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hello could someone please help me with what downloads I need to download to play the English premier league season 24/25 with the most recent transfers.
I have tried different downloads and the change start date of the season the transfers are near enough but the teams are always wrong I have tried the download for UpToDate scores but they don't change any thing. all i want is the correct team in premier league for the new season and UpToDate transfers.
any help or guidance would be really helpful
please help if you can
Bielsa is a legend
The data update on here is a great start
I have downloaded the data update for the new transfers. The problem is getting the correct teams in the leagues for 24/25 season
Bielsa is a legend
It’s all in there with promotions and relegations
yes you are correct about that but you start in the 23/24 season unless you use the custom start date download and start in august 2024 but then the teams are not right because it sims the 23/24 season and the promotions and relegations are wrong.
Not sure if I understand correctly…
So, you expect that Burnley, Luton Town and Sheffield United are in the Premier League when you start the game… Then, when it reaches July 2024, the above teams relegate to the Championship, and Leicester City, Ipswich Town and Southampton promote.
Is that what you want? So, in other words, you want real life results?
I start a new game with a custom start date as August 2024 so I'm playing the current season but when you use the custom start date the teams are wrong even when using with the up to date download.
But yes I want Leicester City, Ipswich Town and Southampton in the Premier league with the up to date transfers with a start date of August 2024 so I can play the football season that is running now
We all do the same. That's the point of updating the database… Most of us just happen to ignore the year in the game, and treat August 2023 as August 2024. That's all… it's much simpler this way!
Anyway, please read the reference links in the previous reply. Hope that helps.