I've made a file that can be merged with NewGan's config.xml to map a face to any player or staff that doesn't have a face file in the Cut Out Player Face Megapack (around 340.000). This will remove all the black silhouettes of the game:
You need:
- Newgan V1.4.0: https://github.com/Maradonna90/NewGAN-Manager/releases
- Cut Out Player Face Megapack (2024.08): https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/1/cut-out-player-faces
- Updated game to version 24.4 (database 24.3)
- Updated to latest megapack and game version.
- Re-generated the whole file including missing palyers due a bug in Newgan (#221).
1: Open the downloaded file world.txt with any text editor, like Notepad++.
2: Select all the text (Edit/Select All or Ctrl+A). There are around 280.000 lines, it may take a while.
3: Copy (Edit/Copy or Ctrl+C)
4: Generate your config.xml file with newgan (usually located at C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\graphics\FMNEWGANv3\config.xml)
5: Open NewGan's config.xml
6: Go to the last record, at the end of the file:
7: Paste (Edit/Paste or Ctrl+V):
8: Save
9: Reload skin on FM2024
- You need to do this every time you generate a new config.xml (even with preserve), becase newgens have “r-” as part of the ID, while the players/staff of this file doesn't have them.
- Is recommended to make a backup of you config.xml file to easily restore if things go bad, or you want to update it.
- If you update to V3, the faces of the players will change, since the file had to be created from scratch for this new versions.
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Very nicely done, love it already.
thanks man
Finally got it done .. Beauty .
if i am doing a preserve update .. than I just copy paste these at the end of the list again ?
My silhouettes are missing by default, even before loading this in. Any help?
Hi, good job. Could you please give some more details?
After thinking a bit, is it maybe like this:
What I do is revert my changes on config.xml, then do a preserve update, then paste again at the end. Otherwise the file will keep growing a lot.
Maybe something wrong with the skin you are using? Default game settings and skin should have this silhouettes
I noticed that preserve overwrites this manual changes, so i suggest to remove this changes before generating with preserve, then apply again.
My file doesn't use megapack files, but I used it as reference to know which faces are missing.
So it is like this:
1: Cut out megapack for most of the players & staff already existing in the game.
2: Regens faces generated by newgan and their config file.
3: My file for players & staff already in the game (no regens) without a face in cutout megapack. Since I'm reusing the faces files from newgan megapack, this changes have to be made in newgan config file.
It works good, thanks! I duplicate the Newgan file before i add worldV2.txt. Next year, delete the config.xml, rename copy back to config.xml and then run Newgan/preserve. And repeat process.
Good idea!
1amazing player
can you please explain in a bit more detail please . Thanks
First you need the two packs at top. Cut-out faces and Newgan.
They both have instruction on how you install them. You must do that first.
When you have got that to work:
You are going to edit the Config.xml as described. You paste worldv2.txt at the botton, and then config.xml ALSO make references to the newgan pictures for the black profile faces
You do this once a year. So next year, (or next time) you are going to use Newgan to give all the new regens faces you have to use the PRESERVE function in Newgan.
This function looks at the OLD config.xml file to see what changes that should be done.
Since you have edited this file this will clutter the file up.
So therefore, before you begin NEWGAN the second time you delete your editet Config.xml file, and replace it with the untouched old config-copy.xml.
That way NEWGAN can use the PRESERVE.
And after the process you copy the config.xml once more so you keep a raw-file to next year when you do the preserve once more.
And add worldv2.txt to the new config-xml file.
you have to do this every year. A bit process but goes fast when you know the drill.
1amazing player
i want to ask you few questions.
New version V3: Updated to latest megapack and game version.
If you update to it from V1 or V2, the faces of the players will change, since the file had to be created from scratch for this new versions.
Shaun Davie
is there any chance somebody could make a video of how to do this process as the steps above are fairly confusing it would be much apricated
It worked for me, but when the black silhouettes disappear, no face appears, an empty space remains, this error is because I have another facepack to use with the NewGAN-Manager. My question is: how do I create a new config.xml (like the one downloaded here) with the facepack I have?
Dont know if you solved it already. I used another facepack and it puts the cfg.xml in that folder , then i add the sting of lines while having the cutouts in the normal folder and that seems to work almost perfect
Hello, could you specify in more detail the steps you took? Thank you very much, so we can clarify it for everyone.
Well sure I can try.
First you do like you would with for example the newgan guide that gives all the newgens faces with that pack. You do that to completion and check so it has replaced the new gens with new faces. You will still have the black faces by this point. Followed this guide : https://beta.fm-base.co.uk/articles/sagkrzealand-facepack
Now you follow what 1Amazing Player put :
"When you have got that to work:
The config.xml will be in the Faces folder of the newgen facepack, the folder you selected in newgan when generating faces. I paste the text from worldv2.txt into that and reload skin thing in fm24 and it works.
It seems very importan to install Cut Out Player Face Megapack (2024.08): https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/1/cut-out-player-faces in the correct folder for it to work :
Saim Arshad
Can you make a video showing it on Macbook? It seems a lot tricky
I have almost got it to work I still get some black silhouettes, at the same time some of the players get a Newgen picture.
I have got the Newgen facepack to work. But when I copy paste worldv3.txt I still won’t work.
Tried starting from scratch, clearing cash, reloading the skin, but when I insert the Worldv3.txt either nothing happens or some players get a new face.
Is there supposed to be a torrent download for all the faces, because I don't see it on the page and found older posts mentioning it's somewhere at the bottom. I can't see it and downloading the facepack through a million of direct mirrors is hell.
EDIT: I was looking for it for hours. And just hittin CtrlF and searching for torrent instantly showed the torrent link. I feel stupid, please shame me and ignore this comment.
Stu Wright
Thanks for this. I've just done it with the latest Cut Out Player Face Megapack and the new Newgan tool FM.Z Tool and it all worked a treat. All players have faces!