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Tyrion Lannister
ha ha! anyone else seen that before?
Sheriff Skacel
Tyrion Lannister
howdy skacel. not seen you around these parts for a while.
Sheriff Skacel
Tyrion Lannister
if I remember correctly, I played a game in 2004 and singed luca toni & sol cambell. I especially remember that you were a bit of a controversial moderator that made me laugh. what you up to now?
Sheriff Skacel
I languish in mediocrity for the most part, thinking back to my glory days and valuing myself far more than my actual worth.
I am Leeds United.
Tyrion Lannister
As for Leeds United, I live opposite Elland Road. And I have the dubious honour of being the closest Bradford City fan that lives closest to Beeston United. Plus I am a regular contributor to the fanzine, 'City Gent'.
Behave yourself Sheriff. I am watching you...
Tyrion Lannister