SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.

Greetings friends. At the moment, work is underway to create a package of forms for Ukraine. It will feature kits for football clubs from three professional leagues: Premier Liga, Persha Liga and Druga Liga.
The KITSPACK UKRAINE 2023-24 includes:
1. Premier Liga 2023-24 by Jay_Jay_Max (IN WORK)
2. Persha Liga 2023-24 by Jay Jay Max (IN WORK)
3. Druga Liga 2023-24 by Jay Jay Max (IN WORK)
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Jay Jay Max
Premier Liga 2023/24
FC “Veres" Rivne home/away/third
Telegram: FM Ukraine
Instagram: FM Ukraine
Facebook: FM Ukraine
Jay Jay Max
Premier Liga 2023/24
FC “Kolos" Kovalivka home
Telegram: FM Ukraine
Instagram: FM Ukraine
Facebook: FM Ukraine
@Jay Jay Max is there a reason you're submitting these in this thread rather than the submission system?
White Flag
Can you get this thread deleted? It's inappropriate and could confuse given a fake download link is provided.
@White Flag that seems a little hyperbolic, it's not a “fake download link" it's just the images without a config.xml.
But you're right it will confuse people.
I'll still wait for @Jay Jay Max to reply though 🙂
Jay Jay Max
Hello. You should not be misled. Because the subject says "IN WORK". Accordingly, the forms are still being made. I slowly make them and post them on this topic. It's more convenient for me. When I finish work on the kit of one of the Ukrainian leagues, I put the release date.
Jay Jay Max
Hello. It is more convenient for me to lay out forms for Ukrainian championships in my topic. I didn't really like your innovation.
Would you mind sharing some feedback about what issues it causes, it's still a work in progress and can only be perfected if people say why they won't use it. I would genuinely make anything you requested.
Is your expectation that other people will add your files to the system or do you not want them included at all?
Jay Jay Max
Premier Liga 2023/24
FC “Shakhtar" Donetsk home/away/third
Telegram: FM Ukraine
Instagram: FM Ukraine
Facebook: FM Ukraine
When finish?
Need help? I have some UPL kits)
Thank you for your work!
Hope to see FC Karpaty 🙂