10 years ago
4 weeks ago

I made a validator for user-downloaded graphics. It is by no means perfect yet, and I am unsure if some destination paths passed as valid are legitimate, but it is better than nothing, and to get any further I need more knowledge and outside testing.


GitHub link

Requires Python 3.


How to use:

  • Read the text files in ‘settings’ folder.
  • Write graphics location(s) you want to validate in ‘settings/graphics_locations.txt’.
  • Run the ‘’ file.
  • When the program is done, it generates a log file in ‘logs’ folder. Open it, and deal with the found issues as you wish.
  • Run the script until there is nothing you want to correct anymore.


Since this has only been tested by me so far, it is difficult to grasp how easy or difficult it is to understand the script's messages, or the instructions I put together. If you are confused, please be patient and I try to help however I can.


I hope this tool is useful for both graphics creators and downloaders.

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