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The Prediction League is back just visit https://sortitoutsi.net/prediction-league to start making your predictions.


We'll be giving away a copy of FM24 every single month to the top points scorer from that month, so if you've reading this after the seasons started don't worry you'll still be in with a great chance of winning at the start of the new month.


I'm also working on some alternatives prizes featuring the Marshall Islands Football Federation. We're raising money for their campaign to create a national soccer team and fight climate at the same time please help by donating

Grüll Dániel
3 years ago
6 months ago

Hi there,

No optional football kits to win this time? It would be really sad…


18 years ago
12 hours ago

For now i'm trying to work on some other things.


At the very least shirts will be back as a prize after FM24 is released and most people have bought it.

Smith Saemisch
1 year ago
1 year ago

no prizes for the fpl this year?

9 years ago
9 months ago

Sorry lads, but you really gotta sort out the prediction league, it's randomly not taking the results I predict, and there being no save button makes things worse.

For me, it didn't take my guess for Liverpool-Villa because it decided to save every input apart from the one how many Villa is gonna score. That one I was able to fix because of the mail about invalid predictions.

When I fixed that prediction I also changed by prediction for City - Fulham to 5-0. Now I'm looking at how many points I have and I see that the input for how many City scores was deleted and I'm now not getting any points. It's really quite frustrating when you get scammed out of a - so far - decently scoring week by such shenanigans.

18 years ago
12 hours ago

Really sorry about that, could you give more information? There should be physical feedback when it doesn't save such as the score vanishing from the input and a pop up with an error message.


I've just updated the page so it should give clearer error messages if your internet is cutting out or something.


I appreciate this would be frustrating but you are the only person to complain out of 3000 so using rhetoric about being scammed and “you gotta sort it out” isn't very fair or helpful. What would be helpful is giving more information such as what visual feedback you get, if you have a particularly poor internet connection, whether you're using desktop or mobile, what date/time you made these changes so I can check the logs.

2 years ago
11 months ago


if we won during a month which I think I have if my phone isn’t glitching when do we get the game?

Jorge Antonio Mora Sanchez
2 years ago
9 months ago

Hello, I was the winner of the month of October of prediction league, what is the process to claim the FM24?



Will Donaldson
3 years ago
3 weeks ago
By Smith Saemisch 26 August 2023 - 11:56 AM UTC 

no prizes for the fpl this year?


no haha

János Adamkó
2 years ago
3 weeks ago

Jó napot, sziasztok. Most néztem bele a tipp nyereményjátékba, az volt írva, hogy a legjobb tippelő minden hónapban kap egy Football Manager 2024-et.. nos, novemberben én voltam a legjobb tippelő és nem kaptam értesítést a nyereményről .. Eljött a nyeremény ideje?? a havi táblázat mutatja az eredménymet.., Adamkó János vagyok.. .

Good day, hello.. I just looked in the tip prize game, it said that the best guesser gets a Football Manager 2024 every month.. well, I was the best guesser in November and I didn't receive any notification about the prize.. Now it's time for the prize?? here is the monthly table, I'm János Adamkó..

János Adamkó
2 years ago
3 weeks ago

?? :-O választ kérnék, ha nem bánod...... Mi a probléma, hogy nem kaptam meg a beígért nyereményt???  This is not fair of you.. :-( 

18 years ago
12 hours ago

Hey sorry for the slow response. It looks like you never responded to my email about it i've sent you another one now.

6 years ago
6 months ago

Hi, the first in the may table was winning in other month too… what about give the fm24 for second place?😅 

4 years ago
2 days ago
By Footygamer 12 March 2024 - 05:20 AM UTC 

Hey sorry for the slow response. It looks like you never responded to my email about it i've sent you another one now.


Seems i win at April in Premier League 2024 Prediction League, will I get a copy of FM24?

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