SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 2013/graphics/kits/put in here!
If there is no graphics folder there, create 'graphics'
FM13 - click 'Preferences' 'Interface' unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times and click tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences' 'Reload Skin'.
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread
If there is no graphics folder there, create 'graphics'
FM13 - click 'Preferences' 'Interface' unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times and click tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences' 'Reload Skin'.
Any problem - please go to this thread - SS Help/Discussion Thread
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Jacob Michael
Jacob Michael
will check, are you on FM13? what club?
EDIT - just found it, thats you posting for Zebbug Rangers, we havent them as kits yet tho...if you want them, give me pictures, we will make them for you.
Jacob Michael
Jacob Michael
those are the kits i would like to have
yellow with green stripes
green with yellow horizontal stripe the other
can you change the logo to nike
the logo redbull main sponsor
meli under
sixt on arms
thank you
Jacob Michael
Hi! Did you find out why it doesnt show? I tried to start a new game and its the away kit that doesnt show now? :-(
is it config there? if yeah, show me.
Jacob Michael
I started a new game with all the downloads and it shows now the first kit, but in photoshop i can only save as .bmp, and it takes alot of space, how can i save as .png, because i am trying to do the rest of the maltese league teams aswell
why? mine working fine, must be something your pc or wrong place in folders, thats why i ask you show me your config or folders thats where you put in?
Jacob Michael
As soon as i get home i will send you the config, do want picture or , how shall i show them?
shift hold and press prtscn (top right of keyboard) to open 'Paint' paste it, save as then upload them, copy link ([img], paste here!
Jacob Michael
ok and show me screenshot of your kits on folder as well pls
Jacob Michael