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I appreciate that any discussion of downloading or sharing adboards is not allowed.
This is a query for support with personal skinning and not in relation to sharing etc.
Does anyone have enough knowledge of XML to help me understand why when testing adboard locations, I get some that overlap?
In the screenshot below, in the far left corner, you can see that boards 2 and 3 are overlapping, as are others. This means if I put actual boards in, they appear half and half on those board areas. I have no idea why or how. Any help greatly appreciated.
It's okay, I figured it out, if you go beyond whatever the limit is on the stadium model it starts overlapping some boards.
Got it sorted.
Do you know how to find out the record ID so that you can add your own ads to the config?
In the XML file you define the record value for each board you are using. The only thing you need to watch out for is that you are not using a record value that is already allocated to another board in the file.
For example:
<!-- Celtic ads -->
<record id="661002" path="pictures/ads/ecosse/clubs/celtic/dafa"/>
<record id="774110" path="video_ads/scotland/club/celtic/adidasNew1" animated="true" />
Where 661002 is an ID I have chosen to use for an aboard for Celtic because I know 661002 is not being used for any other boards called from the XML file.
You have one record for each board for that club, so the list should show all static and dynamic boards. The second example is a dynamic board.
Then later in the file, you list the actual boards to show in game. The List ID has to match the club UID you are allocating boards to. So in this example, 1569 is the UID of Celtic.
<!-- Celtic ads -->
<list id="1569">
<integer value="661002"/>
<integer value="774110"/>
You can use boards that show numbers like my first screenshot to figure out where they would actually appear in game, and then you list them on the list above in order. For dynamic boards, whichever is listed first will show first in game etc.
Hope that helps.
Thank you very much, that's what I thought too, but when I add a new line to the fm.xml for a club where I made custom ads. When you start the game you get an error message and no ads work
\'Appy \'Ammer
What is the error message? And did you get them to work in the end?
Do you know how to get the graphics to change for specific clubs?? I have an XML file and it only shows the default (Not FM default) for that league. I've tried to add specific banners for clubs in the Portuguese league and they won't show. I've copied the xml code like you have above for static adds as I don't want /need the dynamic adds changed and I've put the graphics folder in the correct place. I did the same for Fiorentina on FM23 and it worked fine.
Deniga Babatope
Please does the video folder have to be in capital letter for example HD or SD or does it have to be in hd or sd ?