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Hi, I'm using the paid Classic FM files and would like to use them in tandem with an English lower leagues data file. Given that clubs in the lower leagues have been updated, I assume this is possible, but FM prevents me from loading the files together as ‘Only one file for England can be selected’. Honestly I'm not sure why England comes up in the nations/continents column while others (like Denmark in the screenshot) don't.
Bielsa is a legend
There is a E20 lower league update 24-25 file which will work if you uncheck England League file
Where can I find it?
Bielsa is a legend
Steam workshop has the latest version mate
Still can't find it I'm afraid, FMUpdate on Steam has lvl10 built in but doesn't have a separate file as far as I can tell 😢
Just untick “England (League)” if you want to use E20. I'm not sure if E20 has the promotions and relegations up to date, if it does then go ahead and use it. If it doesn't then you're stuck either having Level 20 without the 24/25 season teams or using only the default leagues but with updates promotions/relegations.
I do have a file that adds the 7th tier which I haven't had enough time to test it properly yet, if you want to give it a go it's attached.