The Grey Man
5 years ago
2 weeks ago

Hi i just install the new realistic faces but when i open the zip file i get an error about some can´t be changes and i cant override that, so when i install it i only got a small amount of UltraRealistic NewGan Faces that replaced the standard newgen faces. Can someone help with this thanks?


! Attempting to correct the invalid file or folder name
! Renaming C:\Users\myname\Downloads\newgan_faces_2024.00\6 - _UltraRealistic NewGan Face CutOuts by RnR & FM.Z_\African\COM9.png to C:\Users\myname\Downloads\newgan_faces_2024.00\6 - _UltraRealistic NewGan Face CutOuts by RnR & FM.Z_\African\_COM9.png

And 8 more like this. 

18 years ago
4 hours ago

If it's only 10 images that shouldn't be too big an issue. Or do more than that not uncompress?


So you wind up with a file called COM9.png or _COM9.png or both or neither?

The Grey Man
5 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Footygamer 01 November 2023 - 21:07 PM UTC 

If it's only 10 images that shouldn't be too big an issue. Or do more than that not uncompress?


So you wind up with a file called COM9.png or _COM9.png or both or neither?

8 more like this (COM1-9.png) and i don´t know how many that has being added but i am in 2026 in my save and out of let say 20 newgen only 2 has the UltraRealistic NewGan Faces so i think it is many that is missing. 


The Grey Man
5 years ago
2 weeks ago

The problem "it seems" is in the country I am a manager in (Denmark) when I look at U/18 in England there are 95% or more of them new gen = UltraRealistic NewGan Faces, so what is the "problem" I don't know, but it seems to work in England. If necessary I can test other countries to find the problem?

Side note. Only couple of players in the hole league has UltraRealistic NewGan Faces in Denmark U/18

18 years ago
4 hours ago

You seem to have conflated extraction errors with generating errors, just because winrar failed to extract 8 images that shouldn't affect how many are assigned images using the tool.


How many photos do you have in your folder of images?


How many folder rows are in the rtf file you exported?


How many lines are in the config.xml?


You should be able to open the rtf like a word file and the config.xml in notepad. The exact number doesn't matter just is it close to 20 or is it hundreds and thousands.

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