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Hi! I have made some custom kits and here are som examples from Liverpool. Blessings Johnny
SpVgg Unterhaching Fantasy Kits - with sponsors Adidas, Hagebau and Hochland:
Let's Go Haching !
Cannock Park Rangers
Hi, pachanga.
If you have the time, can you do those ferrol kits
oi changa, let me bother you again. can you help me with those kits
Relax men with the reguests,..
Ipswich Town third kit
@Pachanga these are great apologies I have only just seen them I don't suppose you have all these in standard and ss kit please also is there a way to change the logo as I have one designed
the correct size always 1024 from convert!!
Where can I find Trabzonspor 3rd jersey? If I made a mistake, I apologize to all my teachers and masters.
Liverpool X Adidas
AFC Richmond 3D kits for you to use if you so wish …………..
Dear kit creators,
Is there a chance to create this adiddas 3D kit as well as a 2D SS kit for Liverpool FC?
Simple red template without any white spots, only with adidas logo, stripes and sponsor on it.
Link: https://www.footyheadlines.com/2024/04/adidas-liverpool-25-26-concept-kit.html
I would really appreciate it! thank you very much! Happy Holidays!
Dear kit creators, Is there a chance to create this adiddas 3D kit as well as a 2D SS kit for Liverpool FC? Simple red template without any white spots, only with adidas logo, stripes and sponsor on it. Link: https://www.footyheadlines.com/2024/04/adidas-liverpool-25-26-concept-kit.html I would really appreciate it! thank you very much! Happy Holidays!
Our colleague Thomas “Kaziniho” White made this wonderfull 2D kits. Any chance for a 3D kit for them?
Link: https://sortitoutsi.net/comments/get/807784
Thomas “Kaziniho” White commented on SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
made this for know…@Alex Ailincai
Please and tank you…
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Johnny Heinonen
Hi! I have made some custom kits and here are som examples from Liverpool. Blessings Johnny
SpVgg Unterhaching Fantasy Kits - with sponsors Adidas, Hagebau and Hochland:
Let's Go Haching !
Cannock Park Rangers
Hi, pachanga.
If you have the time, can you do those ferrol kits
oi changa, let me bother you again. can you help me with those kits
Relax men with the reguests,..
Johnny Heinonen
Ipswich Town third kit
@Pachanga these are great apologies I have only just seen them I don't suppose you have all these in standard and ss kit please also is there a way to change the logo as I have one designed
the correct size always 1024 from convert!!
Where can I find Trabzonspor 3rd jersey? If I made a mistake, I apologize to all my teachers and masters.
Victor Bhering
Liverpool X Adidas
AFC Richmond 3D kits for you to use if you so wish …………..
Alex Ailincai
Dear kit creators,
Is there a chance to create this adiddas 3D kit as well as a 2D SS kit for Liverpool FC?
Simple red template without any white spots, only with adidas logo, stripes and sponsor on it.
Link: https://www.footyheadlines.com/2024/04/adidas-liverpool-25-26-concept-kit.html
I would really appreciate it! thank you very much! Happy Holidays!
Alex Ailincai
Our colleague Thomas “Kaziniho” White made this wonderfull 2D kits. Any chance for a 3D kit for them?
Link: https://sortitoutsi.net/comments/get/807784
Thomas “Kaziniho” White commented on SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
made this for know…@Alex Ailincai
Please and tank you…