I'm happy to present you my skin, which I'm creating in collaboration with the biggest German FM-Streamer and Blogger FM.Zweierkette. 😀

The skin is a dark version and characterised by its small improvements, paired with the colours and features of FM.Zweierkette, without being far away from the original FM user interface.
It is important to us not to change the FM user interface too drastically, but to expand it in a meaningful way.
Please note, however, that with this skin I am leaving my usual environment of pure graphics editing (e.g. my Norseman's Logopack) and entering new territory with skinning. Therefore, not everything will run smoothly right away and there will still be some minor bugs here and there. But I'm having a lot of fun with it and I'm trying to acquire the knowledge quickly in order to get better at it.
That's why I'd like to thank the skin creators, who have been doing a great job for years, inspiring me to create my own skin and from whose work I can learn and understand a lot.
Credits and Thanks:
- TCS Skin
- Kojuro
- New Player Profile and Popup
- New Club Page
- Tactic Screen with Player Faces
- 3D-Match Screen Update
- Teamtalk with Player Faces
- Instant Result Button
- Extended weekly processing
- Position colours changed in the tactics screen
- Scouting Card with more informations
- ID button in the top menu bar
- FMZ-Background added
- Scoreboard im 3D-Match
- Infoscreen after the match
- Form in the player profile now as a bar chart
- More improvements will follow...
- Smaller font corrections
- Sidebar Bug should be fixed NEW
Known Bugs
- None are currently known
Please note that the skin requires a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 to be displayed correctly. I will work on covering all resolutions, but this will take time.
How to use the FMZ-Skin on FM24
Move the downloaded .fmf file to your skins folders, by default located at:
> Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2024 > skins >
Go to preferences in-game, select the skin and hit Confirm.
Feedback and bug reports are welcome, so feel free to write me if you notice any bugs. 😀
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Many Thanks for your support! 😄🍻
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Great skin, really enjoy it - keep ut the great work 🙂
I've tried to change the marked areas to “Training”, “Fitness” etc but they keep revert back to “Plans” - any tips on how to solve this?
Have a look in the FM settings, there is the item "Overwrite user-defined panels" or whatever it is called in English. If a tick is set there, then remove it. This will leave all the panels as you have selected them. 🙂
Hello NorsemanLP, (Google Trans🙂
I've tried all the skins (skin newbie) but I like yours the most. In the master trainer forum someone wrote about a bug in the scouting screen. Has anything been reported to you?
Best regards
Hallo NorsemanLP,
ich habe alle Skin (Skinneuling) ausprobiert, aber deiner ist mir am liebsten. Im Meistertrainerforum schrieb jemand von einem Bug im Scouting Bildschirm. Ist dir da etwas gemeldet worden?
Liebe Grüße
Should I write to you in German or in English? 😀
In the latest version of my skin for FM24, the scouting area has not yet been edited. This may have been the case in FM23.
So you're welcome to use the skin and shouldn't really have any problems, I think. 🙂
Hallo NorsemanLP,
besteht die Möglichkeit beim Taktikbildschirm / Spielfeld die li/re Füße Stärke der Spieler sichbar zu machen?
Liebe Grüße
Aktuell ist dies noch nicht möglich, der Taktik-Bildschirm ist aber noch nicht final. Es kann also sein, dass es in zukünftigen Versionen enthalten sein wird. 🙂
k buick
Hi, Love the skin you have done an amazing job.
however, is there a way to remove the colours on the Tactics page?
Thanks. 🙂
Do you mean the position colors?
k buick
I do yes. as well as the status bar at the bottom of matchdays.
Thank you for the skin. Like others mentioned, if the stamina bug could be fixed, it would be awesome!
Deyvid Simbras
Estou com o mesmo problema. No me caso, a imagem que aparece cortada, e sempre a tela inicial ao invés da cor roxa. Como resolvo isso?
Como disse no texto citado: Está a utilizar um pacote de fundo que a minha skin não suporta. Deve então remover o pacote de fundo. 🙂
I'm on it. 🙂
You would have to change the values in the XML files of the skin for this. As this is the FM.Zweierkette skin, the FMZ colours were used in different areas of the skin. 🙂
If you could put the player footedness in the player screen, would be awesome, great work!
The player profile is not yet finalised, so changes may still be made. 🙂
If I do not lower the bar on the match screen, there are only 4 statistics places, but in the promotional image there were 8, also the player profile was very wide and it took up a small space in the image, just like in the beta. What should I do (I am playing at the farthest distance in terms of font size, so it is not related to that)
Bryan Cheetham
Hi, great skin. Is there a way to change the opacity percentage?
Craig Quantrill
Excellent skin. I have one question, how do I get it to show all the info on the player screen? mine seems to have fewer bits and some are cut a bit short. such as the pros and cons doesnt fully show all the stars they are slightly cut off.
What resolution are you playing with? The FM skips areas if the resolution is lower than the resolution designed for the skin.
Not at the moment. As the skin is not designed to change the background, we have not yet considered the possibility of transparency. 🙂
Are you playing at a lower resolution than 1920x1080 or on a laptop with a smaller display?
Craig Quantrill
On a laptop so that's probably why. Thanks.
Ok, then we have found the problem here. 🙂
Some skins have an extra laptop version where the screens are set up differently, unfortunately our skin does not (yet) offer this.
When you activate the new skin everything is perfect, but when you open up fm24 the next time this blue thing appears and when you are in the menu you cant click anything
This has to do with the bug that a few people have encountered. There is a red text in the skin description above that explains how to fix it until I find the cause. 🙂
Scott Harra
I downloaded the new updated skin and have encountered the missing menu bar issue. It now occurs whether using FM skin or this skin. I cannot find the “Cache” nor the “Preferences” folder in “Users." I looked at the root level as well as the Sports Interactive directory level and can't find these folders to delete. Can you be more specific as to the folder locations? The game is now unusable in its current state.
Scott Harra
I ended up deleting this version of the skin from the directory and loaded the previous version. Got FM24 to work properly.
Rune Devisch
I get xml parsing error every time when I use this skin.
My favorite skin. Thanks for the good work!
One thing that I think it´s better in the original skin is the screen with the formation just before the match begins. The name of the players under the picture is very small and sometimes because of the bright colour not readable.