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New Thread for 3D retro kits 🙂
I'm happy to be the first to post here!
Here is some old wiener teams:
First Vienna
Admira Wacker Wien (now Mödling)
Can someone do these retro 1860 kits? Thanks!
Would really love this Liverpool 1986 kit- the 1st kit I ever got, thank you.
there’s someone able to do juve 95/96 kits?
thank you
Any man utd 98/99 3d kits ?
Can someone help to update this Bristol Rovers kit to current format?
Nice to see this thread. We can convert lots and lots of PES retro kits here via https://fmkitcreator.com/tools/pes-to-fm-converter/ (@kitcreator) which I hope will be updated soon with @Bluestillidie00 new model mapping.
Of course it still could use a bit or reworking afterwards, but the possibilities are endless.
(Example) Arsenal 2002-2003
2D Standard Kits:
Hello.That's someone can create the real madrid 96/97 kits? Thank you very much!
lazio 98/99?
hull city 1992-1993
Hello.That's someone can create the real madrid 96/97 kits? Thank you very much!DownloadDownloadDownload
Real Madrid 3rd:
SK Rapid Wien
Austria Klagenfurt
FK Austria Wien
SK Sturm Graz
FC Tirol Innsbruck
SV Casino Salzburg The greatest Salzburger team ever time.
(F..K red bull!!!)
Can someone do the Chelsea 1997-98 Home Shirt only and the 98-99 Away and Third Kits please?
Can anyone help with 1998/99 Man United 3D kits pretty please
FK Austria Wien 1989 home1989 away
by anychance do you've the 2d versions off theses kits aswell? thanks
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New Thread for 3D retro kits 🙂
Laurent Czerwinski
I'm happy to be the first to post here!
Here is some old wiener teams:
First Vienna
Admira Wacker Wien (now Mödling)
Can someone do these retro 1860 kits? Thanks!
Would really love this Liverpool 1986 kit- the 1st kit I ever got, thank you.
Laurent Czerwinski
there’s someone able to do juve 95/96 kits?
thank you
Any man utd 98/99 3d kits ?
Eloy Gabriel Nuñez
Can someone help to update this Bristol Rovers kit to current format?
Nice to see this thread. We can convert lots and lots of PES retro kits here via https://fmkitcreator.com/tools/pes-to-fm-converter/ (@kitcreator) which I hope will be updated soon with @Bluestillidie00 new model mapping.
Of course it still could use a bit or reworking afterwards, but the possibilities are endless.
(Example) Arsenal 2002-2003
2D Standard Kits:
Hello.That's someone can create the real madrid 96/97 kits? Thank you very much!
lazio 98/99?
hull city 1992-1993
Laurent Czerwinski
Laurent Czerwinski
Real Madrid 3rd:
Laurent Czerwinski
SK Rapid Wien
Laurent Czerwinski
Austria Klagenfurt
Laurent Czerwinski
FK Austria Wien
Laurent Czerwinski
SK Sturm Graz
Laurent Czerwinski
First Vienna
Laurent Czerwinski
FC Tirol Innsbruck
Laurent Czerwinski
SV Casino Salzburg The greatest Salzburger team ever time.
(F..K red bull!!!)
Laurent Czerwinski
Laurent Czerwinski
Can someone do the Chelsea 1997-98 Home Shirt only and the 98-99 Away and Third Kits please?
Laurent Czerwinski
chris le friec
Can anyone help with 1998/99 Man United 3D kits pretty please
Karl Jones 6767
by anychance do you've the 2d versions off theses kits aswell? thanks