

Pending by Qvordrup on 17 May 2024 19:55:29
Completed by bakizp on 30 Aug 2024 12:36:15
Completed on 18 Sep 2024 12:41:25
14 years ago
7 months ago



Why change the logo in May 22 when the one Derek submitted in March 22 was the correct one?




It's a motorcycle logo...

17 years ago
5 hours ago
By Skywalker 17 May 2024 - 19:46 PM UTC 



Why change the logo in May 22 when the one Derek submitted in March 22 was the correct one?




It's a motorcycle logo...

@Skywalker First of all… great to see you back at contributing to the metallic logo project 👍


Well it is unfortunately not that simple 🤷‍♂️ Here is a long story tried to made short and understandable 🙂:


The browsing and submissions systems are quit new (from last june). To begin with it was only focused on metallic logos and was quite simple… you could only submit sources that would be made in to metallic'd logos and added to the pack if accepted. I then wanted the project to evolve and include a way for people to upload and submit “game ready” metallic'd logos to make it more of a community experience and not just one person doing the vast majority of the work.


It then turned out that “footygamer” has had a vision of collecting sources for all logo packs in one place for a long time and he took the opportunity and are right now in the process of making this system a huge library of sources for every logo pack to use. So sources from other logo packs has been imported in recent times and that is why you see this happening. So no one has changed the logo. So unfortunately you can't really use the dates to anything because it can very well just be an import date and no one has actually looked at it and made any conscious decision.


So just let us know if you spot something similar.


Then there are the hole submitting thing and what the different status means. This is where it gets a bit messy and shows that this i very much W.I.P


The idea is that the gathering of sources will have it's own system and the metallic project will have a different system. Right now those two things only exist in “footygamers” head and I have no idea how the end product will look.


But right now “source” is anything also metallic'd logos.

“game ready” means cut source that can be used by any logo project.


This is so it is possible to export all the “sources” and “game ready” (cut logos) images to their own system hopefully in the near future.


That would hopefully mean we can have a metallic logo system where the statuses makes more sense.


But I'm just trying to follow whatever changes are being made  🙂


Really hopes that makes sense to you 🙂👍




Completed by bakizp on 30 Aug 2024 12:37:05
Completed on 06 Sep 2024 10:21:31