3 years ago
1 month ago

I am still wondering, and after 10 years i decided to ask the forum.


When receiving a scouting report from your scouts in your inbox.  What is the actual difference in pressing: “Not interested” or the button “confirm”

i guess your scouts dont do anything with it right? since the scouting is finished.

i dont think when thicking “confirm” the player will be added to your main shortlist.

do y even have to press one of the buttons? or just leave it as it is?

Really really wonder


thanks for feedback, any feedback might help


10 years ago
2 months ago

confirm will go to your default shortlist (if you have a box ticked at the top of your shortlist keep scout reports upto date they will keep scouting that player )if you press not intrested they go to a discard list i think for a year and will not scout that player anymore while on the discard list 

3 years ago
1 month ago

Ah ok - sounds legit yes.  I never really took the time to investigate what the actual difference is.

But if you let your scouts NOT keep you shortlist up-to-date.. than there actual 0 difference..   either than they're at least put on the shortlist.

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