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Hi, I paid for the premium today for quick download, but I feel very miserable right now because the download speed is not fast as it is stated…
It is downloading in 24kb a sec and I did not pay for this…
I understand it was my decision to pay, but I truly feel ripped off so please can I request a refund.
Thank you.
Bielsa is a legend
impressive at those speeds how you downloaded 4 mega files in 20 mins between 12.30 and 1pm
Meaning I didn't and proves it right? I can't download them all within 27 minutes.
Bielsa is a legend
make it 5
Bielsa is a legend
Oh I thought you said I can download them all in 5 minutes. Yes I did try to download them and I was not able to cuz of speed.
@TwentyOneLights Can you screenshot the speed and that should also include the URL it's coming from (we spread downloads across multiple hosts and servers).
That speed is definitely not right and really strange that it's happening across multiple files, which suggests it's more likely to be an issue at your end.
You could try a speed test and screenshot that
Also @Bielsa is a Legend I appreciate you trying to be supportive of the site but there's no reason to be quite so confrontational with someone who has supported the site with a donation.
@Footygamer Hi thank you for your follow up
As the attachment shows, the speed was very slow at that point of time for some reason.
Maybe it is because I live in the opposite place of the globe from the server.
Right now the speed is at an acceptable rate so I would like to apologize for asking for a refund right away.
It was really frustrating yesterday…
Thank you again for your feedback.
P.S @Bielsa is a Legend Kudos to your passion for the site
Bielsa is a legend
Good you have it sorted
without this site the community and game would be much worse off
hope you enjoy the mods