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Hello I downloaded FM24 Data Update for my Football Manager 2024 game. Since I have devised a way to start directly from the 2024-2025 season, does anyone know how to increase loans by one year without having to do it one at a time?
would like to know as well, anyone can help?
thank you for your precision
thank you for your precision
David Daniels
Looks like no one has found a way to do it but if the ages and contracts +1 year is a thing then, there should be something similar
ya unfortunately no 1 bother
felipe de marco
I have the same problem, I start on 05/27/2024 and the loans end on 06/30/2024, failure of the team that does the update, they should let the loans expire in 2025, continue the game
Nuno André Mesquita
hello guys
Does anyone still have a file with updated transfers and loans, to start a game in the summer of 2024?
Nuno André Mesquita
hey guys
How can I obtain the file that allows the extension of loan contracts, to start the game in 2024?
As above I have downloaded the data update and am using the FMRTE latest results and tables and am starting end of June / Beginning of July 2024. However all of the loans expire before the 30th June 2024 irl this should be 2025.
Also there are players contracts who also expire in June 2024, when irl they expire 2025. But if you stat with the database in 2024 it doesn't work for these players or loans
Is there a fmf file out there anywhere that deals with this, obviously there the ‘ages and contracts +1 year' for the database to start in 23 season, but nothing for if you want to start it in 24 season, without having to manually change them in the editor
Looking for the same thing, surprised someone hasn't put this together with many trying to pull off current/future season starts with transfer updated databases.
hi, does anyone have a solution to this problem?
Ryan Opoku-Darko
Still looking for this please