1 year ago
4 months ago

I totally reworked the hungarian leage in fm editor but nowhere to find where can i set which country's players count as “non-foreign”,so for some reason the game using the default settings which means whole Africa, some british island, Russia, Ukraine and Azerbajan. I would like to delete all of them and only allow slovaks and croatians to count as “non foreign” players. Is there any way to do it? 

10 years ago
9 hours ago

To change nations listed as non foreign you need to go onto Hungary in the editor and then open the tab for “relationships” and under that there's options for countries that are like EU and countries that are treated as non foreign.


To make it easier on yourself so you don't need to individually add each nation you could group nations you want to add like “Slovak”, etc into agreements (like the EU) and then just add the agreement to Non Foreign.

10 years ago
9 hours ago

In my Al-Palestino project I used existing agreements to establish players to be listed as non foreign and similiar to EU in Palestine and it has worked out well for me.


By renskay 05 February 2024 - 13:20 PM UTC 

So the way the agreements are being used is to have a list of nations that can be assigned to the “Treated as EU” section for Palestine and “Treated as Non Foreign” section for Palestine.

Levantine Teams will be Treated as Non Foreign for Palestine
Treated as Non Foreign
Council of Arab Unity
League of Arab States
Treated as EU
10 years ago
9 hours ago

I don't remember specifically if I made a “Slovak” agreement but you can check if there's one suitable here.



If not just add a new one yourself for your needs.


1 year ago
4 months ago
By renskay 14 February 2024 - 20:27 PM UTC 

I don't remember specifically if I made a “Slovak” agreement but you can check if there's one suitable here.



If not just add a new one yourself for your needs.


Thank you! A lot of stuff just so hard to find here… 


10 years ago
9 hours ago
By dave8814 18 February 2024 - 18:21 PM UTC 

Thank you! A lot of stuff just so hard to find here… 


No problem mate! the editor can be a intimidating at times for sure.

1 year ago
4 months ago
By renskay 14 February 2024 - 20:27 PM UTC 

I don't remember specifically if I made a “Slovak” agreement but you can check if there's one suitable here.



If not just add a new one yourself for your needs.


I need one more help if you dont mind. In Hungary, there is an u20 rule, some kind of point system. When you use a hungarian player, you get 1 point after every minute he playes. But if you use an U21 hungarian player, you got 10 points after every minute he played. The limit is 29700 points per season. If you earn it at the end of the season, you got 350 million forint reward (890.731 euro). I've seen something similar in the game in the polish league at the rules. I wonder if I can set up something like that in the editor. Did you try something like this, or have seen it somewhere? 

10 years ago
9 hours ago
By dave8814 29 February 2024 - 17:09 PM UTC 

I need one more help if you dont mind. In Hungary, there is an u20 rule, some kind of point system. When you use a hungarian player, you get 1 point after every minute he playes. But if you use an U21 hungarian player, you got 10 points after every minute he played. The limit is 29700 points per season. If you earn it at the end of the season, you got 350 million forint reward (890.731 euro). I've seen something similar in the game in the polish league at the rules. I wonder if I can set up something like that in the editor. Did you try something like this, or have seen it somewhere? 


This type of thing would be an option in the advanced rules. If you'd like to see how it's done you should copy the existing rules for either Hungary or Poland in the game. To do this you just add nation rules and select the option to add leagues to existing rules, then you can just convert those rules to advanced and check the structure of the league you want.

1 year ago
4 months ago
By renskay 29 February 2024 - 17:44 PM UTC 

This type of thing would be an option in the advanced rules. If you'd like to see how it's done you should copy the existing rules for either Hungary or Poland in the game. To do this you just add nation rules and select the option to add leagues to existing rules, then you can just convert those rules to advanced and check the structure of the league you want.


Well, its kinda interesting. I did as you say. Added the polish leagues, and checked the first division's rules (PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa). In the Fixture rules Rule 0 to Rule whatever number I checked them all. I found the registration rules, that you cant have more than 2 non-eu player, must have at least 1 u21 ect. But I nowhere to be find the following and donno why: 

10 years ago
9 hours ago
By dave8814 01 March 2024 - 07:52 AM UTC 

Well, its kinda interesting. I did as you say. Added the polish leagues, and checked the first division's rules (PKO Bank Polski Ekstraklasa). In the Fixture rules Rule 0 to Rule whatever number I checked them all. I found the registration rules, that you cant have more than 2 non-eu player, must have at least 1 u21 ect. But I nowhere to be find the following and donno why: 



I think this could be it.


Located in additional helpers at the bottom of the nation rules.

10 years ago
9 hours ago
In the league fixture rules I found this option set to fine teams based on U22 players
1 year ago
4 months ago
By renskay 01 March 2024 - 09:44 AM UTC 

I think this could be it.


Located in additional helpers at the bottom of the nation rules.




Man, you are awesome! This is it! And it seems it works perfectly!

10 years ago
9 hours ago
By dave8814 01 March 2024 - 11:02 AM UTC 

Man, you are awesome! This is it! And it seems it works perfectly!


You're welcome bud! I've actually never heard of a rule like this but it seems pretty cool. makes it so teams are given incentive to develop their own players, which is good.

1 year ago
4 months ago
By renskay 01 March 2024 - 13:30 PM UTC 

You're welcome bud! I've actually never heard of a rule like this but it seems pretty cool. makes it so teams are given incentive to develop their own players, which is good.


Yeah, I agree with you. And I'm surprised its not originally in the game because the hungarian division I use this since 2-3 years.

1 year ago
4 months ago
By renskay 01 March 2024 - 13:30 PM UTC 

You're welcome bud! I've actually never heard of a rule like this but it seems pretty cool. makes it so teams are given incentive to develop their own players, which is good.

Sorry to keep bothering you, but this editor is terribly confusing and not userfriendly at all. I have two problems. First, when I set in basic rules that the cup finals should be in the national stadium, and then I go to advanced rules, the editor, obviously forgets that and the first team keep playing at home in the final. In the advanced rules I just cant find where can I tell the game I want the final be in a Neutral stadium… Is it even possible?


And my second problem is the fixtures. I raised the number of teams in the league but for some reason the game put the extra matches in Aug. I wanted to create something like the Premier Leugue, where in Aug its only 3 rounds, not 6… But I just cant find anything about the dates of the fixtures, so now all matches played in Saturday or Wednesday, not from friday to monday or something like in the PL. 


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