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Just over halfway through my first season with SW Bregenz (Austrian First Division). I have several players in the final year of their contracts who I would like to keep around but none of these players are willing to discuss new deals.
All these players and their agents are unwilling to hear any offers because apparently “any new contract would be on inferior terms”.. I have over £3k pw wage budget available so they're wrong !
Or is it possible that the board have said no players can be offered improved terms? Seems silly when I have ample wage budget available
Any advice would be appreciated
"...does not want to consider a renewal of terms at this time."
So, may just wait and try again once he wants to talk?
Bielsa is a legend
maybe wait until 6 months to go and see if anything changes
Despite that you can only wait for them to talk, there are actually things that you can do at the moment…
Wage isn't necessarily the issue. I mean, for example, if you're pleased with life in the club, you may be willing to earn less and stay. If you can shine under this management, you may want to be part of the long-term success here.
Anyway, let's look at some real life scenarios:
So, what you may do is the usual objective: win games… as well as value the players. Don't expect that there's any shortcut… praising the players every week isn't the way. It just takes time to bring success and build reputation.
In summary, it's up to you to impress your players now. Theoretically, the more impressive you're, the more likely they want to stay and play for you… and hopefully, the earlier they're interested in talking to you again, and the better chance you can complete a deal with them.