

- FMEnhanced

- AlexMorak

- TCS Skin

- Tato Skin

- Kojuro



  • New Player Profile and Popup 
  • New Club Page
  • Tactic Screen with Player Faces
  • 3D-Match Screen Update
  • Teamtalk with Player Faces
  • Instant Result Button
  • Extended weekly processing 
  • Position colours changed in the tactics screen 
  • Scouting Card with more informations 
  • ID button in the top menu bar 
  • FMZ-Background added 
  • Scoreboard im 3D-Match 
  • Infoscreen after the match 
  • Form in the player profile now as a bar chart 
  • More improvements will follow...


  • Smaller font corrections 
  • Sidebar Bug should be fixed NEW


Known Bugs
  • None are currently known



Please note that the skin requires a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 to be displayed correctly. I will work on covering all resolutions, but this will take time.



How to use the FMZ-Skin on FM24


Move the downloaded .fmf file to your skins folders, by default located at:

> Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2024 > skins >

Go to preferences in-game, select the skin and hit Confirm.



Feedback and bug reports are welcome, so feel free to write me if you notice any bugs. 😀



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     Many Thanks for your support! 😄🍻

Elias Kokinos
1 year ago
2 months ago

Is the skin only in German? 

7 years ago
5 days ago

I do have problems that the skin isn't activated. I have tried it several times (of course like it is shown in the installation instructions and normally to “install” a skin is no big deal), but there is still the standard skin visible.

5 years ago
1 week ago

Like last year, the stamina indicators are not functioning properly when in game at the bottom of the screen

11 years ago
1 month ago
By fmbaggie 23 October 2023 - 17:03 PM UTC 

Like last year, the stamina indicators are not functioning properly when in game at the bottom of the screen


Thank you for the tip. Can you send me a screenshot?

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Elias Kokinos 23 October 2023 - 05:37 AM UTC 

Is the skin only in German? 


Normally not. Where do you have the problems?

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Finch0r 23 October 2023 - 07:42 AM UTC 

I do have problems that the skin isn't activated. I have tried it several times (of course like it is shown in the installation instructions and normally to “install” a skin is no big deal), but there is still the standard skin visible.


Ok, that's very strange. Did you put the skin file in the skin folder of your FM user folder? If you can select my skin in the game, have you cleared the cache before? 

Elias Kokinos
1 year ago
2 months ago
By NorsemanLP 23 October 2023 - 18:03 PM UTC 

Normally not. Where do you have the problems?


Oh, I don't have one. I got it up and running but didn't want it to be only in German. I got it all solved tho. 

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Elias Kokinos 23 October 2023 - 18:06 PM UTC 

Oh, I don't have one. I got it up and running but didn't want it to be only in German. I got it all solved tho. 


So is the skin ok for you now? If you still find a problem somewhere, please let me know. 🙂 

7 years ago
5 days ago
By NorsemanLP 23 October 2023 - 18:06 PM UTC 

Ok, that's very strange. Did you put the skin file in the skin folder of your FM user folder? If you can select my skin in the game, have you cleared the cache before? 


Yep, of course! I guess I was confused because I downloaded your update and haven't read that you needed to change the player profile. After I tried it with (the same) version, but from a different website, I have seen your comment there! :-D


Feedback: I don't like that the stadium is visible in the background. But overall, I am looking forward once the skin is ready and will try it again as soon as the game is finally released. 

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Finch0r 24 October 2023 - 07:37 AM UTC 

Yep, of course! I guess I was confused because I downloaded your update and haven't read that you needed to change the player profile. After I tried it with (the same) version, but from a different website, I have seen your comment there! :-D


Feedback: I don't like that the stadium is visible in the background. But overall, I am looking forward once the skin is ready and will try it again as soon as the game is finally released. 


The stadium as a background is due to a stadium pack that you are using. If you use the Mini Stadium Pack, the stadiums are only shown on the Club Page and the background is then displayed correctly. 🙂 

6 years ago
6 days ago

I love this skin, there is only one issue and one recommendation id like to say:

  • the  ingame stamina heart-shaped visualizers aint working, updating only on the half time break
  • the left toolbar menu could change its color to either the team your searching // the team of a player your searching or to the team your currently managing.
5 years ago
1 week ago
By NorsemanLP 23 October 2023 - 18:02 PM UTC 

Thank you for the tip. Can you send me a screenshot?

As attached, the stamina indicators at the bottom of the screen are different to the ones at the top. They update at half time/any time I make a substitution. Great skin apart from that though 👍

11 years ago
1 month ago
By fmbaggie 24 October 2023 - 15:13 PM UTC 

As attached, the stamina indicators at the bottom of the screen are different to the ones at the top. They update at half time/any time I make a substitution. Great skin apart from that though 👍


Thank you. Ok, that is indeed a strange bug. I'll fix it. Still, I'm glad you like the skin. 🙂

11 years ago
1 month ago
By iMaster1923 24 October 2023 - 14:21 PM UTC 

I love this skin, there is only one issue and one recommendation id like to say:

  • the  ingame stamina heart-shaped visualizers aint working, updating only on the half time break
  • the left toolbar menu could change its color to either the team your searching // the team of a player your searching or to the team your currently managing.


Thank you for your feedback. I am still working on fixing the bug.

Regarding your idea, I will probably leave it as it is. Our goal is to keep the look of the original user interface and to expand it sensibly, because we actually like the standard UI. Only the colours of FM.Zweierkette will find their way into the skin in some places. 🙂

Barry Bigtime
17 years ago
1 year ago

Firstly, love the skin. Great progress so far. I've noticed that the opposition pass map doesn't show when in the tablet during a match. It only shows my team's pass map. Secondly, if I have club stadium pictures downloaded, it interferes with the left menu background.

3 years ago
1 year ago

Can you please remove the stadium background on the left side column? It messes with the wording and makes it hard to read! Much appreciated. Everything else is great for me ! 

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Barry Bigtime 24 October 2023 - 22:18 PM UTC 

Firstly, love the skin. Great progress so far. I've noticed that the opposition pass map doesn't show when in the tablet during a match. It only shows my team's pass map. Secondly, if I have club stadium pictures downloaded, it interferes with the left menu background.


Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad you like the skin. 🙂

The bug with the pass map is also known and will be fixed in the next version.

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Kim.com 25 October 2023 - 02:01 AM UTC 

Can you please remove the stadium background on the left side column? It messes with the wording and makes it hard to read! Much appreciated. Everything else is great for me ! 


Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with my skin in the first place. You have to use a stadium pack that is used as a background.


There is a mini stadium pack which only inserts the stadium pictures in the club profile. 🙂 

10 years ago
3 months ago

This is the best skin alongside Zealand's - thanks! Danke! 


It is nearly perfect: only minor problem is the icon sidebar that has urban photo on the background, which makes it difficult to read the icons (see image). (The most common problem in most skins is the huge background photos that make it nearly impossible to read the page - not the case with Norseman's, thanks). 


11 years ago
1 month ago
By phd_angel 26 October 2023 - 18:01 PM UTC 

This is the best skin alongside Zealand's - thanks! Danke! 


It is nearly perfect: only minor problem is the icon sidebar that has urban photo on the background, which makes it difficult to read the icons (see image). (The most common problem in most skins is the huge background photos that make it nearly impossible to read the page - not the case with Norseman's, thanks). 



Do you use a background pack? If so, that's where the problem lies. The FM.Zweierkette skin is not designed for background packs and is only compatible with the Mini Stadium Pack if you want to see the stadiums in the club profile. 🙂

10 years ago
3 months ago

Yes, I use the mega background packs but am willing to uninstall it. I only installed them because I like to see the stadium photo in the club profile. 


Can you please share the link to the Mini Stadium Pack? I couldn't find it. Many thanks.

11 years ago
1 month ago
By phd_angel 27 October 2023 - 20:43 PM UTC 

Yes, I use the mega background packs but am willing to uninstall it. I only installed them because I like to see the stadium photo in the club profile. 


Can you please share the link to the Mini Stadium Pack? I couldn't find it. Many thanks.


The only pack I know and like at the moment is this one. 🙂 - https://www.fmscout.com/a-mini-stadiums-superpack-fm23.html. 

10 years ago
3 months ago

Thank you so much. It works. I can see the stadium photos on club profiles and the icon side bar is now in solid color. Amazing. Thanks.

11 years ago
1 month ago
By phd_angel 27 October 2023 - 20:59 PM UTC 

Thank you so much. It works. I can see the stadium photos on club profiles and the icon side bar is now in solid color. Amazing. Thanks.


Always a pleasure. 🙂

Ben rcMurray
1 year ago
3 months ago

Honestly, what a brilliant skin!  I’ve been searching so long for a skin like this. Pretty much everything is perfect! I just have a couple of recommendations tho 🙂


  • It would be greatly appreciated if you could add the League Table to the Club info screen is, or at least have the option to in a drop down section as that is key info to know about a club immediately when looking on the profile screen. I think it would be best placed in the bottom left where currently info of club rivals and legends are.
  • On the Player Profile screen it would be great to have the option of Recent form to be showed as a rating bar graph to view it clearer, rather than a line graph.
  • If possible, make it possible to create a custom scouting view in the scouting centre and for recruitment focus
6 years ago
1 year ago



Awesome skin, this is exactly what I was looking for!


There are a few bugs (some which already has been reported):


  • Opposition pass map is not working (I saw that a fix is comming)
  • Player stamina/bar at the bottom is not updating in matches (Saw that you're investigating the bug)
  • When hovering over staff it's showing two images on top of each other (see attatched file)


Besides these things it seems perfect!

1 year ago
1 year ago

Awesome skin! I found one bug that bothers me a lot. During the match, the opponent's pass map seems to not be displaying correctly. No matter what I do, I am only able to see my team's pass map. 

11 years ago
1 month ago
By hasslexp 31 October 2023 - 09:15 AM UTC 



Awesome skin, this is exactly what I was looking for!


There are a few bugs (some which already has been reported):


  • Opposition pass map is not working (I saw that a fix is comming)
  • Player stamina/bar at the bottom is not updating in matches (Saw that you're investigating the bug)
  • When hovering over staff it's showing two images on top of each other (see attatched file)


Besides these things it seems perfect!


The last point has been fixed by me and will be included in the next version. 🙂


The first two points with the pass map and the fitness of the players in the 3D match unfortunately seem to be a skin-related bug on the part of SI. I used the original lines of code from FM24 and these bugs still occur. I have also used other skins and checked them, and these two bugs also occur there. 😢


I will not give up and try to eliminate these bugs, but it is possible that I will not be able to do this if the bug on the part of SI actually remains.

11 years ago
1 month ago
By junkim100 31 October 2023 - 20:34 PM UTC 

Awesome skin! I found one bug that bothers me a lot. During the match, the opponent's pass map seems to not be displaying correctly. No matter what I do, I am only able to see my team's pass map. 


I explained the matter in a post above this one. 🙂

11 years ago
1 month ago
By Ben rcMurray 31 October 2023 - 00:10 AM UTC 

Honestly, what a brilliant skin!  I’ve been searching so long for a skin like this. Pretty much everything is perfect! I just have a couple of recommendations tho 🙂


  • It would be greatly appreciated if you could add the League Table to the Club info screen is, or at least have the option to in a drop down section as that is key info to know about a club immediately when looking on the profile screen. I think it would be best placed in the bottom left where currently info of club rivals and legends are.
  • On the Player Profile screen it would be great to have the option of Recent form to be showed as a rating bar graph to view it clearer, rather than a line graph.
  • If possible, make it possible to create a custom scouting view in the scouting centre and for recruitment focus


Thank you for your feedback and your ideas. I'm very pleased that you like my skin so much. 🙂


About your wishes: I can't promise that they will find their way into my skin. FM.Zweierkette and I have a certain idea of how we want to design the skin, but we are happy to listen to your ideas and wishes and consider whether we can implement them.

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