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I started a save with King’s Lynn in conference National. Got promoted first season with real life chairman. Then second season in conference national (top of league) the chairman kept trying to sell the club. There was one failed local business man one but never got as far as a transfer embargo so guess it was never close.
I then got the elusive “things might never be the same” media message. Claimed a South Korean business man tycoon wanted to buy the club and would make £11.2m available for transfers. This went on for a month or two with the “deal close” and “deal close to falling apart” media messages repeatedly coming up…then a transfer embargo set in and it happened.
I have screen shots on my laptop but there was a media message using the words “tycoon” and the landmarks tab now says the club was taken over by a tycoon. However a message was received saying he was making 100k available for transfers. I mean 100k at conference level was handy but not ground breaking as a tycoon take over should be in my opinion. Our wage budget went up but only to 7th highest in national league. The original media message did the usual “he will stop at nothing to make Kings Lynn the biggest team in the land”.
Either way I got promotion again in record breaking style to league 2. Budget released for that season 60k transfer budget and 60k salary budget which is ok but again not spectacular for league 2 by any means.
The question I’m asking is anyone with experience of tycoon take overs, I know there is 3 different types of tycoons but if you’ve had one at lower league do they sometimes take time to start investing money. I mean my side like all conference sides bleeds money despite me never going over salary budget etc and operating carefully. The owner put £1m in to help with running costs at the end of the national league promotion season when the overall balance was £300k in the red (still no actual debt etc). He usually after an argument accepts requests to improve youth recruitment but any improvement to facilities gets rejected “because of the clubs financial situation” which I find odd as he’s a tycoon and the club balance is positive and no debt.
I’m now at a stage where championship clubs are coming in for me. I always play my journey man saves as real as I can (virtually no rep, badges etc). I move when it’s realistic to etc. I didn’t know I’d get a tycoon take over but when I’m on £950 p/w and clubs are offering me £6,750 p/w wage in real life I’d surely jump to a massive club (derby and Coventry for context) but I’m tempted to stay because of the tycoon aspect.
Playing round on the skin I use I noticed on the finances tab it tells you if which ever club your looking at, has a tycoon an what type (underwriter, foreground) etc. on my Kings Lynn save it just says Tycoon and no description of which. Only one I can find with no description as well.
Is this normal for a tycoon save to be like this. I don’t want to leave and suddenly after over a year he starts acting like the announcements at his take over claimed he would be 😂. Basically what I’m saying is, after 30 plus years of playing fm and never getting a tycoon take over, if he’s about to give me a truck load of money randomly I will stay put lol.
Bielsa is a legend
Sounds about right, all these “Tycoons" that promise the moon until the deal is closed, then once the deal is done they invest the thick end of f*ck all
So true. I mean money wise he’s certainly a tycoon. I just don’t know whether to stick with my tiny kings Lynn side on a shoe string (but quietly confident of my chances of another immediate back to back promotion to league 1) or crack on moving career wise up the leagues to derby for example who have balance of 17m, solid championship side in my universe an chances to progress them.