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Boys, I wouldn't say I'm terrible at the game or say I don't know what I'm doing but I'm currently managing Farsley as they're local ish to me and have just been promoted to the championship in 5/6 years I think. What I struggle with is finding players to make the step up, I don't know if this is controversial and needs a VAR check but I'll have multiple save files as I progress through the transfer window and then go back to the first save file and shortlist all the players I've found that I like the look at because my scouting is trash although the scouts aren't bad I'm probs not utilising them the best (I tick assign any scout). Someone help me out on how to make my life easier because this process is so annoying and very frustrating. Nice one.
Bielsa is a legend
Are you linked to Leeds, if so take some u18s on loan, a few like Harry Gray, Oliver Boast and Will Alker are good enough at the start of the game for league football.
if you are 5 years in I would target Scandinavia for new players and adopt a 4231 formation, I did this playing as my local team Garforth, found some cracking players in danish youth teams for example
im not convinced the quality of scout matters that much, more the reputation of the club
good luck