3D Kits

3D Kits are special kits designed to make the match engine look even better, with the players wearing customised and improved kits on the pitch.
  • 817 Downloadable Packs
3D Kits

5 years ago
31 seconds ago

Hi Guys


I know all you kit creators are all super busy but i was wondering if someone was willing to create some 3D kits from existing 2d kits i already have, happy to pay for the work for you taking the time out to make them


many thanks

13 years ago
18 hours ago
5 years ago
31 seconds ago
By Macarrao 06 September 2024 - 18:31 PM UTC 

https://fmkitcreator.com/tools/minikit-generator/ use this page,it´s free

ive tried before but not that computer and graphically minded i can never get it right


Johnny Heinonen
4 years ago
2 hours ago

just send me the kits you would like to transfer, and I post you back 🙂 Lets see if we can make some kits.  Blessings Johnny

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